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10 Italian Campus Cuties


Name: Christopher Casoli

School: McGill

Major: Chemical Engineering

Nationality: 100% Italian and proud!

Born: Montreal

Hometown: Montreal (West Island)

Describe your program in one word: Complex

Best way to unwind: Going to my cottage after a long week always does the trick. Just chilling by the lake in the sun surrounded by the peace and quiet of nature really helps me unwind from the stresses of school, work, etc.

Study snack of choice: Definitely tarallis (Italian cookies) if I’m at home, but candy as well; I have a huge sweet tooth.

Liquid courage: Vodka always does the trick.

Most embarrassing moment: I was on a family vacation and I somehow managed to knock over a waiter carrying a tray full of drinks. It was a very crowded restaurant and it made quite the commotion... I’m a pretty clumsy person.

Favorite place in the world: Santorini, Greece - hands down. The food, the people, the scenery... everything is amazing; I can’t wait to go back. It is one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever visited (swallowing my Italian pride a bit here).

Top three pet peeves:
1 - People who have full conversations on the bus or train. You’re not in your house; you should respect the people around you and shut up.
2 - Slow walkers! I don’t mind if you’re taking a leisurely stroll, just don’t walk in the middle of the sidewalk and block the path for the rest of us.
3 - Walking into a messy house, room, or whatever it may be. It doesn’t take long to clean up and make your space presentable.

Biggest turn-off: Really bad teeth; the second I notice that in a girl, it’s over.

Biggest turn-on: Long dark hair and nice legs - gets me every time.

If you could date anyone in the world who and why: Adrianna Lima... pretty self-explanatory I think.

Describe the girls at McGill: Smart, sophisticated, and quite a few cuties (for the most part…)

Secret love affair (doesn't have to be a person): I love pasta; it is impossible for me to go an entire week without having a nice bowl of pasta.

Go-to movie and why: Zoolander! Funniest movie ever made, always makes me cry of laughter every time I watch it.

Your mantra: “It is what it is.” You can’t change the past, just need to learn from your mistakes and look forward to the future.

Hey collegiettes, get to know David Stern. This campus cutie is a die-hard Packers fan with a big Italian family. He can be found practicing his clarinet for the Marquette Pep band, istening to all kinds of music, or keeping up on politics. Here's what he wants you ladies to know!

Name: David Stern

School: Marquette

Age: 20 years old

Year: Junior 

Hometown: Shorewood, Wisconsin

Major: Biomedical Sciences

Relationship Status: Single

Extracurriculars: Tae Kwon Do, Soccer, Band

Favorite Movie: Big Daddy

Favorite Song: Theres no such thing as a Favorite song

Favorite Food: Calamari

If he could marry one celebrity, he'd chose: Hope Solo

First Thing He Notices About A Girl: Her eyes

Favorite Spot in Milwaukee: Miller Park

Hidden Talent: 16 years of soccer skill

Favorite Place to Take a Girl on a Date: Honestly, the beach

Where He Sees Himself in 10 Years: Physical Therapist hopefully with my own business. Maybe professional soccer player 

Introducing this week's campus cutie, Josh Polombo! This senior club hockey stud has made quite the impression on campus with his good looks and Italian charm. Aside from his adorable smile,  he has brains too! (We all know majoring in Finance can't be easy). Unfortunately, this Nashua native is not single, but we can still take a peak can't we girls?

Name: Josh Polombo

School: New Hampshire

Favorite place on campus? The Dirty Den (my house)

Place on campus you love the food the most? Wild Kitty

Favorite UNH sport? Hockey

Favorite sport to watch? Hockey

Favorite type of music? Country

Favorite part of UNH? Homecoming/Holloween

Why did you choose UNH? Close enough to home, the business school, and somewhere to play hockey.

What are your plans after college? Get rich and have a family.

If you could give yourself a high school superlative, what would it be? Biggest Heart

Fun facts? I’m 100% Italian, have an abnormally large big toe, and I am petrified of scary movies.

Favorite movie? Man on Fire

Favorite TV show? Fresh Prince of Bel Air

Favorite color? Blue

Dream job? Playing in the NHL

Man Crush? Leo Dicaprio

View on Ugg Boots? Ugg, I don’t know

If you could have dinner with one person dead or alive who would it be? Denzel Washington

If you could have one super power what would it be? Teleportation, love to travel but I hate planes.

Biggest celebrity crush? Kate Beckinsale

Blondes, brunettes or red heads? Brunettes everytime

If you could choose next weeks campus cutie, who would it be and why? Matt Nocella or Mike Currie, hard 10’s 

(pictured below)

Ideal date? Dinner on a boat on a summer night

Most Embarrassing Moment? Sleeping through hockey practice multiple times my freshman year

As a senior, if you could give advice to freshman what would it be? I would do anything to be a freshman again, don’t waste it.

