Name: Robby Rodriguez
School: WVU
Age: 21
Hometown: Northfield, NJ
Major: Excerise Physiology
Celebrity Crush: Kate Upton
What's fun about Robby? He's got better dance moves than anyone you know
Name: Kai Fiske
School: Bucknell
Hometown: Palos Verdes, California
Major: Undecided
Class Year: 2016
The Basics:
- Favorite book: Harry Potter
- Favorite Movie: Step Brothers
- Favorite Store: J Crew
- Most Played Song on your ipod: Otherside by Macklemore
- Favorite Class at Bucknell: Economics
- Campus Activities: Concert Committee
- General Interests: Music, Baseball, Football
- Little Known Fact: I was born in Pennsylvania but moved to California when I was three
Girls, Girls, Girls:
- Relationship: Single
- What do you look for in a girl: A sense of humor
- Female turnoff: Too serious
- Celebrity Crush: Kate Upton
Best of the Rest:
- Proudest Accomplishment: Getting into Bucknell
- Where do you see yourself in 10 years: Having a good job or traveling the world
- 3 words to describe yourself: Funny, Enthusiastic, Happy
Name:Jonny Mydra
School: Minnesota
Hometown: Minnetonka, Minnesota
Year: Sophomore
Major: Finance
Relationship Status: Single
Interesting Fact: I will be studying abroad in Sweden spring semester.
Favorite Sports Team: Miami Heat
Favorite thing about the University of Minnesota: The city atmosphere and the cute girls.
Dream job: President of the United States
Favorite restaurant: Jimmy Johns
Celeb crush: Kate Upton or Lucy Hale
Favorite movie: Knowing Aaron
Favorite song: Heart of the City - Jay Z
Name: Chad Kehoe
School: SMU
Hometown: Jacksonville, Florida
Greek Affiliation: None
Single or Taken: Single
Hobbies: Lacrosse, Movies, Will Ferrell
Celebrity Crush: Kate Upton
Dream Job: Sports/Entertainment Agent
Biggest Turn Off When it comes to girls: Girls who aren't confident.
Most embarrassing moment at SMU: Falling down stairs of Dallas Hall first week.
Ideal Date: Skydiving followed by a romantic dinner at NOBU.
Name: Mike Jones
School: Maryland
Class: 2015
Hometown: London, England
Major: Business/Pre-med
Interests: Soccer, traveling, conspiracies
Activities: Club soccer, Phi Delta Theta, Premed society
Favorite soccer team: Liverpool
Relationship status: Single
Favorite: Fish and Chips
Favorite store: Vineyard Vines
Favorite show: The Bachelor and Friends
Dream girl: Kate Upton
If you could be an animal, what would you be? A kangaroo
Basic Facts
Name: Steven Farley
School: U Maine
Hometown: Brewer, Maine
Relationship Status: Single
Sign: Aries
Campus Life
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Favorite thing about UMaine: Hockey Games
How are you involved on campus: Sigma Phi Epsilon, Naked 5
Favorite place to eat in Orono: Pats
Campus posse (name some friends): Mark Rucci, Andrew Hawkins, Nate Frazier, Logan Desmond, Alec Young, Jake Ward.
Best place to meet girls at UMaine: Parties
Why did you choose UMaine: Engineering
Best Professor: Senthil Vel
Best Class: Physics with Bernhardt
Worst Class: Diff Eq's
How do you like to spend your weekends here: Going to hockey games, hanging out with friends
What is on your ipod's top rated: My Kinda Party - Jason Aldean
Boxers or Briefs: Boxer Briefs
An embarrassing confession: I know more about amusement parks than anyone I know.
Guilty Pleasure: The movie Pitch Perfect is incredible
Ski or Snowboard: Ski
Salty or Sweet: Salty
Cats or Dogs: Cats
Dream job: Designing roller coasters
Biggest Pet Peeve: People who are full of themselves
Three words to describe yourself: Hard working, Alpha Male, Jackhammer...
