Steven Lee is probably one of the sweetest guys I have ever met. He is someone you can always count on 100% of the time and he will even listen to you vent for countless hours about useless drama. Aside from being a cutie, Steven is highly romantic and knows exactly how to treat a girl. He’s definitely a keeper! Steven is hilarious, intelligent, and an amazing friend. (Oh and word on campus is that he gives a fantastic back rub!)
Name: Steven Lee
Hometown: Lansdale, PA "I grew up in the same house my whole life, and I hope to live there for the rest of it."
School: Villanova
Class: 2014
Relationship Status: Taken
Major: Political Science, secondary education, and honors triple major, with minors in Psychology, business and history.
Involvement on Campus: Well, my main involvement this year is with the Phi Sigma Pi honors fraternity. I am on the executive board and that takes up a good amount of my time. Otherwise, I am getting ready to student teach in the spring and doing research for my honors thesis.
What’s your ideal girl like?
Well, my ideal girl is a smart, probably introvert who prefers a quiet night over a party or going to a bar. She is extremely passionate about what she does and loves helping people. She is very close to her family and values close, personal relationships above all else. I’ll know she’s the one because I’ll realize I don’t deserve her at all.
Turn On: A girl who looks like she’s just ready to study and lounge around. Sweats and a t-shirt, no makeup. Just natural beauty.
Turn Off: A girl who is too self-absorbed and cannot actually be in a relationship with anyone else because she is in one with herself.
What is your idea of a perfect date?
Good question, I’ve never actually done this before, probably because I fall asleep way to early for this to be possible, but one time I would like to have a quiet eveing with my date, make dinner together and then snuggle up for a movie. Then, since it’s our first date, which I forgot to mention, we stay up for a couple more hours just talking and getting to know each other better. Come 3 or 4 am, I ask her if she’d like to watch the sunrise with me. She says yes, and we drive down the beach and watch the sunrise together and share our first kiss. The beginning of a happy ever after :)
What’s your most memorable experience at Villanova?
My most memorable experience was probably with this cute girl I met when I studied abroad in Prague. She turned out to be a great friend, and we spent some time awesome weekend traveling together. We didn’t drink or go out too much, but on one of the last nights, we decided to go with the group to the largest club in Central Europe. It was so much fun and we danced the night away.
Have you studied abroad anywhere else?
I also did a six week study abroad in Sienna, Italy.
Favorite Food: After this past summer in Italy, pasta is probably my favorite food currently.
Favorite Movie: Thank You For Smoking (or A Walk to Remember)
Favorite Book: 1984 by George Orwell
Favorite Holiday: Christmas
Favorite Color: Pink
Favorite Song: "Lose Yourself" by Eminem
Name: Jamie Dowling
School: WM
Year: 2015
Major: Undecided
Hometown: Ridgefield, CT
Music Style: Rap and Country
Favorite Movies: “The Departed,” “True Grit,” and “Drive”
Greatest accomplishment: “I played in an intramural basketball game once.”
Where can you be found on a typical weekend? “Paul’s”
Have any pets? I used to have cats.
Favorite Holiday: Christmas
Play any instruments? Guitar
Play any sports? No
Ideal Girl
Hair color: Light brown
Tall or short: Tall
Nice eyes or nice smile: Smile
Girl in sweats or in a dress: Dress
Best thing a girl can wear: Sundress
What do you prefer, a girl who plays an instrument or a sport? Sport
Night in or night out? Night out
If you could have any super power, what would it be? Superhuman strength
Most annoying phrases girls say? “Wait, is that racist?”
Pet names - cute or annoying? Annoying
How do you feel about PDA? Fine
Romantic or thriller movie when you take a girl out on a date: Thriller
Girliest movie you’ve ever watched: Mean Girls
If you could add an event to the triathlon, what would it be? Spend the night in the Swem basement bathroom.
If a girl makes the first move, do you like it or not? I’m open to it.
What song would you sing when serenading a girl? "Señorita”
Name: Erik Richison
Age: 22
School: OK State
Year: Senior
Hometown: Tulsa, Okla.
Relationship Status: Single
Organizations: The Wells Project, official photographer for the Judah and the Lion concert.
Favorite pickup lines: Something like, "Hey want me to pick you up at 8?" Or "Hey you look kind of tired, want me to pick you up?" Or if I'm feeling real good, "Hey I noticed you were wearing Chanel Number 5, want me to be your number one?"
