Name: Charlie Merritt
Nickname: Beers
Hometown: C-town
Relationship Status: Single
School: U Maine
Major: Journalism and English
How are you involved on campus: Writer for the Maine Campus Sports Section
Favorite place to eat in Orono: OHOP past 1 am
Best Class: Any Class during syllabus week
How do you like to spend your weekend: With the people I like most, doing what we do best.
Boxers or Briefs: Briefs
Biggest Pet Peeve: When I know someone is lying
An embarrassing confession: A girl I had a crush on saw me pick my nose...I may have even been memory is blurry.
Dream job: Fantasy football blogger and gambling expert.
Favorite Barstool Segment: "Does this look like the face of.."
Favorite song to dance to at a party:"Get Down on It"
Favorite food: Ranch Zones with a buzz on
Favorite sports team(s): Patriots, Celtics, Red Sox
Favorite Beer: Natural Light
How do you let someone know you're interested in them: Not talk to them but wink from a distance, maybe facebook chat them.
What do you want girls to know about you: I'll make you laugh and laugh hard.
What do you look for in a girl: A good personality that isn't fake. Let's have some fun.
Deal-breaker: Texting during dinner. Good rule: more than two text per meal and I'm not picking up the tab.
Celebrity Crush: Brookyln Decker
Boobs or Butt: Use to say boobs, but leaning towards butt as I get older.
Name: Oscar Stoltz (AKA Obeatz)
Birthday: November 12
Relationship Status: Single
School: Suffolk
Academic Year: "Freshest Freshman You Ever Seen"
Hometown: Upper West Side, New York City
Hobbies: Making beats, modeling for my boys clothing companies [Grinders inc.], and just enjoying life as it comes. I also used to swim competitively for 15 years, top 5 in New York State.
Celebrity crush: Tie between Kate Upton and Emma Watson. I actually went up to Emma Watson while she was touring Columbia University and gave her my number just cause she’s so dope. She didn’t call me... but the number’s still in there.
Biggest Turn on with a girl: Hands down, confidence. If you’re a cute girl and you come up to me with your head high, tell me your name and ask me to take down your number, you’ll absolutely get a call. Might even take you out to dinner.
Biggest Turn off: Fake girls. Never put an effort into trying to be someone you’re not. Not only is it so obviously unnatural , but if I’m talking to you I probably want to get to know the real you.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Pent-housin’ it up, living with my closest homies, still doing my thing. Expect to see Obeatz on MTV in the next 5 years. Sounds crazy now but I’m seriously trying to be the next Kanye West.
Special Talent: Music. I play drums, piano, bass, guitar, ukulele and I’m a hip-hop producer for some kids in Brooklyn. ISH NYC, look us up they’re tight.
Best part about your Suffolk experience so far?
Meeting some really close people and getting on my grind with them, I seriously am going to the top with these kids and we have such a good time doing everything together. Me and my best friend are practically one person.
Nicest thing you’ve done for a girl/women?
I brought a girl out on our 3rd date, brought her home with my bed and bathtub set up with rose petals all over and gave her- and I quote- “the most romantic night of her life”.
Name: Ryan Amspacher
Year: 2014
School: Villanova
Major: Econ
Hometown: Morris Plains, NJ
Relationship status: Single
Do you have any siblings?
Two. I have an 18 year old brother who goes to Villanova as well, and I have a younger sister who’s 8 years old.
Which one’s your favorite?
That’s hard. I have to say my little sister. We’re tight. All three of us hung out this entire summer at the beach because my brother and I are both sailing instructors and my little sister was one of our kids. So we were her coach. It was the coolest thing ever.
So you sail, do you do any other extracurriculars?
I play rugby, I’m actually captain this year.
What’s your rugby nickname?
Delbarton. It was my high school, and I guess I was wearing all Delbarton gear during my first day of practice. Compared to some of the other nicknames, it’s not too bad. We have some pretty clever ones though.
What do you look for in a girl?
Definitely personality. I look for a girl who’s really bubbly and wants to have fun.
How about physically?
