Name: Alex Smith
School: UNCW
Year: 2016
Hometown: Fogelsville, PA
Major: Marine Biology
Relationship Status: Single
Activities on Campus: Treasurer of Water Ski Club, Environmental Concerns Organization (Eco) Club, Intramural sand volleyball, and Ultimate Frisbee
If you have not been to the new Student Recreation Center, stop on by and visit our Campus Cutie lifeguard, Alex Smith. He loves water skiing, snow skiing, surfing, going to beach, working out, and longboarding. He can also play some tunes on the ukulele!
HC: What qualities do you look for in a girl?
Good sense of humor, athletic, outgoing, but not overly talkative, intelligent, and she must like the outdoors!
HC: What would be your ideal first date?
We would go to a nice but casual restaurant of her choice and end the date with a walk on the beach.
HC: What is one piece of advice you would give to girls?
Guys have a need to fix things so don’t get mad when we try to fix problems.
HC: What is your favorite food?
Chicken Enchiladas with green salsa.
HC: Who is your celebrity crush?
Jennifer Lawrence. She’s extremely attractive, funny, and fit.
HC: If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would buy?
I would first pay off college debt, then I would buy a really nice sail boat and 'ski in and ski out' house in Colorado.
HC: What is at the top of your bucket list?
Swimming with sharks and sailing around world.
HC: If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
I would like to live in Northern California because there are many great research opportunities around the San Francisco Bay area.
HC: What is your most embarrassing moment?
When I was seven, I got close lined by my neighbor’s mailbox as I was running with my eyes closed. I thought running with my eyes closed would make me run faster.
HC: What is your favorite memory at UNCW?
Playing Oozeball with friends was a lot of fun and I like playing volleyball!
Name: Gabriel Sánchez Barreras
School: UPRM
Age: 20
Class Year: Third
Hometown: San Juan, PR.
Major: Animal Science
What made you choose that as your major and what do you like most about it? I chose this mayor because of the idea that I could help someone or something.
Single or taken? Single
Do you have a Job? Lifeguard at “El Balneario de Carolina”
Any celebrity crush? Allison Stokke
Sport: Volleyball
What is the first thing you notice in a girl? Smile
What’s your best UPRM memory? I was on my first year in Mayagüez, the time we went on the senior caravan on the back of a pick-up.
Any hidden talents? I’m a pretty good cook.
UPRM girls are best because… they have it all!
Name: Dan Reynolds
School: Conn Coll
Class Year: 2017
Major: Undecided
Hometown: Wallingford, CT
Relationship status: Single
Dorm: KB
Extracurricular Activities: Research Efficiency Fellow for the Office of Sustainability, club soccer, club tennis, SOAR, UMOJA, MOCA, lifeguard at Conn pool and at Hammonasset Beach
What’s your favorite movie?
Who’s your celebrity crush?
Mila Kunis
What is the sweetest thing you’ve done for a significant other?
She thought we were just going out for Thai food, but I surprised her with cashmere gloves and pearl earrings.
What’s your most embarrassing Conn moment?
Recently when I was walking down to the AC, there was a sheet of ice, and I wiped out in front of some people.
You’re always so nicely dressed, what’s your go-to outfit?
In the winter, I like to wear khakis, a J-Crew pullover sweater, and a Viking blue Patagonia jacket.
What’s a cool thing on your bucket list?
What oceanic creature best describes you?
A manatee. Hahaha joking!
Where would someone find you on a Friday night?
Chilling in a friend’s room in Plant.
What’s been your favorite cro dance theme?
Neon Dance. I liked the Kap Slap concert too though.
What’s your go to order at Oasis on a Saturday night?
Pizza slice and a glass of water.
What is something people at Conn don’t know about you?
I have a twin sister who goes to Middlebury!
Tell me about a time you saved someone’s life lifeguarding at the beach.