This or That:

Christensen or Williamson? I lived in both

Philbrook or HOCO? Philbrook

Aroma Joes or BNG? Aroma Joe’s

House party or Frat basement? House Party

Beach or lake? Lake

Summer or fall? Summer

Scorps or Libby’s? Scorps

Name: Mike Ascanio
School: U Maine          
Major:Undeclared “I’m a renaissance man”
Hometown:Falmouth, ME
Relationship status: Single and ready to mingle
Interests: eating, running, hanging out with girls, and the greater good
Favorite place to eat in Orono: The Roost

What do you look for in a girl: something unique
Your idea of a great date: anything fun and relaxed, not trying to get married
Deal breaker with girls: repeated stupidity offenses

What’s your favorite past time :frequently changes, getting there with my pals while living the dream
Boxers or briefs:boxers
Favorite food:Italian from the homeland (Ma’s cooking)
Do you enjoy cooking:for sure- homemade pasta sauce is the favorite
Favorite sports team: Celtics

Boobs or butt: whichever sides facing me
Blonde or Brunette: whatever is natural, don’t count yourself out
Sweet or Salty: Depends on what the food is
Celebrity Crush:Natalie Portman

Idol:Al Pacino (back in the day)
Favorite movie quote:“Heroes live forever, legends never die.  Follow your heart kid, you’ll never go wrong” – Babe Ruth, The Sandlot
What’s first on your Christmas list:Sugarloaf skiing

Name: Vincent De Cosmo

School: USFSP

Birthday: May 13th

Age: 20

Year: Junior

Major: Psychology

Hey guys! Meet this week's Campus Cutie, Vincent!

Vincent is very much involved in our usfsp community, taking part in Student Government, and contributing to activities within the student life. Learn more about him!

What made you choose USFSP as your campus?

I chose USFSP becuase it was close to my family (Godson/niece/nephew).

What do you like to do in your free time?

On my free time I play the drums and sing.

How long have you been singing/playing?

I've been playing the drums for 7 years, and singing has always been apart of my family since I was growing up. 

What instruments do you play?

I play the drums, the djembe (African drum), congas, bongos, and i consider the voice an instrument.

Where do you want to go with your music?

I want to tour around the country (or internationally) and play music festivals with big name bands and eventually have a few albums with a band of my own.

Where would you want to be in 10 years?

In 10 years, I would want to be finishing grad-school and have a girlfriend who will be ready to settle down and prepare for marriage and kids. If music is the path that I ultimately go down, I would want to be signed by a major record label and be headlining an International Tour. 

What clubs/organizations are you part of on campus?

I am apart of SG, as the current Supervisor of Student Government Elections.

What do you hope to see different within this campus? What would you like to remain the same?

I hope to see more language classes (I'm Italian and want to take Italian classes for my language requirement) available for this campus, and/or a music program (maybe jazz or a modern rock degree). I'd also like to see more music on campus in general. (More live shows, more people just walking around with instruments).
I would like to keep the same friendly atmosphere that this campus portrays. I feel the small campus makes people feel comfortable (almost homey.)

Name: Tony Barbagallo

School: Towson

Tony BarbagalloYear: 2014-sophomore

Major: Information Technology

Three words to describe him: Ladies, this cutie describes himself as being friendly, ambitious, and adventurous.  What a catch!

Favorite place to eat on campus: This cutie can be spotted at Chick-Fil-A on campus!

Favorite genre of music: Girls if you are into country music, this is the guy for you!

What this cutie looks for in a girl: A good sense of humor and someone who is fun to hang out!

Talents: He can cook!

Relationship Status: Sorry girls, but this one is TAKEN!

What Tony does for fun around Towson: This cutie can be spotted playing basketball at open gym!

Interesting fact: This Italian catch has quite an interesting last name.  Did you know Barbagallo means bearded rooster in Italian?  Who knew?!

Tony’s girlfriend says Tony is awesome and even has a soft spot for his cat Oscar! 

Name: Daniel Casas
School: Arizona

NickName: Danny
Year: Freshman
Home Town: Orange County, CA
Campus Involvement: “I am pledging SAE” (sigma alpha epsilon)
Major: Pre-Business
Minor: Sociology
Interests: “Sports, mostly basketball and football”
Daniel’s Motto: “Live life to the fullest.”
Embarrassing Confession: “I actually can mimic Elmo perfectly.”
Danny’s most successful pick up line: “I use my Italian background to woo the ladies, ‘Tue siea bella bambina’ which means, ‘you are a beautiful baby.’”
Daniel’s Secret Talent: “I can walk on my hands.”
Danny is most excited for: “My future with Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity.”
Status: Single, find Danny on FB!
Why Danny’s thinks he qualifies to be a Campus Cutie: “I’m a typical Italian gentleman.” 

