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8 Campus Cuties Who Can Serenade You


NameWill Norman
School: Northern Iowa

Valentines day. The thought alone elicits in me a certain gag reflex every February. The chocolate, the teddy bears, the red, pink, and glitter…all sold to men looking to woo his lady on the 14th.  I am not wooed. Love knows no bounds, so why have we bound it to certain day?

If anyone were to know this concept, it would be this week’s campus cutie: Will Norman. Just recently a dating man, this cutie lights up at the very mention of his valentine’s name...now that’s more like it ladies.

Will Norman is a Sophomore studying Biology at, the one and only, UNI. As a chiropractor hopeful—Norman has the potential for many years left in school. With that said, this week’s cutie hopes to be done with college, married, raising a [happy] family, and in a secure job within the next ten years.

Will trumps from the itty town of Center Point, which he, his parents, and older sister have come to call home. In high school, this cutie participated in nearly every sport, was involved in music, and played the guitar. Clearly, a well-developed man, I find it perfectly acceptable for you to be swooning at present.

At first glance, one might not recognize the true Will for who he is. His tattoos, billed hat, and muscles may cause you to look past the fact that he is a self-taught guitarist, chick-flick-loving, romantic. “People can think what they want,” Will stated when talking about who he is. Regardless of what people think, Norman admits that he will always be himself. Embarrassing moments? Not for this guy.

Personally, I believe myself to have no shame, like our cutie. Dropping a pair of underwear in the laundry room…eh. No biggy. “Grand Falls” on the ice? Laugh it off, and loudly. But, really? Being completely, and totally, yourself around all those that you meet? Seems like a new thing.
Genuity. It’s something that we all wish to attain, but throw away the second we feel uncomfortable in a large group of people. We act crazier, or more subdued, intellectual, or even dumbed-down, in efforts to fit in with our surroundings—or worse, to be liked. Norman reflected, “My sister taught me to always be myself, she’s been discriminated against her whole life as a practicing homosexual.” And for that reason ladies, Will is himself regardless of where he is or whom he’s around.

And one of the things this cutie is, is romantic. Aside from the usual Valentine’s Day dinner or chocolate boxes, Will intends to take his valentine, Miss Nikki Caquelin, out for a date. Will’s idea of a perfect date involves being active: ice skating, bowling, or maybe even a long stay at this cutie’s favorite “hot spot” in town, Cup of Joe. It appears to me Nikki has one amazing February planned. Says Norman of his valentine, “I found an amazing girlfriend.”

As a romantic it comes as no surprise that this cutie finds the guy-to-girl ratio one of the best parts of UNI. Though it may seem to have worked in his favor, many of us girls find the ratio to be one of the only downfalls of our lovely school. However funny Will’s response to his favorite part of UNI was, he is taking his education here rather seriously.

Upon coming to college, Norman would describe himself as responsible, “I am doing this [education] for myself “ and in order to do it right, this cutie is focusing hard on his books. His hard work has been paying off, as he was just recently featured on UNI’s fall dean’s list—one of his proudest moments as a student here.

Don’t get me wrong ladies, there’s more to this guy than studies.  As a music fanatic, Will has made a spot for himself as one of the many studly members to our UNI Glee Club. (If you have been to one of their shows, you know what I mean by studly). Music is a huge part of this cutie’s life—all the way from singing into a mic, playing it into his ear buds, or rocking out on his guitar, “music is life” for Mr. Norman, or so his tattoo reads.

So, there you have it. A romantic cutie, that has an edgy side, a musical side, and a genuine spirit to lead us into one of the most romantic, or perhaps overrated, holiday seasons of the year. However you choose to look at this February 14th, I wish you a good one. It doesn’t matter if it’s spent with a valentine, a friend, or even family. As long as you’re surrounded by people you love, you are likely to enjoy even the red and pink streamers that grace every eatery in town.

Name:  Samson Tan
School: Amherst
Hometown: Bronx, NY
Class Year: 2014
Dorm: Mo Pratt
High School: Riverdale Country School
Major: Undecided
Ideal Date: A quiet place to talk
Spirit Animal: Curious George
If You Could Have One Super Power What Would it Be: The power to slow down time

Dream Job: To be an entrepreneur
Fave TV Show:  How I Met Your Mother
Relationship Status: Single
Why He's Our Campus Cutie: He's "a total BAMF", and his busy schedule includes Varsity Lacrosse, the Glee Club, heading the Entrepreneurship Club, and the non-profit he started, "Knight Lacrosse Incorporated".  Impressed yet?  I thought so.

Meet Ryan Niemeyer '15! He’s a Tenor in the Glee Club, an avid Native American flute player, and quite the romantic.

Name: Ryan Niemeyer

School: Occidental

Class Year: 2015

Hometown: San Diego, CA

Future Major: Biology

Usually Seen: Zooming through Sycamore Glen on his bike.