The first thing I always notice is smile. A nice, bright smile where you know a girl has really good character. I also prefer wavy brown hair.
What don’t you like in a girl?
When she’s fake. Absolute turn off. A fake laugh is the easiest indicator. If there’s even the slightest sign that she’s fake then I’m gone.
What’s your idea of the perfect date?
Depends. How well do I know this girl?
Let’s say you’ve liked her for a while and it’s finally happening and you’re psyched about it. Go.
Hmm well the setting would definitely be the beach. Where I live in Long Beach Island during the summer there’s a long path that leads up to a lighthouse, so we’d walk along that and see the waves crash against the inlets and watch the fishing boats…it’s just a classic beach scene. When you turn around on the path, there’s a sandy shore where people arrange the rocks to say different things. So I’d probably rearrange the rocks in advance to make a heart with our initials in it to surprise her.
That would be in the afternoon because after, I’d have dinner planned at this restaurant called Boathouse. It’s super classy, the waiters are dressed to the nines and it oversees the bay and everything. Ideally the sun would be setting as we eat and we’d have a great dinner. Maybe after that we’d go on a night walk on the beach. And at the end of the date? Kiss on the cheek. That is my perfect date.
That is pretty perfect. Where do you normally meet girls you like?
Never at a party. I refuse to meet a girl at a party. I would rather meet a girl in class, walk around, lunch, community service…any of those activities. I won’t even talk to a girl I like at a party.
Would you rather find love through friendship or love at first sight?
Love through friendship. I feel like when you have the base of friendship first, it means so much more when you go to the next step. Love at first sight starts off shallow; even if you develop a deeper connection later, it was initially started because of physical attraction.
What do you think about a girl making first move?
Always a good thing. I’m a shy guy, so that helps me out a lot.
So, what’s your favorite…
Thing about Villanova?
Probably just the people. That’s really corny, but everyone’s really nice.
Part about living in the apartments?
Cooking, hands down. My first night here I cooked dinner for two of the RAs.
Meal to cook?
Breakfast actually. I like cooking dinner because it’s different every time, but I like to go back to breakfast. It’s easy, you can’t mess it up, and it’s always good.
Movie: Forrest Gump is one of my favorite movies of all time.
Video game: I’d have to say Super Smash Brothers or Mario kart. I like the older ones.
TV Show: Burn Notice.
90s cartoon: Rugrats.
Book turned movie: Lord of the Rings. I prefer a book to a film version, though. With the book you add your own element to it, the movie is always someone else’s vision.
Book you’ve ever read: Tale of Two Cities. A lot of people don’t like it but I just loved it for some reason.
Gatorade flavor: Lemon Lime, that’s easy. What do you call it though, do you call it yellow or green?
I call it yellow.
See, I call it green because when you hold it up next to yellow or green things, it looks more green. It’s a big debate.
Who was your favorite teacher?
Linda Boettcher. She taught ACS, she’s my advisor now.
Did you like ACS?
Loved it. I really liked the philosophical aspect, and I liked reading the books…and I got to talk. It was good.
A Walk to Remember or The Notebook?
I don’t hate The Notebook, but I like the classic boy meets girl they get together and fall in love and then she dies… I mean he could have moved on, it was high school. But he still loved her and stayed with her. That speaks to me way more than, “oh the guy built a house.” I love Rachel McAdams, but still. I think the only redeeming part of The Notebook is when they both die in the bed, but in the book that doesn’t happen, so it isn’t even Nicholas spark’s idea. Plus, A Walk to Remember has an awesome soundtrack.
Fair points. What kind of music do you listen to?
Classic rock. I really like Tom Petty. “Free Fallin” and “American Girl” are total classics.
What would you do for a Klondike bar?
Anything if it was mint chocolate chip.
Would you dance naked on the quad in Main?
Probably. But at that point it has to be mint chocolate chip.
What else would make you dance naked on the quad in Main?
My grandma’s apple pie. That’s a really weird thing to do for your grandma’s apple pie.
What would you get at Hope’s Cookies?