Favorite memories at OSU: My favorite memory at OSU is rushing the field after the OU game in 2011. I thought I was having fun till I noticed Spencer Mobley and Vincent Sorrentino straddling the torn down field goal post. Now you tell me, who truly ended up on top in that game?
Worst date ever: I was wearing a fresh cardigan, newly purchased from Gap. Ray Bans in check, legs crossed and lips pursed just enough to make a statement. I then held that pose for 30 hour fifteen. After acting like I had important things to do on my phone for the next few minutes I called it quits. Carefully, but sternly, ripped off the Wayfarers from utop my nose and drove home. Being stood up is the worst, is it not?
Boxers or Briefs: Boxers. I was never a fan of golden retrievers or chocolate labs. Boxers just have a look of sternness to them. Their posture says, "I could rip you apart, but I won't because I respect you."
Why did you come to OSU: I came to OSU because I wanted to because I wanted to be a Beta. Truly an amazing group of men that I am proud to call my brothers.
Deal breakers: I'm not sure I have deal breakers, but a quote I really like to describe something like this is, "A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ that a man should have to seek Him to find her."
Favorite things about OSU: Marcus Smart and Markel Brown dunks, Mike Gundy's post locker room dances, Study Abroad in Holland and whenever our announcer at football games yells, "Cowboyyyyyy...marching band!"
OSU women are the best because..: A quote from one of my favorite Cowgirls, "I want to be a Renaissance woman. I want to paint, and I want to write, and I want to act, and I want to just do everything." - Emma Watson. Oh, did she not attend OSU? What a mistake I have made. But really, the Cowgirls are the best.
Favorite Holiday and Why: I wish more people would appreciate Flag Day, nothing like seeing old glory fly on a windy day. But anyway, my favorite holiday is Christmas. I mean come on, what did you expect me to say? Something silly like Flag Day?
This week’s Campus Cutie hails all the way from Minnesota. Meet junior Cooper Aakhus! He’s the perfect guy – blond, single, and a Directioner. Okay, so maybe he isn’t a diehard One Direction fan, but he does know some of the lyrics to their songs. Read on to get to know Coop a little bit better!
Name: Cooper Aakhus
Nickname: Coop
Hometown: BC - Brainerd, Minnesota
School/Year: A&S 2014
Major: Biology
Residence on campus: Medeiros (I am an RA)
One thing you are most excited about for senior year: Finally getting to live on lower campus after three years on upper… Mac is getting really old.
Favorite place to eat on campus: Eagles Nest…They have the best sandwiches.
Best class: I have two! Shakespeare and my postmodernism class.
Worst class: Physics
Things you do on campus: I am an RA, President of Habitat for Humanity, and a member of the Rhetorical Society. I also sing in the University Chorale.
Best BC memory (so far): I was on the crew team freshman year and one day in the spring it was really warm and beautiful out. It was just a great day on the water!
Biggest pet peeve: When people walk super slow. It’s so frustrating.
Last song you listened to: “1985” by Bowling for Soup
Favorite food: I know this is not a food, but peanut butter. I will put it on everything.
Favorite holiday: I love Christmas! It’s such a happy holiday.
Greatest fear: Dementors. Those things are the worst!
Favorite sports team: The Minnesota Vikings! SKOL VIKINGS!
Favorite book: Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card
Guilty pleasure: One Direction. I know far too many lyrics of their songs.
Most embarrassing moment: It was during the period of having two-a-days for football in High School. I went to church one day after practice, but during the sermon my legs started to cramp. I started freaking out because it hurt really bad and soon the entire congregation was staring at me as I was thrashing around in a pew. My parents pretended not to know me….
Favorite chick flick: 500 Days of Summer
Four fun facts about yourself:
- I have competed in the world’s largest ice fishing contest...but I didn’t win at all.
- I detest olives. They are made by demons to ruin every food they are put in.
- I have never broken a major bone in my body (I broke my toes playing football though).
- I have fallen through ice into a lake three times in my life, and yet I have not learned my lesson.
Single or taken: Single
Celebrity girl crush: Anna Kendrick
Celebrity guy crush: I’m between Jude Law and Jake Gyllenhaal
Deal breakers: Smokers, picky eaters, and girls who can’t take a joke.
Ideal date: Something fun and casual! I want to get to know the girl and have a fun time.
Favorite pick-up line? (I trip and fall on the ground in front of the girl) Did I die? Because I see an angel in front of me!
