Name: Sam Moore
School: Falmouth
Age: 20
Course: Journalism
Relationship status: Single
Hobbies: I love to read, write, and then write about what I read, which is mostly about cycling. I’m a big cycling fan.
Describe yourself in three words: Sporting, relaxed, easy-going
Hometown: Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk
Dream job: Editor of my own magazine
Pet peeve(s): Loud eating, loud cinema goers... basically anyone who is loud where they shouldn't be.
Describe your dream date: Victoria Pendleton
Favourite movie: For nostalgia alone (and Jeff Goldblum) - Jurassic Park
Top 3 items on your bucket list:
- Launch my own magazine
- Build my own house/renovate an old building, probably somewhere in South France
- Cycle the French Alps/Pyrenees
Alex Romeo, a Junior Advertising Major who loves to read, is off to Europe this month for a semester abroad. Here at SU, Alex has quite the courseload with not only a demanding major, but also two minors: Marketing and Psychology. Read on to learn more about Alex's plans for next semester and the future!
School: Syracuse
HC: If you could create and/or teach any elective course at SU, what would it be?
Alex: I think it would have to be some sort of class that would discuss the negative impact of our industrialized society in a global context.
HC: Major and practicality aside what is your dream job?
Alex: The head of communications for the World Wildlife Fund.
HC: What is the most valuable thing you have learned so far in college that didn’t come from a professor or a textbook?
Alex: As much as every school emphasizes the importance of achieving high grades and getting a job, they aren’t necessarily the most important things in the world.
HC: Name three things that you can’t live without!
Alex: Sadly, my phone. Also something to read and coffee.
HC:You are studying abroad next semester: what are you most looking forward to, and why did you choose London?
Alex: I’m looking forward to simply seeing as much as possible while I’m over there. I’m a pretty big history nerd, so I’m always going to want to go somewhere else and see something new. I chose London because England is an area in Europe that I’ve always really wanted to see.
HC: Have you been practicing your British accent?
Alex: I probably have the worst British accent in the world (haha)!
HC: What was your favorite course you have taken so far at Syracuse?
Alex: The Age of Hitler and Stalin...Taught by a really great professor, Michael Ebner.
This week's Campus Cutie is Jarred Zuccari. Does he look familiar? This heart-throb is a senior at MDS major here at WVU and just turned 23 a few weeks ago... Happy Belated!
School: WVU
He is from Mclean, VA and decided to come to school at WVU along with most of his family.
A fun fact about Jarred: He has a passion for politics.
His perfect girl has to be more than just a pretty face (study up ladies) and someone who likes to have fun.
Jarred's hobbies include: traveling, cooking, reading, movies and going out with friends.
The craziest thing Jarred's ever done: He got to swim in the grottos on the Amalfi Coast!
One word Jarred chooses to describe himself: Amazing... we agree.
Name: Derek Thiel
Hometown: Farmington Hills, MI
School: C Mich
Age: 21
Major: Journalism/Communications
Relationship Status: Single
If you were stranded on an island, what three things would you bring?
Some reading materials, my phone, and my dog.
Boxers of Briefs?
Where is your favorite spot to hangout on campus?
Right outside Warriner Hall
Blondes or Brunettes?
What's the craziest thing you have ever done?
Got arrested this spring break in PCB the day before my 21st bday
Qualities do you admire in the opposite sex?
Someone who understands sarcasm.
What's your favorite movie?
Do you have any awesome or hidden talents?
Not really, I can bong a beer in under a second.
Hollywood Crush?
Hayden Panettiere
This week's campus cutie is Aussie crew member, Louis Snelson. (left)
School: UC Berkeley

School: Drexel
Age: 19
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Class: 2017
What are your hobbies? Running, playing soccer, football, volleyball, and pretty much any other sport, painting, reading, and hiking.
Are you involved in any student orgs? I'm involved in the Drexel Track club and the Biomed student advisory board.
What is your favorite part about Drexel? The fact that our mascot is a dragon and the campus is near the city.
Why did you choose Drexel? Because of the co-op program.
What has been the best moment you have had here? Getting interviewed for this -- and exploring the city for the first time.
What do you want to do after you graduate? Hike the Appalachian trail and then go to med school.
Name: Tommy Hana
School: Queens U
What are you studying, and what are you going into in the future?
Currently I’m in Arts and Science, hoping to go into life sciences. In the future, I’d love to work as a surgeon for doctors without borders. I’m also interested in health policy, so in the future I’m hoping to spend half my time in practice, and half on developing health policy.
What do you do in your spare time?
I like to read a good book. Exploring Kingston and the Queen’s campus is a lot of fun as well. My favourite thing to do is just chilling by the lake, it helps me relax when I’m stressed.
How would you describe yourself?
I describe myself as a dying whale, because I constantly make dying whale sounds when I’m stressed. I’m always eating, and sometimes I just lay there, when I’m tired.
Name the one thing that describes you.
I’m driven by self development, and trying new things. That’s what defines me.
Lastly, what is your favourite drink at Starbucks?
This is a really hard question, but I always get the Salted Caramel Mocha with two shots of espresso.