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36 Reasons to Celebrate Being Single on Valentine’s Day


This time of year, it seems that love is in the air... just not the air that you’re breathing. Before you go hunting for whatever love potion your peers seem to have gotten their hands on this Valentine’s Day, take a moment to stop, reflect, and relish the fact that you won’t be spending your afternoon cutting out paper hearts (hello, carpal tunnel) or worrying about lipstick smudges (because nothing says, “Kiss me” like rouge-stained teeth, right?). Not convinced that you’re better off? These reasons to celebrate the single life on V-Day just might change your mind:

1. You don’t have to worry about braving that blizzard to go shopping for a special V-Day date outfit.

2. The aforementioned V-Day date outfit would likely cost as much as a few days’ worth of food and you’re on a college budget. Plus, you’re hungry.

3. You’ll convince yourself in the dressing room that you’ll wear said V-Day date outfit more than once, but let’s be real: where are you going to wear that sparkly red cocktail dress? Class? What is this, Pretty Little Liars?

4. Ryan Gosling has been in over 20 movies and you want to watch them all, which takes time, undivided attention, and a large, tree house-style “No Boys Allowed” sign posted on your door to repel the non-believers.

5. Those heart-shaped candy boxes never hold as much chocolate as they seem to in the store and you hate that awkward moment when you realize that there just aren’t enough to share. Not enough good ones, at least, which is basically the same thing.

6. Because you aren’t a sharer, period.

7. You can buy yourself roses at the florist and they won’t be any less special than that bouquet your roommate’s boyfriend bought her. It’s not like he picked them himself...

8. Pink just isn’t your color and, therefore, Valentine’s Day just isn’t your holiday.

9. Your best friend is panicking about what kind of present she should buy for her hook-up buddy, and you rejoice at the fact that you aren’t in her shoes. She doesn’t even know if she’s in a relationship, let alone if her boy-toy likes crewnecks.

10. Unfortunately, your best friend is wrong: her boy-toy doesn’t like crewnecks.

11. One Direction’s “What Makes You Beautiful” is a freaking anthem. Sing it loud and proud.

12. You’re still exhausted from your last relationship and you just want to do you.

13. You missed last week’s episode of Girls and you finally have some time to yourself to watch it, or more accurately, some time to audibly point out all of the ideas that Lena Dunham stole from your own personal life (without anyone questioning your choices).

14. It’s a fine day for a fro-yo and a shopping spree. #treatyourself

15. The movie Valentine’s Day exists and was designed to make awkward V-Day alone time not awkward.

16. While watching Valentine’s Day, you get to enjoy your favorite flavors of man candy: Bradley Cooper, Eric Dane, Jamie Foxx, Patrick Dempsey, Topher Grace, Taylor Lautner, and Ashton Kutcher.

17. Plus, that guy who plays Emma Roberts’s boyfriend who will probably be hot one day.

18. You also happen to have girl-crushes on Emma Roberts, Jessica Biel, Julia Roberts, Jessica Alba, Queen Latifah, Taylor Swift, Anne Hathaway, and Jennifer Garner, to name a few.

19. You have the freedom to watch the Taylor Swift/Taylor Lautner scenes on repeat in the hopes of pinpointing the moment they fell in love (others aren’t quite so jazzed by the idea).

20. Valentine’s Day is infinitely better than New Year’s Eve, so this will be a vast improvement on your last movie night. Seriously, what were they thinking?

21. You still have blisters on your feet from those fabulous heels you wore last weekend (ahem, last night), and instead of wedging your toes into yet another death trap, you fully intend to give them some TLC by staying in and snuggling them up in some slippers.

22. Your friend is giving her boyfriend a well thought-out mix tape and he isn’t giving her anything. “Oh, it’s Valentine’s Day?” you hear him say. “Oh, we’re at the gift-giving stage?” you hear him say. Facepalm.

23. You got 99 problems, but a frat bro ain’t one.

24. You have your eyes on that guy from Sociology, and rumor has it he’s recently single.

25. You spotted said guy from Sociology hanging out in the Student Union (since he also doesn’t have Valentine’s Day plans) and you’re already halfway through plotting your “chance encounter,” complete with flawless hair flip. It’s only stalking if you followed him there, right?

26. You’re certain that one day, Rob Reiner will use this “chance encounter” as the meet cute when he makes a blockbuster about your epic romance. You’re hoping this will lead to Twilight-franchise-style action figures.

27. “I hate chocolate,” said no one ever. Except your ex, last Valentine’s Day. #freeatlast

28. You know who else is celebrating the single life this V-Day? Taylor Swift. You’re no less lucky in love than even the most successful of women.

29. Your parents will be overjoyed when you tell them that you finally have free time to Skype them since your friends are out on dates. Suddenly you’ve regained your rightful status as the favorite child.

30. When you first turn on Skype and your dad barely recognizes you, you realize you probably should have done this weeks ago.

31. When you think back to Valentine’s Days past – several of which featured red- and pink-colored braces – you remember how lucky you are to be a beautiful collegiette with an entire campus full of single undergrads at your disposal. And more importantly, that you no longer have braces.

32. Because “serial dater” isn’t nearly so awful as “serial killer,” but you still don’t like the sound of it... especially when it’s used to describe you. Time for a break?

33. You aren’t a fan of heart-shaped goodies. It’s a cookie. It should be shaped like one.

34. The V-Day party will be filled with other singles, and you’re like a kid in a candy store.

35. You’re reading Romeo and Juliet in your Shakespeare class and that stuff is straight up depressing. You’re not really in the mood to be a star-crossed lover anytime soon. Please and thank you.

36. Because you aren’t the only single one out there. You just happen to be the best. Expect boys to be beating down your door by sundown.

Remember, Valentine’s Day isn’t just for the sweethearts of the world (though it’s probably nice for them, too). So put on “Single Ladies,” turn up your speaker, and get your celebratory, single-gal V-Day started right.

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