What it’s Like Playing Hard to Get
You want to let a special someone know you like him, but how?Any logical person would talk to him to try and develop the relationship further.But you don’t want to come off as too eager or...
View Article6 Creative Ideas for a Date Night In
Whether you’re unwilling to venture out into the chilly winter weather or you don’t have the money to blow on a fancy date night, there are some nights that you and your guy just don’t want to leave...
View ArticleHow to Tell Your SO About Your Past Love Life
There’s nothing more exciting than the start of a new romance — after all, they don’t call it “the honeymoon phase” for nothing! Butterflies in your stomach, glowing every time you get a text, getting...
View ArticleThe Hook-up Truck: A Hotel Room on Wheels
Say what? For those looking for a quick, steamy hook-up without the hassle and awkwardness of trying to get busy in the back of a car, The Hook-up Truck is here to help.This "modern dating solution for...
View Article11 Campus Cuties Crushing on Ariana Grande
Name: Graham RichardsonSchool: UCSDMajor: Cognitive ScienceYear: SophomoreWhere is your hometown? Sacramento, CA.What are some hobbies of yours? Writing music, listening to music, and playing guitar...
View Article11 Things You Should Never Say Mid-Hook Up
It’s the end of a hot date, and you’re back at his place. His hands are running through your hair, yours are inching up his shirt. Emotions are flowing free, tangled with kisses and hormones. It could...
View ArticleReal Live College Guy Andy: How Soon Is Too Soon To Sleep With A Guy?
Do you ever find yourself shrugging your shoulders and settling on the "boys will be boys" conclusion? Real Live College Guy Andy is here to show you that mature men do (in fact) exist. He has an...
View ArticleWhat it’s Like to Be the Single Friend
So, all of your friends are taken… but you’re single.Not that you’re not happy for them. Really, you are.Totally not bitter at all.But you can’t help but notice how things have changed now that you’re...
View ArticleWhat it’s Like to Be the Single Friend
So, all of your friends are taken… but you’re single.Not that you’re not happy for them. Really, you are.Totally not bitter at all.But you can’t help but notice how things have changed now that you’re...
View ArticleHappily Ever After? How The Disney Princesses Are Ruining Your Love Life
“Mirror mirror on the wall, will my lab partner ask me out, after all?”It’s a tale as old as time: girl meets boy, girl obsesses over boy, and girl does something stupid to chase boy away. Obviously,...
View Article7 Guys You Should NEVER Date
You’ve tested the dating pool by going to frat parties, scoping out club meetings and looking extra cute for class in the hopes that you’ll catch the attention of that campus cutie who sits across from...
View Article5 Signs You’re In An Unhealthy Relationship
You’ve probably known someone—whether it was a roommate, a sorority sister, or even your best friend—who just wouldn’t leave that jerk of a boyfriend. He kept treating her like crap, controlled her...
View Article7 Dates That Aren’t Dinner & a Movie
Mustering up the courage to ask someone out on a date can be hard, but what can be even harder is deciding what to do on the date! The clichéd “dinner-and-a-movie” combo was once cute, but sitting in...
View ArticleReal Live College Guy Dale: Why Can’t I Score a Second Date?
We all need a little guidance now and then, so whether you’re stressed over a fling gone wrong or a recently wrecked relationship, or you're wondering how to handle a stage-five clinger, Real Live...
View Article7 Certified EMT Campus Cuties
Alex Warshauer, A&S, is a freshman helping to save lives with Eagle EMS. But what does he do while he’s not busy looking out for his fellow students? Let’s find out!The Basics:School: Boston...
View ArticleQuestioning Your Sexuality in College: How to Deal
College is a great time to explore who you are from your career interests to your personal identity, including what you want in a relationship. But not everyone comes into college knowing exactly what...
View Article9 Fictional Boyfriends We Wish We Could Date
Why can't real-life relationships be more like the ones we see onscreen? Here's our countdown of the nine best fictional boyfriends. 1. Noah from The Notebook (2004)With his combination of charm,...
View ArticleReal Live College Guy Andy: Do Guys Go For Shy Girls?
Do you ever find yourself shrugging your shoulders and settling on the "boys will be boys" conclusion? Real Live College Guy Andy is here to show you that mature men do (in fact) exist. He has an...
View ArticleDating in College: Expectations vs. Reality
College should be every single girl’s dream—dating at the perfect age when you have no curfew and few responsibilities, which means plenty of time to socialize and meet up with the cutie who literally...
View ArticleThe Awkward Girl’s Guide to Meeting Guys
We wish having a guy bump into us in the hallway, help us pick up our books, look into our eyes and immediately fall in love with us was something that actually happened in real life, but flirting...
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