Favorite song to dance to at a party: Infinity by Guru Josh Project (but I don't dance much)
Favorite food: Steak
Favorite Beer: PBR
Favorite App (game or otherwise): NHL app
The Nitty Gritty
How do you let someone know you're interested in them: Tell them/ask them to hangout
What do you look for in a girl: Good sense of humor, easy to get along with
Deal-breaker: Smokers
Celebrity Girl Crush: Kate Upton
Celebrity Man Crush: George Clooney
Basic Facts
Name: Jordan Theriault
School: U Maine
Hometown: Rumford, Maine
Relationship Status: Taken
Sign: Pisces
Twitter? @JorTheriault
Campus Life
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Favorite thing about UMaine: Weekend activities
How are you involved on campus: Intramural Soccer
Favorite place to eat in Orono: The Roost
Campus posse (name some friends): Nerdy engineering kids with too many books
Best place to meet girls at UMaine: Not in engineering classes!
Why did you choose UMaine: Full tuition scholarship was pretty hard to turn down
Best Professor: Paul Van Steenberghe
Best Class: Senior Capstone – SAE Clean Snowmobile Team
Worst Class: Heat Transfer
How do you like to spend your weekends here: Sleeping most of the day and with friends for the night
What is on your ipod's top rated: ASAP Ferg, Kendrick, Moufy
Boxers or Briefs: Boxer briefs
An embarrassing confession: I’m no longer allowed to walk home drunk…
Guilty Pleasure: Rihanna
Ski or Snowboard: Snowboarding
Salty or Sweet: Sweet
Cats or Dogs: Dogs
Dream job: Travelling the world with my acoustic guitar
Biggest Pet Peeve: When people need 2 spaces to park
Favorite Charity: ASPCA
Three words to describe yourself: Tall, dark and handsome
Favorite songs to dance to at a party: Mashups
Favorite food: Buffalo Wings
Favorite Beer: PBR, Rolling Rock, and Boston Lager
Favorite App (game or otherwise): Sonic Dash
Pick up line: “How YOU doin?”
The Nitty Gritty
Craziest place you've ever had sex: Raft on a river in the middle of Carthage
How do you let someone know you're interested in them: With a smile, a conversation, and plans for the weekend
What do you look for in a significant other: Beauty with a brain
Deal-breaker: Too high maintenance
Celebrity Girl Crush: Kate Upton
Celebrity Man Crush: Gerard Butler
Basic Facts
Name: Kyle Hutchinson
School: U Maine
Hometown: Dixfield, ME
Relationship Status: Single
Sign: Aquarius
Twitter? Maybe someday
Campus Life
Major: Premed/ Biology
Favorite thing about UMaine: The people.
How are you involved on campus: Beta Theta Pi
Favorite place to eat in Orono: The Roost
Campus posse (name some friends): Nick Woods, Ryan Hall, Brandon Jonaitis, John Fassak.
Best place to meet girls at UMaine: At the library, obviously.
Why did you choose UMaine: Great Parking
Best Professor: Brian Olsen
Best Class: Medical Physiology
Worst Class: Organic Chem
How do you like to spend your weekends here: Out with friends
What is on your ipod's top rated: Timeflies Tuesday/ Macklemore
Boxers or Briefs: Boxerbriefs
An embarrassing confession: I buy women’s shaving cream.
Guilty Pleasure: Strawberritas
Ski or Snowboard: Snowboard
Salty or Sweet: Sweet
Cats or Dogs: Dogs
Dream job: Pediatric Oncologist
Biggest Pet Peeve: Bad Tippers
Favorite Charity: Boys and Girls Club
Three words to describe yourself: Crazy, Sarcastic, Honest
Favorite song to dance to at a party: And We Danced- Macklemore & Ryan Lewis
Favorite food: Chinese
Favorite Beer: Pumpkinhead
Favorite App (game or otherwise): Snapchat
Pick up line: Do you sleep on your stomach? Oh, can I?
