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7 Quirks You Have That Guys Love


As every girl who’s ever envied Zooey Deschanel knows, quirkiness is the cutest trait in a collegiette. The dating scene is full of awesome, attractive girls, so if you want to catch a guy’s attention in the middle of the crowd, you have to celebrate what makes you different from those thousands of others!

Not convinced you’ve got a good quirk? Don’t be so sure. While some quirks may send men running for the hills (think creepy doll collections or nasty hygiene habits), others can be totally endearing. You may be insecure about your tendency to snort when you laugh, but some boys will love you all the more for it – it’s what makes you unique, and it reminds them that you’re a one-of-a-kind catch! Find out which quirks drive the guys wild and how to use them to your advantage!

1. You Have a Really Loud Laugh

You may be embarrassed that you have a horse-like laugh – there’s no denying that it’s inconvenient in the library (and anywhere that you try to giggle about your crush within earshot).

Arden Leigh, author of The New Rules of Attraction: How to Get Him, Keep Him, and Make Him Beg for More, seduction coach, and co-founder of the Sirens Seduction Forum for Women, says that despite the high volume, a genuine laugh is an attractive asset.

“Emotional states are contagious,” says Leigh. “When a guy is around a woman with a great sense of humor who is genuinely enjoying herself, he often can't help but feel good too in the process.”

Shira, a collegiette from Franklin & Marshall College, found that her loud laugh was nothing to be embarrassed about. “My boyfriend loves my real laugh,” she says. “[It] takes so much energy out of me that I can’t breathe, I’m laughing so hard. He thinks it’s really cute.”

Matt, a student at Skidmore College, says that a real laugh is a good sign. “It’s how I know she’s laidback enough to roll with the punches,” he says. “She’s not high-strung.”

Play up those giggles! Guys love positive reinforcement, so if you think he’s funny (don’t fake it if he’s not!), don’t be afraid to let loose a loud laugh. If he’s anything like these fun-loving campus cuties, he’ll love your sense of humor (and he might even warm up to a snort or two).

2. You Bite Your Lip When You’re Thinking

Whether you’re working on plans, attempting to figure out the subway or suffering from a serious case of first date nerves, you can’t help but bite your lip. It’s better than biting your nails, anyway! While you don’t want to look like you’re eating your bottom lip for breakfast, you definitely don’t need to hide this habit in front of your hot crush.

Andy, a former Her Campus Real Live College Guy, admits that guys have a soft spot for this quirk. “Oh my God, I love it when a girl bites her lower lip,” he says. “Such a turn-on!”

Why? “Biting your lip when you smile can be sexy because it draws attention to your mouth and conveys a fun, mischievous attitude,” explains Leigh. Just don’t pout unless you’re genuinely put out about something—pouting signals disdain or childishness, says Leigh. Those are definitely not the messages you want to send!

3. You Have a Serious Sweet Tooth

Candy, cupcakes, mocha lattes, fro-yo... if it has sugar in it, you will eat it anywhere, anytime. Your mother may frown upon your unbalanced diet––we’re sure a nutritionist would, too––but your inability to resist anything frosted is endearing and adorable to guys.

Stacey, a student at Vanderbilt University, once ended up on the wrong side of her sweet tooth, but her weakness for all things Candy Land-appropriate became a bonding moment for her and her boyfriend when she panicked about spending $20 on sweets in one sitting. Now, it’s their inside joke. “[My boyfriend has] been known to bring me my favorite sweet treats from around campus,” she says.

Shira had a similar experience. “[My boyfriend] knows I have a serious sweet tooth and finds it very cute,” she says. “He even told me as we passed by a chocolate shop on one of our first dates that he was willing to get ‘a sweet for my sweet.’ We both thought it was very cute, and now sweets are a major part of our relationship.”

Don’t give yourself cavities in the pursuit of this cute quirk, but don’t be afraid to be honest about your cravings. Carole Lieberman, M.D., psychiatrist and author of Bad Girls: Why Men Love Them & How Good Girls Can Learn Their Secrets, says that guys see sweet teeth as ultra-feminine.

“It’s cute when a girl can’t stay away from chocolate,” says Mike, a student at Springfield College. “I wouldn’t want her to eat it all the time or anything, but I like to take a girl out for ice cream.”