Meet sophomore, Connor Maloney. A biology major in the College of Arts & Sciences, we’ll let this cutie speak for himself…
Name: Connor Maloney
Hometown: Weston, MA
School/Year: BC - Arts & Sciences, 2015
Major: Biology
Residence on campus: Williams -__-
Favorite thing about BC: Living on CoRo and away from underage drinking.
One thing to do before you graduate: Go to a mod party that I was actually invited to.
Favorite place to eat on campus:Stokes Chocolate Bar (I'm kind of a hipster)
Best Class: All of them.
Best moment of sophomore year at BC so far: That time when I wasn’t a freshman.
Best way to spend a Saturday night: Any NOTH event really does it for me. Trivia night gets the blood goin, you know?
Fun Facts
Biggest Pet Peeve: Those people that study in Hillside. They’re under five stories of library but they need to take up the lunch table I was gonna sit at.
Favorite Holiday: Christmas, no question.
Greatest Fear: Pulling the red tab.
Favorite sports team: I really like what the BC Women’s Volleyball team is doing this year.
Guilty Pleasure: Reading every article of Her Campus.
Love Life
Single or Taken: Taken. School is my one true love.
Celebrity Crush: Aretha Franklin
Deal Breakers: Walking slow, paying at the registers with cash, and leaving the seat down.
Deal Maker: Any girl that’s perfected the BC Lookaway and Pretend to Text is right for me.
Ladies, get to know this hunk in time for the holidays. He’s got a good heart and an even better gift list. Who doesn’t love a giver during this time of year? And he’s single for the season, too.
Name: Dalton Preston
Hometown: Trenton, MO
School: Mizzou
Major: Business (emphasis in Finance)
Year: Sophomore
Relationship Status: Single
Words to live by: "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." - Aristotle.
Role Model: Jesus
Favorite Study Spot: The Student Center
Dream Job: Anything that would entail traveling the world.
Most Memorable Moment: This one is tough. I guess high school graduation.
Favorite Holiday: Christmas
The Ideal Girl: Nice, smart and athletic. Good-looking wouldn't hurt either.
The perfect present to give away: Love
Best Winter Memory: Sledding, ice skating and playing hockey on my dad's farm when I was young.
If you could receive any Christmas gift what would it be and why? A billion dollars. I could do a lot of positive things and change a lot of lives with money like that.
Meet Kyle, this week's Campus Cutie! He is a senior at Conn, and when he's not swimming in the pool, he is helping students with their careers as a CELS Fellow or baking for Camel Catering! Read on to learn about his favorite swim team moment, guilty pleasure (it's a good one), and what he does as a CELS fellow!
Name:Kyle Matson
School: Conn College
Year: 2014
Major/Minor: Psychology/Philosophy
Hometown: Brookfield, CT
Relationship Status: Single
Dorm: JA
Extracurricular Activities: Swim Team, CELS Fellow, SAAC, Camel Catering
How’s it been to be on the swim team? Are you getting nostalgic that it’s your last year?
It’s awesome, we’ve got a great team this year and I’m looking forward to seeing where we go. As far as being nostalgic…well…I’ve been longing for the day that I retire from the sport of swimming, but yes it will be a little be sad.
Since you’re a senior, what has been your favorite moment on the swim team?
My favorite moment goes back to last year. It’s actually many moments. For one, we had a legendary recruiting night, in which we got almost every recruit that came for that weekend. Then we got into some trouble, went through some rough patches, but we had an incredible ending. The men’s team finished 3rd in the NESCAC, the highest place in college history. Coach received Coach of the Year and we were all thrilled about that. On top of all that, the women’s team had the highest overall GPA out of any team in the nation. GO CAMELS!
What do you do before a swim meet to get you excited before a race?
Honestly not much. Think about my race, stretch, warm up, and wish everyone else good luck before their races.
Besides being on the swim team, you are also a CELS fellow; tell us a little bit about that. What all do you do?
The most obvious role as a CELS Fellow is in the workshops that we hold. Other than that, we do individual meetings, and freshmen intakes. I see about 3 freshmen a week to talk about classes, professors, and possible majors. A follow-up email is sent right afterwards with a summary of everything we talked about and links for web pages we may have looked at. Also, there is a LinkedIn event that I’m helping run that will be on Wednesday 10/23 in the JA Common Room if anyone is interested!
Now some fun questions!
Favorite food: I loveee guacamole
Guilty Pleasure: Baking Camel cookies in Smith Kitchen for Camel Catering
Speaking of baking, what do you do for Camel Catering? Is there a secert recipe for those delicious camel cookies?