The Nitty Gritty
Craziest place you've ever had sex: Dorm Showers
How do you let someone know you're interested in them: I poke her on Facebook
What do you look for in a girl: A sense of humor
Deal-breaker: Overbearing
Celebrity Girl Crush: Kate Upton
Celebrity Man Crush: Ryan Reynolds
School: Vanderbilt

Joey Burchard is this week's Campus Cutie, and is certainly worthy of the title. He's an Mechanical Engineering sophomore from Lindenhurt, Illinois. Joey enjoys the simple parts of life, but also loves an an intellectual challange. He spends lots of time with friends, and often plays Sushi Cat (it's a computer thing).
School: Marquette
What is your Dream Job?
I would like to become an engineer for a prestigious company.
What is the first thing you notice about a girl?
I notice her smile. That is if I'm funny enough.
What is your favorite pick-up line?
I like to use the 'How much does a polar bear weigh?' line.
Favorite disney movie?
Thanks to my sister, Tangled is my favorite disney movie.
If you could have lunch with anyone, dead or alive, who would you pick?
I would like to have lunch with Neil Armstrong to find out first-hand how it was to be on the moon.
Extracurriculars: ASME, Intermural Volleyball, and Inspired by Curiosity.
Favorite Movie: Remember the Titans
Favorite Song: Thnks Fr Th Mmrs by Fall Out Boy
Favorite Food: Puppy Chow!
If he could marry one celebrity, he'd chose: Kate Upton
Favorite Spot in Milwaukee: The Beach
Favorite Color: Blue
Which Care Bear do you identify to the most: I would relate with Wish Bear the most because never give up the opportunity to wish.
Favorite Sport: Soccer
Favorite place to take a girl on a date: The Movies.
Favorite Late-Night Snack: Ice cream.
If you were on legend of the hidden temple which team would you be on? Green Monkeys
Name: Nick Iuliano
School: JMU
Year: Sophomore
Hometown: Chesapeake, Va.
Major: Business management
Relationship status: Taken
If you could have any super power in the world what would it be and why: Fly so I could go anywhere at any time really fast
What attracts you most about a girl: A laid-back personality
Celebrity crush: Kate Upton
Favorite drink: Crown Royal
Favorite food: Nachos
Describe yourself in three words: Friendly, humble and positive
Meet Chris Bergin, a Finance major who's this week's Campus Cutie!
School - U Conn
Year - Junior
Major - Finance
Hometown– Stoke Mandeville, England/Wilton, CT
Dream Date– Swipe me in and I’ll be satisfied… not Putnam though…
Dream Job - Musician
Favorite Food– Italian food, hence the two Italian roommates…
Fav Class at UConn– Psych 1100 with Lundquist
Celebrity Crush – Kate Upton
Turn Ons– Confident, good humor, mysterious
Turn Offs– Snapping your gum, acting ditsy
Name:James Beyer
School: Fordham
Single or Taken: Taken
Major: Accounting and Finance
What he’s looking for in a significant other: A sweetheart who always wants to have a good time.
Why he picked Fordham: Because there’s no reasons not to.
Campus involvement: Global Outreach and sports intramurals.
What is one thing that you do not understand about the opposite sex? Their obsession with The Bachelor.
What is your hidden talent? Playing the clarinet…
Do you prefer to make the first move of have her come to you? I’ll make the first move.
Who is your celebrity crush? A tie between Kate Upton and Kim K.
What is your life motto? Everything happens for a reason.