This week's HC UPenn Campus Cutie is an Italian stallion who will win you over with his mad cooking skills and his charming accent. A true globetrotter, one of Umberto’s goals is to travel to all seven continents (before even graduating college!). Read on to find out more about this ambitious Kappa Alpha brother who hopes to someday become a doctor.

Name: Umberto Tosi
School: U Penn
Age: 19
Birthday: May 26, 1992
Year: 2015
Major: Biological Basis of Behavior
Hometown: Busto Arsizio, Italy
Languages: Italian, English
Favorite city: Milan

Check out the other HC UPenn cuties!

What do you miss most about Italy? I miss my friends and family, and the food and wine.

Biggest culture shock: People don’t kiss on the cheek when they see each other around here. Also, people don’t know how to master the art of drinking.

Favorite food: Risotto.

Favorite restaurant in Philly: Marrakesh.

Best Italian restaurant in Philly: My room…(yes ladies, Umberto can cook!)

Favorite thing about American girls: They appreciate the fact that I’m Italian…

First thing you notice about a girl: The color of her eyes.

Perfect first date: Dinner at a good restaurant.

What do you look for in a girl? Someone who is attractive, funny, and takes care of me.

Do you believe in love at first sight? Nope, but maybe infatuation at first sight.

Do you believe in soul mates? Yes I do.

Does true love last forever? Yes, definitely.

Favorite pick-up line: Looking into a girl’s eyes and telling her “you look sad tonight.”

Celebrity Crush: Uma Thurman

Dream job: Doctor, maybe in a city like Boston.

Most memorable part of freshman year: Meeting a girl for the first time at a sorority party downtown and being asked about marriage…

Something you have to do before graduating: Visit all seven continents.

If you didn’t see Dean DelVecchio around at Homecoming last weekend, make sure you check out this week’s Campus Cutie here! Dean helped lead his fraternity and the rest of his team to victory in the Homecoming events this year. While he enjoyed this big event on campus, Dean also enjoys a simple date night walking around the town or just watching a movie. Although this Cutie is taken (sorry collegiettes), meet Dean!

Name: Dean DelVecchio

School: TCNJ

Year: Junior

Age: 20

Hometown: Clark, New Jersey

Major: Finance

Campus Organization(s): Phi Alpha Delta Fraternity, Club Lacrosse

Relationship Status: In a Relationship

Favorite Movie: Gladiator

Favorite Cartoon Movie: Madagascar

 Favorite Food: Italian food (Literally anything Italian and I’ll love it)

Fun Fact: I'm 100% Italian but I have never been to Italy nor do I speak Italian

Ideal First Date: Here at the CONJ I would make it real simple to get a nice 1 on 1. I would start off at Princeton, get some frozen yogurt and walk around the town at night. If all goes well, I’d end the night with a movie.

Biggest Turn-On: A girl that can cook

Biggest Turn-Off: Girls with large egos/Girls that think their better than other people

Celebrity Crush: Cassadee Pope

Favorite memory from Homecoming this year: Winning homecoming and storming the field with my brothers and the sisters of Sigma Kappa

Favorite Homecoming activity: Being a part of the Homecoming dance. We practiced for 3+ weeks to perform in front of a huge crowd. I was so grateful to come off the stage and have so many people come up to me and tell us how awesome we did.

Thoughts on the changes to Homecoming this year: I was not a fan of the changes of homecoming but I was happy to see that everyone was still able to have fun. The changes this year were honestly not that bad but it scares me that the school was willing to make so many radical changes without the voice of the students or even alumni. When we did share our concerns, we were given automated responses and vague emails. Eventually we were able make changes but it still compared nothing to past tailgates.

Name: Ryan Aceto

School: University of Maryland

Major: Finance

Year: Senior

Hometown: Malvern, PA

Interests/Campus Activities: Really involved in my Fraternity (ATW), Intramural sports, Ten Man Plan, and now the Terrapin Club.

Relationship Status:  Single

What’s something that most people don’t know about you?

I’m Italian.

What do you look for in a girl?

 She is funny, smart and fun to hang out with.

What turns you off most about a girl?

A girl who thinks that they are better than you and won’t give you the time of day.

Who is your celebrity crush?

Anna Kendrick

What are your post-grad plans?

Hopefully going to the World Cup in Brazil then work in either Philly or Baltimore and live with some friends.

What would you plan for a first date in College Park?

Probably cook up some of my Dad’s famous ‘gravy’ (pasta sauce) and drink some wine.

What three words would you use to describe yourself?

Easy-going, loyal, and lanky

Favorite pick up line to use on a girl?

Excuse me you owe me a drink. (Why?) When I saw you I dropped mine.

Photo Credit: Facebook

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