A man was swimming out to a buoy, and he was getting too far out so I whistled at him. He started slowing down, and some people on the beach screamed, “oh my god he’s drowning!” I did the emergency action plan, and paddled out to reach the man. But, when I got to him, I realized it was low tide, and the man could touch the ground. He grabbed the board, and I just said, “Touch the bottom.” And he was like, “ohh…”
How do you feel about being campus cutie?
It’s an honor. Who nominated me?!
Name: Patrick Lynch
School: Emerson
Year of Graduation: 2016
Major: Film Production
Hometown: Harpswell, Maine
Relationship status: Single
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Dream Job: Director of Photography on an awesome film
Favorite Thing About Boston: The huge amount of colleges in this city means there's a lot of cool people around!
Organizations Involved with On Campus: Developed Images, FPS, NBS, and the Boylston Berserkers
5 Random Facts:
- I have artwork hanging in the tunnels of Congress
- I'm a lifeguard
- My favorite food is a twice baked stuffed potato
- I love adventures
- My best friend goes to Northeastern
Name: Greg Steltenpohl
School: Auburn
What’s your major?
What year are you?
What is your favorite thing about Auburn?
Football season!
What is your favorite thing about Auburn women?
They're pretty and smart
What do you look for in a girl?
Sense of humor and good music taste
Would you ever date a girl from a rival school?
Not even a kind of
Describe your perfect date
Cooking dinner and watching a movie
What was your favorite memory of Freshman year?
Living in the dorms and meeting awesome people
Boxers or Briefs?
What is your biggest goal for this year?
All A's
What was your favorite memory from the summer?
Lifeguarding at the pool and going to concerts
Who is your celebrity crush?
Taylor Swift
What is your favorite part about yourself?
My beard
What can a girl do to get your attention?
Make the first move
Name: Scott Sellers
School: Davidson
Class: Senior
Fraternity: SAE
Major: Environmental Studies
Minor: Economics
Hometown: Chapel Hill, NC
Relationship Status: Single
Activities: President of the Environmental Action Coalition, SAE Representative for the Patterson Court Sustainability Council, SAE Sustainability Chair and Service Co-Chair, member of Omicron Delta Kappa
Our cutie: an environmental heartthrob who never stops smiling.
I waited for him in the college student union. Flocked by some of his lady admirers, I saw Scott Sellers walk in, clad in blue Vans and a Tar Heels T-shirt. While Scott knew he was meeting me for an interview, the blond-haired pescatarian flashed a wide smile upon finding out he had been selected as Davidson College’s first campus cutie.
What’s your favorite part about yourself?
I like being balanced. I try to make schoolwork a priority without excluding having fun and going out. I’ve learned to be patient with people but not too patient.
What do you find attractive in a girl?
Sense of humor is probably one of the top things. I like a girl who is comfortable being able to laugh, not just a little snicker.
What’s your favorite item to have in a grilled cheese other than cheese?
Why are you a pescatarian?
One, I don’t approve of factory-farmed meat. I think it’s largely detrimental to society and our environment. Two, health-wise, I feel more energetic and livelier without meat (particularly red) in my diet. And lastly, I watched the documentary Vegicated on factory-farmed meat processes this past summer and was blown away. You won’t want to eat meat after that film. I also lived in Davidson’s eco-house this past summer, so I learned a lot about eating environmentally there.
What are all the nicknames you’ve ever been called?
“Scottydoesntknow” was a middle-school favorite that got pretty annoying after a while. Sometimes people call me “Scottysells” or “Scotty.” My friend Keith has grown a habit of calling me “Softshell Taco,” so that’s interesting, too.
What is the weirdest place you’ve ever kissed someone at Davidson?
In the guest house by the piano.
What’s your ideal place in Davidson to take a date?
What’s your favorite form of social media?
Instagram, for sure. I follow a bunch of environment accounts like “nature” and “natgeo” that makeup nearly 95 percent of my News Feed.
Awesome! Now what else can I find on your phone? What songs are on your 25 most played iTunes playlist?
