Alex Warshauer, A&S, is a freshman helping to save lives with Eagle EMS. But what does he do while he’s not busy looking out for his fellow students? Let’s find out!
The Basics:
School: Boston College
Hometown: Warren, New Jersey
Major/Minor: Bio-Chemistry, Pre-Med
Interests: Music, hiking, skiing, saving lives (EMT)
Campus Activities: BC Marching Band, Pep Band, Eagle EMS
The Favorites:
TV Show: Burn Notice
Food: A toss up between sushi and cheese steaks.
Movie: The Boondock Saints
Guilty pleasure: Disney Music
Way to spend a Saturday afternoon: Hiking
Place you have traveled to: Spain. It was an eye-opening experience and the people were really nice.
Late Night Snack: Extra butter popcorn.
Sports team: Philadelphia Eagles
Thing about BC: The location and the fact that we have good sports teams.
Restaurant in Boston: The Meritage
Place to Eat at BC: The Rat because Dorita is the nicest cashier ever.
BC Sport: Hockey
Snack: Trail mix
Drink: Grape Koolaid
Girl Scout Cookies: Thin Mints
This or That:
Coffee or Tea? Tea, hands down
Cake or Brownies? Definitely a brownie person
Muffin or Bagel? A Jersey Bagel
Ice Cream or Fro-yo? Ben and Jerry’s Phish Food
Friday or Saturday? Friday night
Fondest childhood memory: I used to ride my cat around
Craziest thing you’ve ever done: Climbing up Mount Washington barefoot
Biggest pet peeve: When people don’t answer their phones
Celebrity crush: Kiera Knightly
What’s your favorite part about being an EMT?
The ability to help people, there is no more tangible way to see the effect you have on people. Also, the blue lights in my car are pretty cool.
What made you join the marching band?
The camaraderie, the group is awesome and I love getting to know them.
Full Name: Myles Harris Alderman III (if you must know)
School: Kenyon
Age: 21
Year: Senior
Major: Biology
Hometown: West Hartford, Connecticut
Relationship Status: Single
Campus Activities: The College Township Fire Department, The Ransom Notes, ΦΚΣ, Greek Council
HCK: Why did you choose to become part of the fire department?
MA: Since I was a child I have always had a passion for medicine. I knew in middle school I wanted to be an EMT at some point, but never got around to getting certified in Connecticut. I heard about the College Township Fire Department (CTFD) my freshman year and knew it was a way I could give back to the community and college while accomplishing my desire to be an EMT.
What was your firefighter training like?
Training was and is still the most intense experience of my life. We train 8 hours every week, and my freshman spring I went to EMT-B school, which met three nights a week for the whole semester. Sophomore fall I went to fire school for 7 days. It is amazing the amount of knowledge the upperclassmen were able to convey, and I think it speaks a lot about our program at CTFD that we can turn a first-year student into a Firefighter and EMT in a year or so. We never stop training, and to this day we train 8 hours a week to ensure our skills are fresh and we can provide the best service to the community.
Is it difficult to balance schoolwork and all that you do as a firefighter?
Sometimes it is. I learned very quickly not to leave homework assignments until the night they are due, because I may have to spend all night at a fire or treating and transporting patients. I like to say I am a Student-Firefighter, to me being a student comes first, and I have never had to miss a class due to firefighting. That being said, it can be difficult to walk into Peirce and hold a normal conversation with friends after helping a patient with cardiac arrest, or to go to class the next day after watching someone lose their home in a fire. I think these shared experiences are one of the reasons the students on the fire department are so close knit.
How does it feel to give back to the Kenyon and Gambier communities in such a prominent way?
It is truly a privilege to be able to give back to the community in any way that I can. There is no feeling that can compare to being able to help someone who is experiencing one of the worst moments of their life; it is incredibly humbling. I consider myself lucky to be able to give back to the community and to work with a group of such dedicated individuals that is the CTFD.
