Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a total rookie, when it comes to the world of dating, there are certain signs that can tell you whether or not a relationship is going to last. As college women, we tend to take the possibility of commitment a bit more seriously than we did in our middle school days, and the men we choose to date aren’t based off of how they rank on the popularity scale. No, we look for the guys we are actually compatible with; ones that will make us laugh, buy us food and let us watch endless seasons of Friends without complaining.
We want the boys who are more than just boyfriends – they are our best friends.
Here are 24 signs your SO is also your BFF.
1. They finish your sentences and read your mind.
It's actually kind of freaky.
2. They know when you're upset without you saying anything.
No matter how hard you try to hide it.
3. They’re the first person you want to talk to whenever something exciting happens.
And will act just as excited just to make you happy.
4. You are 100 percent comfortable with them seeing you looking like a total mess.
Sweatpants, hair tied, chilling with no makeup on.
5. You can talk to them about anything, anytime.
Hi, just called to say hi again.
6. You can ALWAYS make each other laugh, even about the dumbest things.
The inside jokes are neverending.
7. They accept your annoying habits wholeheartedly.
Like making them late to almost every dinner reservation you've ever made.
8. You trust them completely, even with your biggest secrets.
Even the ones no one else knows.
9. They help you put things in perspective when you’re about to lose it.
Like having your own personal chill pill.
10. They make you want to be a better person.
11. They care about your family and actually enjoy spending time with them.
And have endured more than one awkward family gathering.
12. They’ll talk to you on the phone for hours, even if you have nothing important to say.
Want to hear what happened to me at the library today?
13. They’ll travel ridiculous distances to spend the smallest amount of time with you.
Three hours driving time for one hour together = totally worth it.
14. They’re friends with your friends.
If you wanna be my lover, you've got to get with my friends.
15. They’ll let you share your opinions, even if they don’t agree.
And try not to argue, even when they know you're wrong.
16. They’ll endure endless couple pics just so you can get the perfect IG.
Let's show everyone how cute we are!
17. They’ll do you last-minute favors without asking for anything in return.
Like when you lock your keys in the car for the fifth time.
18. They know when you’ve reached your limit at a party.
Oh, come on, I can handle one more drink.
19. ...and when you’ve gone way past it.
Just kidding, you were totally right. Never let me drink again.
20. You talk every day but never run out of things to talk about.
What'd you have for lunch today? How's your mom? Did you do well on your exam?
21. They’ll stay in with you even when everyone else is going out.
Skip the bars and snuggle with me!
22. They celebrate your smallest accomplishments.
"You made it to your 8 a.m.?! Congrats, babe!"
23. They don’t judge you for your past mistakes.
The past is the past.
24. They let you be yourself in every situation and never try to change you.
Because they love you for you.