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8 Campus Cuties Who Always Sing in the Shower


NameChris Helton
School: UNC
Hometown: Charlotte, NC
Year: 2015
Major: Journalism and Mass Communication – Public Relations

Favorite Coldstone/Yopo Flavor: Oreo Cookie or Milk & Cookies (you have to go to Ben & Jerry’s for this one)
Where do you study? Davis, UL, other? 3rd Floor of the Union, Davis or my apartment
Fun Fact: I sing in the shower.
Motto: “Rather than looking forward in fear, look upward in faith.”
Campus Involvement: Carolina Association of Black Journalists Social Media Chair, Carolina Performing Arts Intern, Theater Delta, Roosevelt Institute – Arts and Cultural Policy Center (UNC ARTery)
What’s your favorite thing about Carolina? Besides the super-talented, nice people, it’s definitely the endless opportunities!
What do you like to do in your free time? Acting, goof around with my friends, run/workout, try new restaurants


What qualities do you find attractive in a girl? Generally, someone who’s down-to-earth, positive, intelligent and confident
What are your biggest turn-offs? Negativity is the worst!
Who is your celebrity crush? Beyoncé, Zoe Saldana, Penelope Cruz
What are you most proud of? I have a little sister and watching her grow up and mature has definitely made me a proud brother. Also, the friends/network I have built here at Carolina, and the habit of success that has come along with it.
So what do you plan to do after college? I plan to work either in corporate communications/branding for a top Fortune company or in some similar capacity for the government. Then I’m going to get an MBA and continue to work up the corporate/government ladder.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Settled into my career, hopefully in some management position, and settled into a committed relationship. Oh yeah, and traveling the world!

Full Name: Matthew Montsinger
School: SMU
Hometown: Memphis, TN
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Major: Finance and Spanish

Hobbies: whittling, singing in the shower, star gazing
Most Spotted At: In and Out
Best Feature: Cardiovascular System
Describe your ideal girl: Condoleezza Rice
Biggest turnoff in a girl: Texting "u" instead of "you"
Single or Taken: single

Name: Drew Patrick
School: UNC
Hometown: Winston-Salem
Year: Sophomore
Major: Psychology and Drama

Favorite Coldstone/Yopo flavor: Mint Chocolate Chip
Favorite study spot on campus: Definitely the Arboretum.  It’s one of my favorite places on campus.  It’s so peaceful and nice there.
Fun Fact: I have an extra rib.  Shoulda been called Adam.
Motto to live by: “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” –Milton Berle

What’s your favorite movie?
Silence of the Lambs.
What’s your favorite TV show?
Modern Family.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
Hanging out with friends, ballin it up (aka playing basketball), watching movies, going to the gym, seeing Carolina kick butt.

Do you have any special skills, talents or bragging rights?
Does singing in the shower count?  Well, I’m a pretty good actor and can do accents by request.

Where’s the coolest place you’ve ever traveled to?
I’m afraid I’m not well traveled.  The best I got is probably Disney World.  But I’d love to go see the world with a lucky lady ;)

What do you like most about UNC?
Oh gosh, how am I supposed to choose from so much?  I could say our awesome athletics, academics, or arts but I think I’ll say the people.  Everybody is so nice here and I have met some pretty amazing people.  I wouldn’t give up my friends for the world.

What’s one thing you want to do before you graduate?
Witness Carolina win a national championship in basketball (It’s gonna happen).

What’s your idea of the perfect girl?
One who’s attractive, has to have a good sense of humor, likes to have fun but also can connect with me on a deeper level.   Has a great smile. A girl that I’m just comfortable to be around and I can talk to easily. Who isn’t uptight but just relaxes and is herself.

What are your biggest turn-offs?
When girls are too stuck up on themselves.  When they have annoying voices or laughs.