Now onto some lighter questions: Who is your celebrity crush?
Natalie Portman
What’s your favorite place on campus?
Brandi Hall. I love singing with the Ransom Notes and I have a ton of good memories there.
What is your dream job?
I want to be a Trauma Surgeon
Do you have any hidden talents?
I race 30-40 foot spinnaker class sailboats in the summer, and I’m also a PADI certified Deep & Rescue Diver.
Do you have any guilty pleasures?
I watch more TV than I should. I blame it on Netflix.
This or That... Deli or VI?
VI, there is no question here!
Library or Gund Commons?
The library, it’s where my friends are! I don’t think I have been to Gund Commons since my McBride days…
Chipotle or Buffalo Wild Wings?
Chipotle, I have never been a big wing guy.
Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter?
Lord of the Rings Movies and Harry Potter Books. But, if I had to choose one it would be Harry Potter.
Tom arrived wearing ¼ button up maroon and navy stripe sweater from Brooks Brothers and dark wash slightly distressed Gap jeans with Bean Boots. “Awkward I’m not even wearing nice socks!” He commented after we analyzed his outfit.
Name: Tom Rosenblatt
School: Bowdoin
Hometown: Edgemont, NY
Relationship Status: Single
And ready to mingle? Not sure I’m ready to say that
Year: 2016
Favorite Color: Volcanic Red
Favorite Food: I like Thai and French food.
Favorite TV Show: I’m between Modern Family, 30 Rock (which unfortunately just ended) and maybe Game of Thrones.
Celebrity Crush: I like James Marsden
Favorite Campus Study Spot: Do I want to give this away? Kanbar 3rd floor – It has amazing natural light. Don’t need to worry about vitamin D deficiency.
Fun fact: I am certified to deliver a baby.
Why did you choose to come to Bowdoin?
I had one of those cliché moments that when I came to Bowdoin, I fell in love.
Tell us about your gap year….what were the highlights? Where did you go?
I went to art school for a little bit, I went to culinary school, I did a knolls program and got my wilderness EMT, I did an art history kind of European culture program, I interned a little bit (at a bakery), and I worked as a wilderness trip leader at my old camp.
Most Embarrassing Moment?
Well recently I had an embarrassing moment. Over winter break I was flying to India and I had a layover in London. I was visiting friends from my gap year course. They were planning on having a party for me (very nicely of them), on Friday night because that was the day I was arriving. By accident I read my departure as my arrival on the plane ticket, so I got there Saturday morning when everyone was hung-over! I missed my own surprise party.
Top played iTunes song?
Wavin’ Flag by K’naan
Best traits in a significant other?
I’m looking for someone who’s not afraid to do something spontaneous and fun but also ready to have an intellectual conversation.
Ideal Brunswick Date?
I’m not sure on the first date, but eventually 16th floor of the tower waking up to the sunrise.
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Oh God what am I even supposed to respond to that question. I’m not sure.
Name: Connor Lester
School: SCU
Hometown: Denver, CO
Graduation year: 2015
Birthday: September 7, 1992
Major: Business with an interest in Pre-Med
Relationship Status: Taken
What activities are you involved in on campus?
I’m an EMT and a member of Sig Chi fraternity.
What is your idea of a perfect first date?
Something outside of the classic dinner and a movie. I prefer something spontaneous and fun.
What are your favorite T.V. shows?
Parks and Recreation. Ron Swanson is my hero. Also, Scrubs and the Simpsons.
The first thing you notice in a girl: Personality. And their laugh.
What are your pet peeves?
Teaching my parents how to use Facebook.
Favorite quote: “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” -Dr. Seuss
Favorite SCU memory: Bay to Breakers.