Name: Manny Chavez
School: U Illinois-Chicago
Year: Freshman
Major: Kinesiology
Hometown: Whiting, IN
Relationship Status: Single
Hobbies/Activities: Playing sports and hanging with family/friends
What is the most important characteristic a girl has to have?: A sense of humor and a cute smile
What is your favorite sport?: Soccer
What do you want to do when you grow up?: Personal Trainer
Describe a perfect date: Dinner on the beach as the sun sets
What song explains your mood right now?: Birthday sex
Who is your celebrity crush?: Kate Upton
If you could go anywhere in the world and only bring one person, where would you go and who would you bring?: Bora Bora and my mom
Name: Thomas ‘Chaz’ Harrison
School: Kansas
Age: 21
Year in School: Junior
Hometown: Overland Park, Kansas
Major: Economics
Relationship Status: Single
Campus Activities/Interests: I’m a One Direction groupie with aspirations of being a telemarketer one day. Member of Kappa Sigma Fraternity and House boy for Kappa Kappa Gamma.
Celeb Crush: Kate Upton
One surprising fact about yourself: I am McLovin’
What do you look for in a girl: Personality, good sense of humor, not a diva
Favorite movie: Superbad
Favorite song: Anything Lil’ Wayne
Turn ons: Anyone that likes to laugh, have a good time, and be adventurous
Turn offs: Boring and girls that smoke cigarettes
Where do you see yourself in 10 years: High school basketball coach and a State Farm agent
Guilty pleasure: Slightly chubby women
Nicknames: Chaz
Name: Tim Eldridge
School: Georgetown
School and Year: College, freshmen
Relationship Status: In a relationship
Hometown: Columbus, OH
Give me your best pick up line:
Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only ten I see.
Describe yourself in three words:
Fun, smart, honest
Blondes or brunettes?
Best place to pick up girls on campus?
My girlfriend goes to GW...
Favorite movie, book and musical artist?
Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and right now probably Macklemore
Favorite class at Georgetown?
My Ignatius Seminar
Who is your celebrity crush?
Kate Upton
Why is Georgetown the best?
Because everyone is really smart but still knows how to have fun.
Name: Alex Zidani
School: WVWC
Year: Freshman
Major: Sports Management
Activities: Men's soccer at Wesleyan
Hometown: Sarasota, Fla.
Relationship status: Single
Nickname: "Z"
Favorite Movie: Never Back Down
Best pick up line: Can I hakuna your ma-tata's?
Dream date: A day at the beach
Turn on: If she plays soccer
Turn off: Cigarettes
Celebrity crush: Kate Upton
Would you rather a girl be athletic or smart? Smart
Pet peeve: People that are annoying
Blonde or Brunette? Brunette
Country girl or City girl? City
Clever, cute and athletic? Alex is definitely a winner. Be sure to keep an eye out for Alex both on campus and on the soccer field this upcoming season, ladies!
Name: Jonny Polster
School: Maryland
Major: Finance
Year: Sophomore
Hometown: Cleveland, OH
Relationship Status: “Single and ready to mingle”
If you were stranded on an Island what three things would you bring?
“Kate Upton, tanning oil, Words With Friends”
Best date spot in College Park: “Ledo’s.”
In your free time you: “Paint.”
Favorite feature: “Personality and thick facial hair.”
First thing you notice in a girl: “Eyes.”
Dream job: “Professional photographer.”
If you could only have one song stuck in your head forever: “Don’t stop believing by Journey. But the Glee version, of course.”
Best pick up line: “Am I awake? Because I’ve seen you in my dreams.”
If you could be a cartoon character, who would you be: “Butters from South Park.”
Name: Brett Lysik
School: Illinois State
Age: 19
Major: Information Technology
Hometown: New Lenox
Affiliation: Red Bird Nation, Intermural soccer
Status: “Single, Single, Single.”
Ideal Date: “Ocean front view on a private island.”
Favorite Food: Steak
First thing you notice about a girl: Personality
Last song played on iPod: "Live Set" from Ultra Music Festival
Celeb Crush: Kate Upton
Where do you see yourself in 10 years: “Married, living out west, successful, and still snowboarding and wake boarding!”
Random Fact: “Girls with tattoos and piercings are always a plus.”