This week's Marquette cutie is a junior studying Broadcast and Electronic Communication. Dan Schergen can be found playing acoustic shows on campus or working with Mardi Gras on a variety of service projects. Check out what our cutie has to saw below!
Dream Job: Set designer on films and TV shows.
What is the first thing you notice about a girl? Her hair, girls who have fun and different hairstyles are very intriguing.
Guilty Music Pleasure: Metro Station.
If he could marry one celebrity, you'd choose... Emma Watson, because she’s perfect in every way.
Coke or Pepsi: Regular Coke, Diet Pepsi
Dogs or Cats: Cats. They’re so much easier to hang out with, and don’t require as much attention as dogs, but dogs are very fun.
Favorite Color: Purple, the color of royalty
Favorite sport: Frizbee, if that counts as a sport… if not, Hockey.
Favorite place to take a girl on a date in Milwaukee: The Rave, a good concert is the best first date.
Favorite Late-Night Snack: Tortilla chips and Salsa con queso.
Favorite Fast Food Restaurant: Wendy’s. The fries.
Favorite Disney Character: The Muses from Hercules
Favorite TV Show: Parks and Recreation. The character development is wonderful, and it makes the show very believable.
What is your favorite 90's television program? Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Dream vacation destination: I would love to go back to Ireland someday soon.
Athletic Team He'd Like to Join: I am not good enough at anything to play a sport, but I would love to hang out with the Blackhawks for a few days.
What would you name your yacht: Mary Kay
His superpower of choice: Flight
Something you’ve always wanted to do: Play with my band in a club on Bourbon Street.
If you had a bathtub filled with one type of food, what would it be? Biscuits and gravy.
Name: Zarko Valjarevic
School: U Maine
Hometown: Belgrade, Serbia (Europe)
Relationship Status: Single
Sign: Aries
Twitter: @Zarks
Campus Life
Major: Business, Finance
Favorite thing about UMaine: People
How are you involved on campus: Basketball team, MAAV
Favorite place to eat in Orono: OHOP, Roost
Campus posse (name some friends): Whole basketball team
Best place to meet girls at UMaine: Class
Why did you choose UMaine: Scholarship
Best Professor: Spencer Wood
Best Class: Dance
Worst Class: English 101
How do you like to spend your weekends here: Chillin, when I am not playing or practicing
What is on your ipod's top rated: Chief Keef
Boxers or Briefs: Boxers
An embarrassing confession: I am an OCD person
Guilty Pleasure: Ben and Jerry’s
Ski or Snowboard: Ski
Salty or Sweet: Salty
Cats or Dogs: Cats
Dream job: NBA player
Biggest Pet Peeve: When people walk barefoot around the campus in winter time…..
Favorite Charity: Purple Project
Three words to describe yourself: Complicated, Clever, Unpredictable
Favorite song to dance to at a party: Tonight- John Legend
Favorite food: Sushi
Favorite Beer: Budweiser
Favorite App (game or otherwise): Weather App, Translate App
Pick up line: I know a fun activity that can burn 500 calories an hour…..
The Nitty Gritty
Craziest place you've ever had sex: Airplane
How do you let someone know you're interested in them: Stare at them until becomes awkward
What do you look for in a significant other: Confidence
Deal-breaker: Fake girls that craving for attention
Celebrity Girl Crush: Zuleyka Rivera
Celebrity Man Crush: Ian Somerhalder
Campus Life
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Favorite thing about UMaine: Hockey Games
How are you involved on campus: Sigma Phi Epsilon, Naked 5
Favorite place to eat in Orono: Pats
Campus posse (name some friends): Mark Rucci, Andrew Hawkins, Nate Frazier, Logan Desmond, Alec Young, Jake Ward.
Best place to meet girls at UMaine: Parties
Why did you choose UMaine: Engineering
Best Professor: Senthil Vel
Best Class: Physics with Bernhardt
Worst Class: Diff Eq's
How do you like to spend your weekends here: Going to hockey games, hanging out with friends
What is on your ipod's top rated: My Kinda Party - Jason Aldean
Boxers or Briefs: Boxer Briefs
An embarrassing confession: I know more about amusement parks than anyone I know.