“Tin Man” by Future Islands, “Dill” by Band of Horses, “King of Spain” by The Tallest Man on Earth, “Office Musik” by Dwight K. Schrute vs. Weezy, “Latch” by Disclosure and “Breakdown” by Jack Johnson are some of my top jams.
And what would be your ultimate song to bump and grind to at a court party?
“I just don’t ever grind.”
This soft-spoken and self-proclaimed “French-toast” kind of guy is definitely a keeper in our books. He is lifeguard certified, stands on Davidson’s campus as the 22nd relative in his family to go here and has a killer sweet tooth. Ladies, start whipping up the cupcakes.
Name: Seán Swords
School: Emerson
Year of Graduation: 2015
Major: Production Stage Management
Hometown: Port Jefferson, NY
Relationship status: In a Long Distance Relationship
Zodiac sign: Aries
Dream Job: Production Stage Manager for ABT or on Broadway
Favorite Thing About Boston: The Charles River
Organizations Involved In On Campus: Emerson Stage/Arts Emerson, I don’t have time for anything else.
Plans for The Summer: Don't know yet, hopefully having a job, going on vacation.
5 Random Facts:
1. I'm a lifeguard
2. I was all league in HS track all four years
3. I don’t read books
4. I pronounce water, woter due to my "long island accent."
5. I am a dual citizen of America and Ireland
Name: Alex Ward
School: Elon
Year: Sophomore
Major: Psychology
Hometown: Raleigh, NC
HC: So what are you involved in on campus?
AW: A lot! I’m in Pi Kappa Phi fraternity, and I’m also part of Intervarsity Christian Fellowship. I work as a lifeguard for Campus Recreation, and I was an Orientation Leader this Fall.
HC: Wow! What you love most about Elon?
AW: The size, the professor/student relationships, and of course, the guy to girl ratio!
HC: So everybody wants to know, are you Single or in a relationship?
HC: What do you look for in a girl, and what impresses you most?
AW: I’m drawn to girls who are fun, outgoing, willing to try new things, and honest.
HC: What's the biggest turn off?
AW:A girl who always complains!
HC: Who is your celebrity crush?
AW: Emma Watson with long hair
HC: Describe your "perfect date":
AW: Anything where we can both have fun and be ourselves, no stress.
HC: What’s your best pickup line?
AW:You must be going to hell cause it’s a sin to look that good.
Other stuff about Alex:
His favorite candy is Reese’s and his favorite movie is Anchorman.
Name: Kody Coggin
School: Auburn
Age: 19
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Relationship status: Taken
Campus Involvement: Lifeguard at Auburn University pools and pledging Lambda Chi Alpha.
What do look for in a girl: The girl has to be sweet, happy, fun loving and caring.
Celebrity crush: Kate Upton
What song is on repeat on your Ipod: Don't You Worry Child by Swedish House Mafia.
How can a girl catch your eye: Pretty smile, beautiful eyes and a girl who isn't afraid to come up and say "Hey" to me.
Craziest thing you've ever done for a girl: Back in high school I would wake up early and pick up my girlfriend every single day for school. Also, I would bring her breakfast in bed every weekend.
Describe yourself in three words: Athletic, Christian and Energetic.
Name: Josh MacDonald
School: UBC
Year: 4th
Major: Physical Geography
Hometown: White Rock, BC
Fun Facts
What people don't know about you: I can spin my arm around really fast, I sail, I lifeguard, I have my ARCT in piano, and I love Taylor Swift...
Favorite hangout on campus: Geography lounge
Favorite sport/s (to watch/play): Tennis
Dream job: What Paris Hilton does
Favorite movie: Up!
Favorite song right now: '4x4' by Miley Cyrus ft. Nelly
Biggest celebrity crush: Taylor Swift
Biggest pet peeve: When someone orders the same thing as me at a restaurant
Taken/Single? Single and looking to mingle
My ideal guy would... : Make me laugh a lot - but also find me funny!
