7 Immature Dating Habits You Need to Drop Now
There are some habits we get into that are not easy to break. When it comes to dating, however, forming immature habits can hurt your chances at a great relationship. We talked to Adam LoDolce, dating...
View Article5 Flirting Tips for Shy Girls
You’re dying to say “hi” to that cutie in your calculus class, but it just feels weird going up to someone you don’t know well. It seems like you’re never going to get a conversation beyond integrals...
View Article17 College Women Get Real About The Lack of 'Old-Fashioned Dating'...
Can you remember the last time a nice guy came up to you at a party and politely asked for your number without trying to grope you, ask you to come to his room to do shots, or do something else his...
View Article12 College Guys Get REAL About Their First Time
"First times" can be good, bad or anything in between.We asked real college guys to tell the truth about their first time, and here's what they had to say."It did and did not live up to the hype you...
View Article3 Things That Guys Say Make You Girlfriend Material
Sometimes, this crazy thing called love can be a little confusing. It’s as if talking to a new love interest means not appearing to be too available, but still letting them know that we’re interested....
View Article17 College Women Get Real About Being a Virgin in College
While much is discussed about the active sex lives of college students, there are many who go through college with their virginity in tact. To take a look at what it’s like to be a virgin – by choice...
View Article5 Signs He's Interested That You're Not Noticing
Trying to figure out if a guy is interested in you can lead you down a confusing road. Sure, you could just flat out ask, but that takes away the fun of finding out if he’s crushing on you back. It can...
View Article5 Signs It’s Time to Let Go of Your Relationship
Sometimes a relationship ends in a big way. Maybe you and your SO got in a huge fight or one of you seriously broke the other’s trust. But other times, it’s not so clear. All relationships go through...
View ArticleThe 13 Stages of Accepting That Your School Has No Good Options for Love...
We've all heard the stories of college romance turned lifetime of happiness. So how were we to know that's not ~always~ the case? We'll admit we suffered from denial for quite some time, but we're...
View Article21 Ways to Answer ‘Are You Seeing Anyone?’
When going through a dry spell, recovering from a recent breakup or successfully maintaining your perpetually single lifestyle, it can seem like the entire world suddenly cares about your love life....
View ArticleI Was Sexually Assaulted in Middle School & No One Cared
Trigger warning: Sexual assault Middle school: the time when everyone wore tank tops over their shirts and tried on thongs for the first time. For most girls, it was a period of...
View Article7 Reasons You're Not Over Your Ex
There’s no denying it: breakups are hard. No one expects you to get over it right away. Allow yourself enough time to experience a full range of emotions. But if it’s been months since you and your ex...
View ArticleHow to Handle Things With Your Crush Before Winter Break
So you didn't meet anyone you were into all semester, and then a week or two before break, the cutie in your psych class finally decided to talk to you. Worst timing ever, right? Whether you want to...
View ArticleGift Ideas for Any Kind of Relationship
As the holidays approach, everyone scrambles to brainstorm the perfect gift for his or her best friend, mom, dad and siblings. Getting a gift for your hard-to-please brother is one thing, but shopping...
View Article8 Ways to Keep Your Long-Term Relationship Strong
Sometimes, relationships can be so stressful that you may want to pull your hair out. But you have worked way too hard for that hair to be pulling it out! Not all relationships are meant to last, but...
View Article16 Things Guys Think They Know About Girls (That Aren't Necessarily True!)
When it comes to girls, guys tend to think they have it all figured out. They may not understand why we do the things that we do, but most guys feel pretty certain that they know, at least, what it is...
View ArticleMy Boyfriend Has a Daughter Who's Not Mine
To most people I seem like an ordinary college student, but if you saw me at home you would probably think something totally different. I’ve got a secret, one that I’ve hidden pretty well from people...
View Article24 Signs Your Significant Other is Your Best Friend
Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a total rookie, when it comes to the world of dating, there are certain signs that can tell you whether or not a relationship is going to last. As college women, we...
View Article4 Reasons He’s Stringing You Along (& What to Do About It)
He seems to have fun talking to you when you’re out with friends, but he only texts you after dark. Or maybe he calls you his girlfriend, but he’s been pretty distant lately. Maybe he only seems to...
View Article5 Things You Shouldn’t Say to an Interracial Couple, as told by NeNe Leakes
Interracial relationships are on the rise in the United States. However, for some people, seeing two individuals with different skin colors happily in love can still produce befuddling reactions.Below...
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