Guilty Pleasure: The movie Pitch Perfect is incredible
Ski or Snowboard: Ski
Salty or Sweet: Salty
Cats or Dogs: Cats
Dream job: Designing roller coasters
Biggest Pet Peeve: People who are full of themselves
Three words to describe yourself: Hard working, Alpha Male, Jackhammer...
Favorite song to dance to at a party: Infinity by Guru Josh Project (but I don't dance much)
Favorite food: Steak
Favorite Beer: PBR
Favorite App (game or otherwise): NHL app
The Nitty Gritty
How do you let someone know you're interested in them: Tell them/ask them to hangout
What do you look for in a girl: Good sense of humor, easy to get along with
Deal-breaker: Smokers
Celebrity Girl Crush: Kate Upton
Celebrity Man Crush: George Clooney
Name: Jack Ebby
School: Bucknell
Hometown: Lower Merion, Pa.
Major: Undecided
Class Year: 2016
The Basics
Favorite Book: “The Catcher in the Rye” by J.D. Salinger
Favorite Movie: “Rocky I”
Favorite Store: Brooks Brothers
Most Played Song on Your iPod: “The Way You Look Tonight” by Frank Sinatra
Favorite Class at Bucknell: “South Africa: Apartheid & After” with Geoffrey E. Schneider
Campus Activities: Club soccer, sailing club, bird watching, caf sits
Campus Posse: Harris 3
General Interests: Soccer, running, cats, Philadelphia sports, my two dogs, trying to fit in with my family
Little Known Fact: Grew from 5’0 to 6’2 across my 4 years of high school
Girls, Girls, Girls
Relationship Status: Taken
What You Look for in a Girl: The looks of Blake Lively and the personality of Liz Lemon
Female Turnoff: No sense of humor, acting ditsy
Celebrity Crush: Rashida Jones
Best of the Rest
Proudest accomplishment: Winning my age group in the Philadelphia Half Marathon
Where You See Yourself in 10 Years: Beginning my campaign to be the next great Philadelphian US senator for Pennsylvania.
3 Words to Describe Yourself: Outgoing, loyal, Jewish
Name: Benjamin Boutin
School: U Maine
Nickname: Ben
Hometown: Freeport, Maine
Relationship Status: Single
Sign: Capricorn
Campus Life
Major: Mass Comm/Studio Art
Favorite thing about UMaine: Chicken Fest/Crosby Street
Favorite place to eat in Orono: Verve
Best Class: 3-D Design
Worst Class: Math
How do you like to spend your weekends here: Roaming the streets of Orono with my best buds.
What is on your ipod's top rated: “I Remember” by Deadmau5,
Boxers or Briefs: Boxer Briefs
An embarrassing confession: I was deathly afraid of the dark until I was about 14.
Ski or Snowboard: Ski
Salty or Sweet: Salty, I’m a sucker for corn chips.
Dream job: Lottery winner
Biggest Pet Peeve: The misuse of you’re/your.
Favorite Guilty Pleasure: Skipping all my classes and staying home watching Animal Planet with my cat, Miss Kitty.
Three words to describe yourself: Funny, Artsy, Loyal
Favorite Barstool Segment: Smoke Show
Favorite Quote: “If you’re not first, you’re last.”- Ricky Bobby
Favorite song to dance to at a party: thrift shop/macklemore
Favorite food: Bruce’s Burritos
Favorite sports team(s): Bruins
Favorite Beer: Corona
Favorite App (game or otherwise): DoodleJump, Spotify
The Nitty Gritty
Craziest place you've ever had sex: About 10 feet into the woods off Tote Road at Sugarloaf.
How do you let someone know you're interested in them: If you get a sushi date, you’re in.
What do you want girls to know about you: I’m a genuine guy who loves to have fun.
What do you look for in a girl: Honesty and a great sense of humor.
Deal-breaker: When a girl doesn’t understand sarcasm.
Celebrity Crush: Blake Livley
Celebrity Man-Crush: Will Farrell

Biggest celebrity crush: Meryl Streep (When she was younger). She’s intelligent.
Hobbies: Skateboarding and eating good food.