4. You Have an Intense Obsession or Collection

So you can’t stop watching the Harry Potter movies or quoting your favorite classic poets. Do you have boxes full of vintage magazines or a crazy collection of Friends memorabilia? Read your horoscope three times a day or geek out over the recent discovery of Super-Earths? No need to keep your obsessions in the closet!

“A lot of men are nerds and secretly yearn for a girl who shares their fandom on their favorite pieces of pop culture,” says Leigh. “But even if he's a Star Wars fan and you're a Trekkie, he'll respect your enthusiasm.”

If your interest is completely removed from his – we doubt he’s a big fan of The Bachelorette, but you might have the contestants’ birth dates and zip codes memorized – don’t worry. “Anyone who has a passion or hobby is seen as a much more engaged and interesting person,” Leigh assures us. “Fandom and geekery are always appreciated.” Show him what sparks your interest; he’ll appreciate getting to know the real you, and he might even catch onto the craze, too!

Just be sure to steer clear of over-obsession! There are a lot of reasons why hoarding isn’t a good idea – hello, health and wellness – but it’s also a given that no guy is going to be impressed by an apartment or dorm room completely lined with alien-themed memorabilia or stuffed with baby dolls.

5. You Sing All of the Time

Like Jess of New Girl, you sing your feelings. Sometimes it’s under your breath; sometimes it’s at the top of your lungs. Whether it’s show tunes or R&B, you’re always feeling the beat. And, as a result of your quirkiness, so is everyone around you.

Is it annoying? Sometimes—such as in the middle of a serious conversation. But you shouldn’t keep your voice box under lock and key just to avoid scaring away a guy.

“Guys like girls who are happy, not moody,” Lieberman says. “So, as long as you are singing, he knows he’s not in the doghouse. But, be careful what you sing, since the lyrics can reveal your unconscious thoughts. For example, you don’t want to sing, ‘Goin’ to the chapel and we’re gonna get married...’”

Matt agrees that singing, in moderation, is actually a turn-on. “I play guitar and sing, so any girl who likes to sing is more interesting to me,” he says. “It’s pretty adorable if she sings in the morning, or if I hear her singing in the shower. But it would get on my nerves if it were all of the time.”

Sing when you’re happy, sing during a lazy day on his couch, sing wherever you want (as long as you aren’t disturbing the public peace or substituting song for speech). Your sunny disposition will instantly lift his spirits.

6. You Scrunch Up Your Nose When You’re Mad

Like singing, a scrunched nose can lighten any mood. No, it’s not your most attractive look (we wouldn’t recommend it for your profile pic choice, for instance). But contrary to what the perfectly unwrinkled, un-scrunched noses of models in magazines may lead us to believe, guys love it.

“I scrunch up my nose when I’m playfully mad,” says Kathleen, a collegiette at James Madison University. “Everyone knows I’m playful because I smile with my eyes! Most guys laugh and just acknowledge the fact that this is one of those ‘when I’m right, I’m right’ moments. I can make any tense situation better by being playfully mad.”

“There is something inherently adorable and innocent about a girl who crinkles her nose when she laughs,” says Lieberman. “It reminds guys of cute cartoons from [their] childhood.” We promise: though this quirky crinkle may earn you some endearment, he won’t actually treat you as a little kid. Scrunch away to ease tension during an argument – he won’t be able to stay mad at a face like that!

7. You Blush Easily

True, blushing can be a burden. It makes it impossible to play it cool when you get caught staring at your crush, and you can’t take a compliment without looking like you’ve been painted pink. Still, that sign of embarrassment and excitement can be hugely attractive.

“I’ll say it: I love when girls blush,” reveals Jack, a student at Boston University. “It’s like a mystery. Why is she blushing? I want to know.”

Leiberman says that “blushing shows a guy that you are sensitive and vulnerable, which makes him feel more secure about approaching you.” Your rosy cheeks might just earn you an invitation to dinner!


While these love experts remind us that not all guys find every quirk attractive, these seven are some of the fan favorites. “Generally, if a person is attracted to you already, he will come to find your idiosyncrasies endearing because they're what makes you unique,” says Leigh.

Go easy on the boys! With your lovable quirkiness making him weak at the knees, he won’t stand a chance against your charms.

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