The most attractive thing in a man: His smile
Biggest turn-off: Douchiness
Ideal date: Having a bottle of wine (or two) on the beach!
Name: Mike Boyd
School: Illinois State
Photo By: Lindsay Nardini
Age: 18
Year in School: Freshman
Major: Finance
Hometown: Glendale Heights
Relationship Status: Single – looking for somebody
Meet our Campus Cutie of the week – Mike Boyd! He’s a lifeguard who loves to work out and is striving to be a successful CEO one day. Want to win him over ladies? You just have to have a good sense of humor and be respectful so he can take you home to meet his mother, (how sweet!) Also girls, he is single AND LOOKING FOR SOMEBODY! Get excited. After this interview at Einstein’s, I could not be more thrilled to share with you all this week’s Campus Cutie.
Her Campus ISU: Okay lets get started with a few questions so we can get to know you better. Let’s start with who’s your role model?
Mike Boyd: I’d say my mom is my role model because she raised me to be the man that I am today.
HC ISU: Aww so sweet! What’s your dream job?
MB: Financial Analyst or a CEO of my own insurance firm.
HC ISU: Where do you see yourself in ten years?
MB: Married at home with a wife and kids. 1 girl and 2 boys. In a big house in Chicago.
HC ISU: Celebrity crush?
MB: Mila Kunis. Obviously. Or wait, Megan Fox.
HC ISU: Do you have a man crush?
MB: Ryan Sheckler. I used to think skateboarding was super cool.
HC ISU: What do you like to do for fun?
MB: I like to workout at the Rec a lot. And play football or ultimate Frisbee with friends on the weekend.
HC ISU: What’s one thing on your bucket list?
MB: To own a yacht. Big ballin’ is a hobby.
*after laughing at that comment for a few minutes*
HC ISU: Classic answer. What’s something most people don’t know about you?
MB: I’m a germaphobe and I’ve saved two lives before when I was lifeguarding.
HC ISU: Saved two lives? That’s amazing! What’s your favorite music?
MB: I really like hip-hop and R&B. And I also like some trap music.
HC ISU: Who are your favorite artists right now?
MB: Right now I’m a really big Drake fan, I also love Kendrick Lamar, 2 Chainz, J. Cole and Meek Mill.
HC ISU: Great music choices! What are three words to describe yourself?
MB: Ambitious, confident and outgoing.
HC ISU: Okay now for the most original question of this whole interview, if you were trapped on a dessert island what 3 things would you bring?
MB: Sour patch kids, my puppy Bentley and my iPhone.
HC ISU: Here comes all the gushy love questions, prepare yourself! What’s the first thing you notice about a girl?
MB: Her eyes. And her smile.
HC ISU: What’s your ideal date?
MB: To take a girl out to a Bulls game. Or walk through the city and visit the Bean.
HC ISU: What do you look for in a girl?
MB: A girl that has a good sense of humor. Personality is really important to me. I need a girl who’s respectful and I can take home to my mom.
HC ISU: What’s a girl trend you hate or don’t understand?
MB: High-waisted shorts. Not every guy thinks they’re attractive.
HC ISU: Wow, a lot of girls will be disappointed to hear that! What’s the biggest turn off about a girl?
MB: Excessive make-up or when a girl only thinks about herself.
HC ISU: Sorority Girl or GDI?
MB: I might have to go with sorority girl on this one.
HC ISU: Lets do a quick lightning round of a few of your favorite things! GO! Favorite TV Show?
MB: Workaholics and The Real World.
HC ISU: Favorite Food?
MB: Pasta, and mangos.
HC ISU: Favorite Movie?
MB: I would have to decide between The Wolf of Wall Street and Pineapple Express.
HC ISU: What’s your favorite thing about ISU?
MB: As a freshman, I just like all the new people and meeting different people everyday, since I grew up in a kind of small town. I think it’s really cool.