Some people think this sophomore Cutie looks like Nev, the host of CatFish. In fact, Abdul is a student here at TCNJ who enjoys chatting with friends in the library and visiting Eickhoff multiple times a day. You might have seen him at a meeting for the Muslim Student Association or in the Bio Lab studying to achieve his dream of becoming a doctor. Here are some more facts about this Cutie:
Name: Abdul Waris Kazi
School: TCNJ
Age: 19 on the outside, 40 on the inside
Major: Biology
Career Goal: Pediatrician
Hobbies/Campus Involvement: MSA, Biology Research Lab, Certified EMT
Birthday: July 6
Relationship Status: Single
Celeb Look-alike: Nev Schulman
Favorite Food: I’ll eat anything
Quirks: I only shave on Sundays
Celeb Crush: Selena Gomez
Worst Characteristic in a Girl: Materialism or narcissism
Best Characteristic in a Girl: Intelligence and spontaneity, but not spontaneous intelligence
Ideal First Date: Canoeing or maybe ice skating; something outdoors, but it really depends on the girl
Pet Peeve: Getting my photograph taken
James Stanell is your modern-day prince charming: he’s handsome, he’s romantic, and most importantly, he knows how treat a woman right. Just ask his girlfriend, the beautiful and lovely Marla Marquez. This DU brother proves that chivalry is not dead with his genuine personality and overall charm. When he’s not tearing it up on the football field, he’s usually saving lives as a campus EMT and jamming to Taylor Swift. Let’s meet this week’s Campus Cutie, James Stanell.
Name: James Stanell
School: Hamilton
Hometown: Coopersburg, Pennsylvania
Year: Junior
Major: Economics
Relationship status: Taken
On-Campus Activities: I'm the running back on the football team, a campus EMT, and a brother of Delta Upsilon
Favorite Movies: Miracle, 50 First Dates, Step Brothers (in no particular order)
When did you start playing football?
I started playing in second grade, which was actually late compared to all of my friends at the time.
What's your favorite thing about the sport?
My favorite part about playing is my teammates and the bonds we share on and off the field.
What is your favorite Taylor Swift song?
While I am still huge a fan of her older songs (and constantly find myself shamelessly singing them), my current favorite song is, without a doubt, "I Knew You Were Trouble"
If you could have any super power, what would it be and why?
The ability to stop time, think about all the napping possibilities...
What is your idea of the perfect first date?
The place really depends on the girl, however a perfect first date for me definitely must include lunch (dinner is for couples and old people) and a fun activity (doesn't matter what, as long as, #1 its fun, and #2 its not boring). I hate how people think first dates should be so formal and stereotypical (dinner and a movie), it makes the date a lot less personal than it should be!
What is your biggest turn-on in a girl?
A great smile.
What are some of your turn offs?
A big ego (there is a lot to be said for shy girls) and too much make-up.
First thing you notice about a girl?
Her eyes.
Meet Milan this week's Campus Cutie who is a Biology and Computer Science double major. This Cutie hails from St. Augustine, FL and is looking for a lady who enjoys the simple things in life. He is also an EMT. Interested? Read on to find out more...
School: Emory
Hometown: St. Augustine, FL
Year: Sophomore
Major: Biology/Computer Science
Extracurriculars: Library, Emory EMS, Hangin’ with the Bros.
Frat: PIKE
Her Campus Emory (HCE): Whats your relationship status?
Milan (M): Single!
HCE: What’s something you would want to do in your wildest dreams?
M: Spacewalk on the International Space Station.
HCE: Describe your ideal woman.
M: My ideal woman is someone who knows how to have fun and knows how to appreciate the little things in life.
HCE: What’s something not many people know about you?
M: I have no idea how to whistle.

HCE: How do you pick up girls?
M: I just be myself!
HCE: Three things you want to cross off your bucket list?
M: Be an extra on The Walking Dead, see the Northern Lights, learn to cook like Gordon Ramsey.
HCE: If you could travel to anywhere in the world where would it be and why?
M: Definitely Switzerland. I’ve always wanted to visit the Large Hadron Collider and fly over the Swiss Alps in a wingsuit.
HCE: Describe yourself in three words.
M: Bringin’ Sexy Back.