Campus Activities: Glee, Cadence, College Chorus, playing the piano, serenading women with the Native American flute, and jam sessions in Stewie.

Single/Taken/Its Complicated?: Single. Call me.

Ryan Niemeyer Occidental College Glee Club

How do you feel about being nominated for campus cutie?: I feel an overwhelming rush of joy as though my life were suddenly complete.

Something people would be surprised to know about you?: I like to write raps. I’m not kidding. I drop mad beats.

If you had a million dollars what would you do?: I would buy a 30 ft. catamaran, an ultralight airplane, a Lamborghini, a motorcycle, a jet ski, and life insurance.

What is your biggest guilty pleasure?: Singing along to Katy Perry songs and coffee consumption.

Who is your biggest man crush?: Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

Favorite style on a girl: I’d have to say the tomboy style, loose fitting clothing, ripped jeans, etc.

What mystifies you about the opposite sex?: Everything.

What are you looking forward to most at Oxy?: Touring with Glee Club.

What is your ideal date?:  We'd get dinner at an upscale classy Italian place downtown. After dinner we'd go sailing around San Diego Harbor and into the sunset.

What song describes your life currently: “I’ve got the World on a String” by Frank Sinatra.

If you could have any superpower what would it be?: Time travel.

Name: Kyle Dalton
School: Occidental
Major: Undeclared
Year: 2017
Relationship Status: It’s complicated
Hometown: Piedmont, CA
Interests: Running, singing, playing guitar

Occidental Involvement: Glee Club, Track and Field, Hillel

Usually Seen: At the track, hanging out in the cooler, playing guitar in my room

What song on your iPod is on repeat? The acoustic version of Pompeii by Bastille

What is something people would be surprised to know about you? I have relatives that were in the Jewish Mafia.  

What do you look for in a girl? I like girls that are easy to talk to, outgoing, and athletic. Having a variety of talents and being well-rounded is also a plus.

Do you have a favorite pickup line? If so, what is it? If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put U and I together.

What is your idea of a perfect date? I’d want to go to a beach on a warm day that isn’t too crowded, set up an umbrella/towels, then just relax and talk. Later, we’d go on a hike at sunset to a nice viewspot.

What is your best memory of Occidental and why? When Glee came to my dorm and started singing to me. It totally took me by surprise, and made me incredibly happy. 

NameChristopher Cleveland

School: Harvard

Year: 2014

House: Cabot

Hometown: Phoenix, Arizona

Concentration: Sociology & Mind, Brain, and Behavior

Relationship Status: ;)

Describe yourself in three words: Reflective, Compassionate, Driven

Favorite HUDS meal: Clam Chowda

If you could be a superhero, which one would you be and why? I would be Static Shock because I grew up on that cartoon and I've always found myself to have a certain magnetism...

What are you involved with on campus? I am the former president of the Black Men's Forum, sitting member of the Harvard Alumni Association Building Community Committee, and Harvard Senior Class Marshal!

What is your favorite Harvard memory? During my freshman year at Harvard, I had the ability to perform in Washington, D.C. at the JFK Center for the Performing Arts for the 50th anniversary celebration of JFK's inauguration with the Harvard Glee Club. Along with the rush of the performance, giving Morgan Freeman a solid pound was pretty spectacular. 

What do you look for in a significant other? I look for a passion that shines through that person's actions and interactions with her peers. Essentially, someone who is not afraid to be a purposeful leader. 

What is your best physical trait? I've been told I have nice eyes.

Describe your ideal date: One of my favorite places in the US is Sedona, Arizona, a cozy mountainous town in northern Arizona that is famous for its scenic red rocks. I would love to take a young lady to Sedona and walk one of the beautiful trails before getting prickly pear ice cream at Black Cow Cafe. Hopefully the day would end up with some nice relaxation and jazz music (Sedona also has great jazz) watching the moon rise above the mountains. 

Basic Facts
Name: Finn Bondeson
School: U Maine
Hometown: Woodland, ME
Relationship Status: Single
Sign: Gemini (on the cusp though, so who really knows?)
Twitter? #whatsthat?

Campus Life
Major: Civil/Environmental Engineering
Favorite thing about UMaine: Meeting fascinating people with diverse interests.
How are you involved on campus:  Sigma Phi Epsilon, Senior Skull Honor Society, Alternative Breaks, Black Bear Men’s Choir
Favorite place to eat in Orono: BURRITOS.  Did I mention the Verve?

Best place to meet girls at UMaine: Somewhere outside.
Why did you choose UMaine: Destiny?
How do you like to spend your weekends here: Exploring Maine – hiking, running, skiing, whatevah!

What is on your ipod's top rated: Royals by Lorde
Boxers or Briefs: Boxer briefs
An embarrassing confession: Dyed my hair crimson once.  Yup, did that…

Guilty Pleasure: Pulled pork sandwiches.