Describe your ideal first date.
Probably somewhere pretty nice where we can talk and I can get to know her better.  I’d like to take her out to Southern Rail, a restaurant in Carrboro that used to be an old train station.  I’ve never been there but I heard it was really cool.  Then we could do something fun and more active like bowling or putt- putt.  I’m not too good at either one of those but it’s always a good time.

Basic Facts
Name: Sam Harmon 
School: U Maine
Nickname: Harmonious
Hometown: South Portland, Maine
Relationship status: single

Campus Life

Major:International Business and Management
Favorite thing about UMaine:My crew
How are you involved on campus:American Marketing Association, Intramural Sports (HEADSTASH!), University Flight Club, and laughing at humans vs. zombies
Favorite place to eat in Orono:Orono-The Roost, Old Town-Jonny’s Pizza
Best Class: Leadership w/ Scott Anchors
Worst Class:Strategic Management (Capstone) with Jason Harkins
How do you like to spend your weekends here: Drinking soda pop and staying up until 4 in the morning. Hot tub and Sauna to recover.
What’s on your iPod’s top rated: top 3 Pandora stations: J Cole radio, atmosphere radio, and shaggy radio if the time’s right
Boxers or Briefs: boxer briefs
An embarrassing confession: I love singing in the shower
Ski or Snowboard:Snowboard
What are you plans for Spring Break:Working and flying…In Maine though :(
Salty or Sweet:Sweet
Dream job:Air ambulance/rescue pilot
Biggest Pet Peeve:people saying ‘like’ all the time and people who hate dogs…you both suck but there is still hope for you.
Three words that describe you:Sharp, sturdy, and sincere

Favorite Barstool Segment:Smoke Shows!!!
Favorite Quote:“The world is yours”
Favorite song to dance to at a party: Kool & the Gang- Get Down on it
Favorite food: Wings, Wings, Wings
Favorite sports team(s): Boston Celtics are my #1 but I love all Boston sports teams
Favorite Beer:Samuel Adams Summer Ale
Favorite Video Games of all time: Super Smash Bros. & NFL Blitz-Nintendo 64

The Nitty Gritty 
How do you let someone know you're interested in them:be straight up, but give her room to breathe…Might let her take my pup for a walk too!
What do you want girls to know about you:I’ve been in a couple of long-term relationships and, to be honest, I’m not looking to jump back into one anytime soon. Having said that…I‘m a kind hearted guy who will take you out, treat you right, make you laugh, and always be real and upfront with you whether I’m feeling it or not.
What do you look for in a girl:I’m a sucker for a girl with a warm heart. Everything else comes after that.
Deal-breaker: If she’s jealous or fake, then HEY.......c-YAH!
Celebrity Crush: It’s always been you J-Lo
Boobs or Butt:Nothing wrong with having both, but the booty’s a must

Name: Chris Pinchot
School: Ohio U
Age: 19

Year: Freshman
Major: Fine Arts (soon changing to Visual Communication)
Relationship Status: Single

Why you chose OU: I chose OU because of the beautiful campus, and the Viscom program.
Favorite Place at OU: The Frontroom coffee shop
Hobbies: Videography, Photography, Playing with cats and Singing in the dorm showers.
What You Want to do After You Graduate: After I graduate, I plan on traveling.

Name: Reid Berry

School: SMU

Age: 21

Year: Senior

Major/Minor: Finance major, Psych minor

Greek Affiliation: Pike

Hometown: Glencoe, IL

Relationship Status: In a Relationship

Ideal Date: Picnic on a secluded beach with a hammock between some palm trees to nap in.

Biggest Turn-off: Unibrows

Hobbies: Reading, Cooking, Game of Thrones, Eastbound and Down, and singing in the shower

Favorite Restaurant: Mon Ami Gabi

Favorite Sports Team: Chicago Blackhawks

Favorite Drink: Whiskey Ginger

Celebrity Crush: Keira Knightley

Name: Logan Beckman

School: FSU

Age: 20

Year: Sophomore

Hometown: Temple Terrace, FL

Major: International Affairs

Her Campus (HC): So Logan, can you tell me a little bit about your involvement at FSU?

