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8 Campus Cuties Crushing on Emma Stone


School: UIC

Name: Earvin Regacho

Year: Sophomore

Major: Kinesiology

Birthday: Nov 6, 1993



UIC Life

Local or Commuter: Local, JST

What are you involved in on campus? Intermural Sports and Kinesiology Club

What do you love about UIC? Spark in the Park

What do you dislike about UIC?“All the crime alerts!”


Fun Facts

If you had a theme song, what would it be? "Hold on We’re Going Home" by Drake

Favorite music: Everything but country

Favorite chick-flick: Pitch Perfect

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?“Living in the Trump Tower and blowing cash.”


Love Life

Interested in: Women

Single or Taken: Taken

Celebrity Crush(s): Emma Watson and Emma Stone

Deal Breaker: “If she picks her nose or farts in public…”

Deal Maker: “If she knows how to cook”

Dream Date: “Early dinner on Michigan Avenue, followed by professional sports game after. Desert and then a walk along Lakeshore.”



Favorite thing about Halloween: “The candy!”

Favorite scary movie: Sinister

What are you being for Halloween?“Luigi!”

Favorite past Halloween costume: Pirate

School: Emerson
Name: Jake Sigler
Year of Graduation: 2016
Major: Writing, Literature, & Publishing
Hometown: Yorktown Heights, NY
Status: Single
Sign: Virgo

Turn-ons: Determined, has a good sense of humor, and doesn’t take herself too seriously
Turn-offs: Conceitedness and selfishness

If you had to choose just five songs to listen to for the rest of your life, which songs would you pick?
1. “Semi-Charmed Life” by Third Eye Blind
2. “Sunday Morning” by Maroon 5
3. “Love Song” by 311
4. “Superman” by Five for Fighting
5. “Lose Yourself” by Eminem

Celebrity crush?
“Emma Stone. She’s pretty perfect.”

Perfect first date?
“So long as it’s with Emma Stone, it would be perfect.”

Best pick-up line?
“I don’t use pick up lines, but if I did it would be, ‘I’d use a line on you…but I’m too intimidated by your beauty.’”

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
“Aruba. Blue water, clear skies, no worries.”

First thing you notice about a girl:
“Her eyes.”

Three fun facts:
1. I have a tattoo of a quotation mark on my left shoulder.
2. I’ve been playing soccer since I was two.
3. I’m a poet.

Basic Facts

School: U Maine

Name:  Thomas Buckley

Nickname:  TJ

Hometown: Berwick, Maine

Relationship Status: Single

Sign: Taurus              


Campus Life
Major: Business Marketing
Favorite thing about UMaine: The weekends
Favorite place to eat in Orono: Johnny’s (old town)
Best Class: Women studies
Worst Class: Math

Best Professor: Suzhong Tian
How do you like to spend your weekends here: Studying for finals. 1 page of reading = 1 shot of alcohol

What is on your ipod's top rated: Thrift Shop

 Boxers or Briefs: Briefs
An embarrassing confession: I like older women
Ski or Snowboard: Ski
Salty or Sweet: Sweet
Dream job: Be my own boss and tell other people what to do.
Biggest Pet Peeve: Slow drivers 
Favorite Guilty Pleasure: Oatmeal Pies
Three words to describe yourself: Funny, smart, articulate


Favorite Barstool Segment: Smokesmash
Favorite Quote: “Grab a brew, Don’t cost nothin’”- Animal House
Favorite song to dance to at a party: Gangnam style
Favorite food: Chicken on chicken on chicken
Favorite sports team(s): Patriots, Celtics, Bruins
Favorite Beer: Rolling rock
Favorite App (game or otherwise): Snapchat

The Nitty Gritty   
Craziest place you've ever had sex:  In school, during class
How do you let someone know you're interested in them: Initiate a conversation and or poke on Facebook
What do you want girls to know about you: I’m a hopeless romantic
What do you look for in a girl:  Eyes, nice smile
Deal-breaker: Girls who don’t like kids
Celebrity Crush: Emma Stone
Celebrity Man-Crush: Tom Brady

School: Emeroson

Full Name: Kiernan Zehring

Academic Year: Freshman

Major: Journalism

Hometown: Roxbury, Connecticut

Relationship Status: Single

Astrological Sign: Cancer

Biggest turn-on: Intelligence, sense of humor, then looks.

Biggest turn-off: No manners.

Celebrity crush: Emma Stone.

Future goals/ambitions: Have a successful television production career, or any career as a successful entertainer.

Involvement at Emerson: I am an assistant producer and editor for GME’s weather segment, and a “Speechless” panelist on The Emerson Channel (Mondays at 8)

Hobbies/interests: Acting, Filmmaking, Watching TV, and adventuring.

Fashion trend for girls that you don’t understand: Jeggings.

First thing you notice about a girl: Teeth and eyes.

Theme song to your life: “Little Secrets” by Passion Pit

Most embarrassing song on your iTunes library: “Hips Don’t Lie” by Shakira… No comment

Best part of your Emerson experience so far: Working on “Speechless” on The Emerson Channel.

Idea of a perfect date: Dinner at a nice restaurant, then a trip to a movie.