Camel Catering is actually a lot of fun, I work usually 6 hours a week and do tons of things. I roll out and bake camel cookies, brownies, scones, assorted cookies, blondies. You name it, I bake it. And if there was a secret recipe then I wouldn't be able to tell you, would I?
Life motto: Just keep livin'
What’s been your most embarrassing moment while being at Conn?
Oh jeez…there’s a few that come to mind. I’m just going to say Hamilton 215 and leave it at that.
If you were to have dinner with any historical figure (dead or alive) who would it be and why?
Hmm, I’m gonna say Mark Wahlberg. I think that guy is a boss, I have a ton of respect for him, and I would love to live the life of Entourage.
Favorite song: At the moment, Sail by AWOLNATION.
How would you describe your perfect date? December 25, Christmas is the best time of year.
Dream celebrity date: Oh, Emma Watson for sure.
If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money?
Probably splurge a little bit then save it. I don’t think I would want it to be honest, nor are the chances really in my favor, 1 in 175,223,510 doesn’t look too good.
How do you feel about being Campus Cutie?
Well, I never expected I would receive an email saying I was Campus Cutie so I feel very humbled.
Name:Ian Berude
Age: 20
School: Tulane
Year: Sophomore
Major: Evolutionary Biology & History with a minor in Italian
Hometown: Monroe, Washington
Relationship Status: Single (And ready to mingleeeee)
Hobbies: Hiking, Skiing, Basketball, Traveling
Favorite Movies: There are too many great movies, however recently, I really enjoyed Hunger Games: Catching Fire. But I also love most all Rom-Coms and Thrillers (Any guy who is down to watch a Rom-Com is a keeper)
Favorite Quote: “It’s too easy to give up on the things that are hard to accomplish” -Chris Johnson
Favorite Holiday: Christmas: Nothing beats being cozy and delicious holiday treats.
Favorite Foods: Italian or anything off the grill!
Are you involved with any clubs or organizations? Club Lacrosse, TUCAN, Green Club (well...I get their emails and am invited to their events).
How would you describe yourself using three words? Caring, cheerful, and social.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Most likely in some form of graduate school whether medical school or law school, preferably back in Seattle.
If you had one superpower what would it be? To be able to fly.
Favorite song to dance to at a party: Oh goodness...There are too many good ones, but definitely “Hips Don’t Lie” by Shakira. (He's not kidding: Ian dancing to Hips Don't Lie)
If you could trade places with someone who would it be: Definitely Ryan Reynolds...he’s had hot wives...been in good movies.
Where in the world would you like to visit? There are a lot of places I’d really like to go to, but New York City is definitely at the top of my list.
What are some must-have’s you look for in a girl? Someone who is kind-hearted, good at communicating their feelings, and someone who is down-to-earth, but also loves to have fun.
What are your turn-offs? Someone who is manipulative or dishonest, or someone who can’t hold a conversation.
How would you feel if a girl were to ask you out? I’d be honored that a girl would take that much interest in me and I would admire their initiative.
What’s your idea of a perfect date? Well with the right person, anything can be perfect. (ARE YOU SOLD YET???)
If you could date a celebrity who would it be? Jennifer Lawrence, or maybe Ariana Grande. At the moment I’m down for either.
Favorite sports teams: Seattle Seahawks, Seattle Sounders, and the Saints
Have you ever been told you have a celebrity look-a-like? I’ve heard Andy Samberg, but I don’t necessarily agree with that.
Most embarrassing moment on Campus: Going for a swim in the fountain by Stern. Seemed like a good idea at the time...
Hidden talent: I can play the trumpet and piano. (He's basically Billy Joel)
What advice would you give to girls about guys in general? Cut us some slack when possible. We can be pretty immature, so don’t take everything personally. A lot of times, we can’t be perfect.
When would you say guys look for relationships? It all depends on the guy. Some wouldn’t touch a relationship, whereas others, like me, prefer them. I guess it just depends where you are at in your life.
What was your reaction when asked to be Campus Cutie? Quite surprised. I never thought I’d get it, but it was humbling that someone thinks I qualify for it.
Name: Ian Dolan
School: CMU
Year: Junior
Major: Chemical Engineering
Favorite cuisine: My mom's chicken pot pie
Favorite time of year: Christmas, so I can hang out with the family
Favorite thing(s) to do with free time: Playing soccer and basketball
Books or movies: Books
Ideal date: White water rafting followed by a riverside dinner
Celebrity crush: Natalie Portman
Favorite thing about CMU: The technology