Logan Beckman (LB): I like to think I am a pretty active person. I like to workout, swim, and surf. I play the guitar and ukulele. I am a part of the Pi Kappa Psi soccer team, captain of the swim team, and a member of the tennis team (all fraternity champs)!


HC: When you aren’t playing every IM sport FSU has to offer what do you do with your time?

LB: I work at Hotel Duval, I was a “Bro Gamma” for fraternity house preview, I was an IFC representative for my fraternity, and I am part of the Catholic Student Union. I am also a lifeguard and I teach kids how to swim. I also volunteer with the Special Olympics and Hospice.

HC: What is your relationship status?

LB: Single.

HC: What is the quality you are most attracted to in a woman?

LB: I think the most attractive thing about a woman physically is her smile. I like to make people laugh and smile so if a woman has a bad smile, she's out. Other than that, the ability to hold a conversation and keep me engaged is another attractive quality (and of course a good sense of humor).

HC: What do you hope to do with your major after you graduate?

LB: Honestly, I don't really know yet. I just switched my major from Biology, but I'd like to travel the world, see new things, and meet new people.

HC: Have you ever been told that you have a celebrity look-a-like? If so, who?

LB: I've been told I look like a lot of people, but I never see it. Most recently I was told I look like Owen Wilson minus the messed up nose, but again I don't see it haha.

HC: What has been your best experience as a Seminole so far?

LB: My favorite experience as a Seminole would definitely be winning the National Championship. After we won it was just so chaotic and I loved every minute of it. I hugged a couple hundred people I've never met in my life, we started fires in the middle of the streets, and most importantly, we asserted our dominance as the best school in the nation.

HC: What is something most people don’t know about you?

LB: This is a tough one. Most people don't know that I'm a pretty good singer. I'm pretty nervous about singing in front of other people, but I get a lot of practice in during showers.

HC: What is one piece of advice you have for those just starting their college experience?

LB: If I could give any advice I would say do not be afraid to fail. College is all about creating new experiences and from time to time, you're not going to succeed. It's all about what you do to overcome failure that makes your college experience unique and fun. Also, don't let relationships get in the way of trying new things and experiencing college the way it’s supposed to be experienced.

Name: Andrew Danter

School: Mizzou

Year: Sophomore

Hometown: St. Louis, Mo.

Major: Industrial Engineering

Relationship status: Single

Interesting fact: “I used to take piano lessons when I was younger. Now I play every once in a while and teach myself songs off the Internet.”

Favorite snack: “White Cheddar Cheez-Its. I live off of them, and everyone knows it.”

Best vacation spot: “Anywhere on the beach. I love the sun and the ocean and how relaxing it is to nap on the beach.”

Best CoMo restaurant: “I really like the Heidelberg. It’s close to campus, and I’m very fond of their buffalo chicken wrap.”

Favorite study spot: “When I’m working on schoolwork, I usually like to go to one of the study rooms in Center. Center is close to my fraternity house, and if I need to get some food, the Mizzou Market is right there.”

Hobbies: Hanging out with friends and singing in the shower.

Ideal first date: “Going out to a movie then getting ice cream would be an ideal first date for me. It’s nothing too serious, but it would be fun. Who doesn’t like ice cream?”

Favorite Mizzou memory: “Homecoming last year was amazing. Having College Gameday come to Mizzou, watching a great game, beating the top-ranked team in the country and rushing the field was exhilarating.”

If you shuffled your iTunes, what would be the first song to play? “Bigger Than My Body” by John Mayer

Campus involvement: “I’m a member of Delta Tau Delta fraternity, where I hold the positions of Brotherhood Chair and skit director. I’m also looking to become a part of the club wrestling team, which just started here at Mizzou, as well as the new organization Greek Advocates.”

Dream job: “Right now I’m planning on going to law school to become a patent lawyer. I dream about coming up with some idea that I can patent myself and possibly start a business with.”

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