Favorite movie quote: “Did I adequately answer your condescending question?” –Mark Zuckerberg (The Social Network 2010)

Guilty pleasure: “Halloweentown”

Best pick-up line: “Hey I just met you, and this is crazy, here’s my number. Text me if you’d like, but you shouldn’t call because that would feel awkw

School: McGill

Name: Patrick Zeng

Hometown: Ottawa, Canada

Birthday: February 19

Year: U2

Major/Minor: Major in Finance, Double Concentration in Accounting & Information Systems

Dream Job: Basketball player for the NBA

Realistic Job: Some Management Guy

Relationship Status: Single

Celebrity crush (male and female): Adam Levine. As a (straight) guy, even I can appreciate his chilling vocals, calm demeanour, and that impeccable jaw line. But I’ll have to take my girl Emma Stone over him any day, sorry Adam! Who says Gingers don’t have souls?

What do you look for in a girl? Somebody who is smart, funny, and easy-going! Also, a little hint of spice is always nice ;)

Three words describing yourself: Passionate, caring, and proactive

If you could have a superpower what would it be? Teleportation; I could get to class/work without making any effort at all. No more stupid traffic or waiting for the bus…

Guilty pleasure food: Chicken Shawarma with extra garlic sauce

Words to live by: When you long for a life without difficulties, remember that oaks become strong from large contrary winds and diamonds are formed under constant pressure.

Favourite time of year at McGill: The beginning of the school year, no doubt! Summer weather, frosh, OAP, reunions, and that slight surge in motivation to “make up for last year” before reality finally kicks in.

Best class you’ve taken at McGill: Applied Corporate Finance with Hammami. “Things get spicy, but you’re going to learn to like it!” 1.5 hour presentations, a case and report every week, an absolute massacre!

Craziest thing you’ve ever done: Paraded the Eaton Centre in a cave-man costume and video camera screaming the McGill Chant… in March…. MCGILL ONCE, MCGILL TWICE, HOLY…oops.

School: FSU

Name: Alex Bluteau

Year: Sophomore

Major: Environmental Studies

Hometown: Boca Raton

When Alex isn’t hard at work studying, he is out playing with the Florida State Rugby team.

Mikaela Mcshane: So Alex, I’m sure school and rugby keep you pretty busy. Do you have any other hobbies?

Alex Bluteau: I try to find time to get outside and be active, aside from rugby. I really enjoy hunting, fishing, boating, mountain biking and four wheeling. Honestly I like anything that gets me out in the fresh air. Growing up in Boca I am used to a more outdoor-oriented lifestyle, and I sometimes really miss the water.

MM: Being a single guy on Florida State's campus, what do you look for in a girl? Which qualities are you most attracted to you?

AB: I need a girl who will hold her own in a conversation - intelligence is extremely sexy, A good sense of humor is also absolutely essential. I like to have fun and I need a girl who is confident enough in herself to be able to take a joke, and tease me back a little too. I love athleticism in a girl. It’s very attractive to see a girl who respects herself enough to take care of her body.

MM: You said you like smart, sassy athletic girls. Who would your celebrity crushes be?

AB: I usually associate actresses with the characters they are the most known for. To name a few I would say, Olivia Wilde, Scarlet Johansson, Emma Stone and Kate Beckinsale.

MM: Where do you see yourself after college?

AB: I hope to have a career involving environmental science and to be living somewhere on the water. I really want to love the job I have - I never want to be one of those people who dreads going to work in the morning.

School: UNC Chapel Hill
Name:Holden Hughley
Hometown: Salisbury, NC
Major: Political Science and Central European Studies
Year: Freshman

Funny, buff, and charming -- he’s the perfect gentleman with a mischievous wit. No, this is not the new Disney prince, but rather this week’s Campus Cutie. He doesn’t brood like his namesake, Catcher in the Rye’s Holden Caulfield, but rather utters sarcastic jokes in his silky baritone voice. This week’s dreamy Campus Cutie, Holden Hughley, is definitely someone you should get to know.

Favorite study spot: First floor of Davis Library

Best Coldstone flavor: The German chocolate cake one

Fun fact: I’m a black belt in karate. Also I have my own theme song.

Motto: “you can never eat too many burgers”

Biggest turn-on: A girl with a really cute nose. That is the best thing ever.

Relationship status: Single

Celebrity crush: Emma Stone

Perfect date: I don’t know. Hmmm….most of my ideas are just really lame. What’s cool? Give me a couple options here.

Favorite food: Gyro

Man crush: I’m torn between Patrick Stewart and Burt Reynolds

Dream job: Government diplomat

Future family plans: I want one boy and two twin girls.

Favorite part of UNC: There is so much stuff that is so cool about Carolina. I can’t even pick one.

Best country: Germany

Favorite superhero: Batman

Biggest turn-offs: Girls who smoke. Just in general, people who chew with their mouths open. It really makes me angry. I can’t talk to those people.

Pirate vs. ninja: Pirates are really cool. I’d just take the scurvy and gold.

Best pick-up line: I had a really good anti-pick up line: “if I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put your sister and I together.” But I’d never use that if I was trying to get with a girl.

Holden Hughley is far from normal, but that just might make all the difference in the world to some lucky lady. Say “hi” to this Campus Cutie if you see him around!

School:Western Ontario
Name: Greg Wong

Program: 2nd year Social Science 
Relationship Status: Single
Dream Job: Teacher/Astronaut 
Celebrity Female crush: Emma Stone 
Ideal Date: Blue Jays game

Movie –
Television Show – Happy Days
Place on campus – Saugeen-Maitland Hall
Band – Creedence Clearwater Revival
Things to do on a Wednesday Night: Rick McGhie at the Spoke 
Twitter to follow: @DrewGROF

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