First thing you notice about a girl: It’s more about the whole package for me. I don’t look at one specific thing. It depends on the girl.
Most embarrassing song to admit you like: Motivation by Kelly Rowland
Best pick-up line: Who uses pick-up lines successfully?
Biggest turn-on: Subtle smart chicks.
Advice you would give to a girl trying to impress you: Stop trying. Be yourself. Stop trying to impress people. That’s weak.
5 Random Facts
1. I LOVE sushi
2. I Intern at a skate shop and used to manage a skate park
3. I drive a Volvo 240 from 1993
4. I have a cat named Beazel, which is a word I made up as a kid.
5. I might be switching my major to media studies
Favorite spot in the city: Castle Island
Favorite season in Boston: Fall
Hidden places in Boston: Irashai – a sushi bar in China Town, Pho Pasteur – a place with great Vietnamese food.
Your opinion on dating at Emerson: I haven’t really tried. The environment at Emerson is not conducive to dating because every girl knows every other girl’s business. Maybe if that changes.
Looking for a Mad Man to keep you and your kitty’s heart racing? This week’s Campus Cutie, a 2014 advertising major and cat lover, will be your valentine and then some.
Name: Jonathan Unger
Nickname: Junger
School: UNC
Hometown: Bethlehem, PA
Year: 2014
Major: Journalism (Advertising) and German double major
Relationship status: In a committed relationship (sorry, ladies!)
Favorite movie: TalHotBlonde (Lifetime movie)
Favorite spot on campus: I like to find a secret spot at Davis where no one can find me
Fun fact: I wore hospital socks three times this week
Motto: I ain't got no quarrel with the Viet Cong
HC (Her Campus): What is your favorite part about UNC?
JU (Jon Unger): I like the idea of having a basketball team, whether it is in the reality or not, I like to brag to people that UNC has a basketball team. Also, the campus is nice.
HC: What is one thing you would like to do before you graduate?
JU: One thing I’d like to do before I graduate, this is pretty realistic but I’d like to go to a UNC/Duke game at Cameron. It’d be so much fun.
HC: Do you have any special skills, talents or bragging rights?
JU: Other than being campus cutie, do people still brag about their SAT scores? I play volleyball for the club team. We came 5th in nationals. He got honorable mention All-American.
Besides volleyball club, what are you involved with on campus?
Besides volleyball, I am involved with UNC’s AdClub. I run new businesses venture and it’s to get people actual experience with campaign and speakers.
What do you want to do after college?
I really like to live in Germany for a while and make something out of that major since right now I’m not doing that much with it.
Who is your biggest influence right now?
My biggest influence is probably my brother. He’s 9 years older than me so he’s just old enough that we were close, but he didn’t pick on me.
What’s your idea of the perfect girl?
Strawberry blonde, name starts with J… just kidding.
Good sense of humor, ability to time travel, and good family values. I don’t have a type. I don’t like girls who are 6 feet or above, I can see the beauty in anyone, though.
What about your biggest turn-offs?
I don’t like girls who smoke cigarettes. That would probably be the biggest turnoff of all.
Describe your ideal first date.
One where I don’t have to pay. If she can time travel, something using that ability. I don’t know. I like to keep things fair and simple. Movie. I’m a movie kind of guy. Something greater than a 90 on rotten tomatoes if she’d go watch that with me. I like to go watch movies that are critically acclaimed movies.
I just want to shout out to my secret admirers JL and JM and tell them that they will always have my heart.
Name: Garren Orr
Nickname: Gare Bear
School: Emerson
Hometown: Alameda, CA
Major: Marketing
Year in School: 2014
Relationship Status: Taken
Favorite Movie: Anchorman
Favorite Book: Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad
Favorite Television Show: Archer
What is your biggest turn-ons and turn-offs?
Turn-on: a good sense of humor and taste in music
Turn-off: girls that take themselves too seriously, unibrows
Current song on replay: “Wolf Pack” by The Vaccines
Cats or dogs: Cats cats cats
Starbucks order: Vanilla latte
Extracurricular Activities: Intern at The Moxie Agency, Account Manager for EMcomm, VP of Marketing for Emerson Casting Agency, Music Assistant for WERS