9 Hot Hollywood Guys You Need to Know About
Sure, we all adore Ryan Gosling and Joseph Gordon-Levitt (some more than others); however, there's a new slew of actors out there ready to make us swoon. From vampires to superheroes, there’s an...
View ArticleThe Top 5 Rules for Staying Friends With Your Ex
Whether you’ve said it yourself or heard it from an ex-boyfriend, we have all heard some version of the line, “I think we’re better off as friends.” And while in the moment it sounds like the worst...
View ArticleThe 20 Cutest Things to Do With Your Boyfriend on Valentine's Day
It’s the most romantic day of the year…until you end up basically sitting in the lap of the couple next to you at an exorbitantly expensive Valentine’s Day dinner, wondering if the gift you got your...
View ArticleHow Single Girls Spend Valentine's Day
You rise and don't shine at an unreasonable hour because, as a single girl, there's not much to look forward to on Valentine's Day.On the bright side, you don't have to slave away in the kitchen...
View ArticleI LOVE IT: Her Campus’s 2014 Valentine’s Day Gift Guide
While it may feel like you’re still recovering from the holiday season, you’ll need to get your head back in the game as Valentine’s Day is rapidly approaching. If that seems daunting, don’t worry:...
View ArticleWhat Guys Really Want for Valentine’s Day
Whether you love it, hate it or love to hate it, Valentine’s Day rolls around every year and we all have our own special ways of celebrating the day. Some of us throw a party with our friends or have a...
View ArticleValentine’s Day Ideas: 10 Creative Things To Do For Valentine's Day
Valentine’s Day, Single Awareness Day, or as Liz Lemon would call it, Anna Howard Shaw Day. Whether you anticipate, dread, or attempt to ignore February 14th, one truth remains: that no matter how...
View Article10 Ways to Get a Date by Valentine's Day
Don’t you miss those grade school days, when every person in your class had to put a hand-addressed Valentine in your red-paper-pasted box? Now, only the smug coupled-up people among us are guaranteed...
View Article8 Cheap Valentine’s Day Ideas
Showing your sweetheart how much you care about them shouldn’t be an expensive task! Here are a few sweet, creative ways that you can celebrate Valentine’s Day this year without breaking the bank.The...
View ArticleWhat to Get Your Guy for V-Day, No Matter How Long You’ve Dated
That special day always comes up quickly after the holidays, and you may be stressing about what to get your man. If he’s a fresh love interest, what kind of Valentine’s Day present should you steer...
View Article8 Campus Cuties Who Can Serenade You
Name: Will NormanSchool: Northern IowaValentines day. The thought alone elicits in me a certain gag reflex every February. The chocolate, the teddy bears, the red, pink, and glitter…all sold to men...
View Article6 Valentine’s Day Date Ideas You Haven’t Tried
Whether you and your campus cutie have been going steady since freshman year or you hooked up at his frat house party last month and you’ve been inseparable ever since, by the time February rolls...
View ArticleReal Live College Guy Dale: Does He Want to Date Me?
I met this guy through friends last year, and when I ran into him at the end of summer, he asked me to coffee. On a whim, I asked him to my sorority's formal, and we had so much fun. He initiated...
View ArticleReal Live College Guy Andy: 5 Valentine’s Day Dates I'd Actually Love To...
Ahh, Valentine’s Day, every hopeless romantic's favorite holiday. Well, err, then again, maybe not if you are single like yours truly.In fact, and perhaps to some readers’ disbelief, I have never gone...
View ArticleReal Live College Guy Dale: Why Doesn’t He Want to Have Sex?
I'm in a committed relationship with my boyfriend, but sometimes I feel like the guy! While I'm happy he doesn't pressure me into sex, he also isn't very interested in it. We've been dating a while and...
View ArticleThe Worst Valentine's Days College Girls Have Ever Had
“It’s almost Valentine’s Day!” Just hearing the phrase is enough to make most collegiettes anxious. We generally fall into one of two categories in our feelings about this holiday: Valentine’s Day...
View Article7 Things NOT To Do For Your Boyfriend On Valentine’s Day
Ah, Valentine’s Day. A day where millions of bros waste endless amounts of money on roses that would normally cost half as much, even the worst restaurants have ridiculously long lines to get into, and...
View ArticleThe 6 Most Surprising Things Guys Are Attracted To
Great hair, some sass or simply a gorgeous body — what do you think is the most attractive thing to a guy? The thing that makes him want to attach himself to you and never let go?What if we told you...
View Article7 Romantic Valentine’s Day Ideas
It’s so hard to come up with a plan for Valentine’s Day that doesn’t lean too far on the side of “we’re just friends hanging out” but doesn’t overstep the “we’re remaking a scene from a Hallmark movie”...
View Article8 Creative Valentine’s Day Gifts For Your Guy
As it gets closer to Valentine’s Day, your class notes are starting to look more and more like a brainstorm of potential gifts that you can get your Valentine for that special day. You want to be...
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