Ski or Snowboard: Ski all day

Cats or Dogs: Dogs (as long as they’re not cat-sized)
Dream job: Farming
Three words to describe yourself: Flannel, sweater, corduroy

Favorite song to dance to at a party: The Fox - Ylvis
Favorite food: The impossible question! 
Favorite Beer: Pabst or maybe a Foster’s
Favorite App (game or otherwise): my Tracfone 

The Nitty Gritty

How do you let someone know you're interested in them: I blush occasionally.
What do you look for in a significant other: A similar sense of humor.
Deal-breaker: Everybody’s got to dance, whether they look foolish or not! So, a strong reluctance to dance, I suppose.

Celebrity Girl Crush: Gotta go with T-Swift

Celebrity Man Crush: Ray LaMontagne’s voice 

Name: CJ Shepard

School: Emory

Today, we are proud to announce that, based on a popular vote, Emory Junior CJ Shepard has been named the Cutest Cutie.

In addition to his undeniable good looks, this music major has a voice that makes us weak in the knees and always wanting more. Luckily, from AdHoc’s run of Spring Awakening (this weekend), to No Strings Attached acapella performances, we have plenty of opportunities to witness the powerhouse vocals of this cutie!

Like what you’ve heard so far? Keep reading to get to know all about CJ!

Her Campus Emory (HCE): How do you feel about wining first place in our campus cutie competition?

CJ Shepard (CJS): At first confused because I didn’t know that there was a competition going on. But I also feel cool I guess, it’s kind of fun.

HCE: Name a few personal qualities that you think may have contributed to this big win.

CJS: Without sounding narcissistic of course, I guess I’m kind of extroverted, I know a lot of people on campus. I’m pretty bubbly and a positive person, so maybe that leaves an impression on people. I try to look nice most of the time, but there are those days...

HCE: What’s one on-campus accomplishment (aside from being named Campus Cutie) that you are especially proud of?

CJS: Being elected as president of No Strings Attached. It’s been really challenging. We have a lot of gigs and it’s a lot of work to coordinate everyone’s schedules. I got to plan our spring break trip to Italy last year. It was so much work but so worth it. It was a great life experience.

HCE: What else are you involved in on campus?

CJS: No Strings Attached, AdHoc’s production of Spring Awakening (I was in AdHoc’s production of Edges too), concert choir, and Emory University Master Singers. I’m double majoring in music and environmental science, and I work at Cox Hall Computing Center.

HCE: Where’s your favorite place to study? And your favorite place to go out?

CJS: Cox Hall, even when I’m not working. It’s so chill. I get too distracted in the library and talk to too many people. I do a lot of my work at my apartment or at Starbucks, too.

Church Bar in Midtown. It’s two levels, and upstairs there’s billiards and darts, a place to dance, big bars, and tables. It’s fun if you go out with a group of people. No obnoxious college people, which is a nice relief from Maggie’s.

HCE: Tell us something that people don’t know about you.

CJS: I’m a vegetarian. I became a vegetarian sophomore year of high school. I was in Students for Democratic Society. We watched this video about processed meat and I was just repulsed. I later learned about environmental reasons for being a vegetarian, too. I’ve always loved animals.

HCE: What are you most excited for this school year?

CJS: Spring Awakening was a big part of this semester. I’m also really excited for our final acapella concert in December. (Editor’s note: see ya there!)

HCE: Describe your first kiss in three words.

CJS: Awkward, wet, passionate (trying to be).

HCE: What girl fashion trend confuses you most?

CJS: Uggs. I just think they look stupid. Very ugly. They make you look really weird.

HCE: What girly movie do you secretly love?

CJS: Devil Wears Prada.

HCE: If you could trade places with any one in the world for a day, who would it be?

CJS: Stevie Wonder. He’s an amazing musician, and he’s blind. I can’t even imagine living a day as a blind person. It would be a very enlightening experience.

HCE: What’s the last song you listened to on your ipod?

CJS: “Hold On I’m Coming” by the Temptations.


Check out CJ in his final performances of Spring Awakening this weekend, and don’t miss the end of semester No Strings Attached concert Sunday December 9 at 9 pm in White Hall 208! 

Name: Kaleb Thomas Kilburg

School: Saint Ambrose

Relationship status: Single

Year in school: Junior

Hometown: Anamosa, Iowa

Major: Accounting, corporate fInance, and managment

Favorite book: Lord of the Rings...deal with it.

Favorite food: Peanut butter

Favorite super hero: Flash

Hobbies: I'm really into music.  I'm in choir, and sports.

What's your idea of a perfect first date? 
Go out for dinner. Go on a walk and just talk.

Traits you look for in a girl: good sense of humor, athetlic, confident in herself, outgoing

What's the sexiest thing a girl can wear? 
Whatever she feels sexiest in.

Do you like when a girl makes the first move? 
It's always a nice surprise when a girl makes the first move.

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