I would just get a sugar cookie. Snickerdoodle would be a go-to choice, but no one tops my grandma’s snickerdoodles. I don’t eat anybody else’s snickerdoodles…or apple pie…and no peanut butter cookies from anyone else…I’m so loyal to my grandma.
What’s one thing no one knows about you?
My first langue was Spanish. I had a Spanish babysitter and my first word was “agua.” I don’t really remember it now, though.
Friends or Seinfeld: Friends. Seinfeld is good but I’ve been watching Friends since I was younger.
New years or Halloween: Halloween. I love getting dressed up and going out. And for the record, I would rather see a girl in something funny and ironic than a slutty Halloween costume any day.
Perfect weekend: It starts Saturday morning. I’d get up and have an early game of rugby, have after game festivities, then after get dinner with a bunch of friends and then go out that night. Then wake up Sunday morning, make myself some breakfast with a few friends, usually guy friends casually. And then we’d probably just hang out…bro out with a bunch of guys. Minimal girl time, but I went to an all guys school and I’m very loyal to my friends.
Name: Kevin Durante
Age: 20
School: University of Florida
Year: Sophomore
Relationship status: Single
Hometown: Florence, Italy
Hobbies: Making Music, DJing
Favorite food: Pasta
Favorite TV show: Workaholics
Favorite place to go at UF: Sorority Row
What’s your dream job: Touring the world with my music
Are you in a fraternity? Phi Delta Theta
Who’s your celebrity look alike? Frank Sinatra
If you could pick one place in the world to travel to, where would it be? Italy
If you could be anyone for a day, who would it be? Trinidad James
What do you look for in a girl? Down to earth and open minded. I hate fake girls. Definitely has to like good music as well.
What’s your idea of the perfect date? Getting dinner + corn nuggets at The Top then watching a chill movie at the house. Even better when things don't go as planned, because plans suck and spontaneity is cool.
Reaction to being asked to be a Campus Cutie? I guess it was a pretty nice message to wake up to.
Name: Harrison Yeary
Year: 2016
School: Occidental
Major: Physics
Relationship Status: Very Single
Campus Activities: Playing Piano, Singing, Working Out, and occasionally Homework
Usually Seen: In front of a mirror, or any reflective surface
How do you feel about being the first person from 2016 nominated for campus cutie?
I'm not going to lie, the only thing I was surprised about was the fact it took this long to nominate me. Besides that, it is very flattering.
So... tell us the story of your first kiss: It was in the middle of Ninth grade with my first girl friend, we were watching the Notebook, and I moved in as the final kiss scene happened.
What is your ideal date?
I love the ocean and anything to do with the ocean, so dinner on the beach after a day at the beach is a good place to start.
Do you have a deal breaker?
Fake personalities... I am very good at telling if girls are fake, and I will call them out on it, or i will walk away immediately.
Favorite song in middle school: So Sick by Ne-Yo
What are you looking forward to most at Oxy?
Bigger parties, since most of the parties so far have been not as big as I thought they were going to be.
What is your biggest guilty pleasure?
I don't feel guilty about any of the things that I do.
If you could be any mythical creature what would you be and why?
Zeus, he seems to have things figured out, being God of all Gods, and he is a master seductor.
Name: Alex Bodney
Year: Freshman
Hometown: Jacksonville, Florida
School: Eckerd
Major: Business Administration
Relationship status: Single
Three words to describe yourself: Athletic, smart, fun
Activities and interests: Basketball and other sports, video games, hanging out with friends, anything outside, playing.
Fun fact: Lived in Australia for two years
Favorite quote: “Don’t give up, don’t ever give up” -Jim Valvano
Role model: My Dad. If I could be as good a father to my children as he is to me, they’ll be just fine.
Biggest achievement: Yet to come.
Future goals and ambitions: A successful career in the business side of athletics.
What would you do if you won the lottery?
First, I’d calculate how much I’m getting after taxes. Then, I would set aside a certain amount of money to live the rest of my life comfortably. I would buy a big purchase, like a car, for both of my parents. Then, me and my four best friends would go on a vacation somewhere.
Pet peeve: When people don’t believe in themselves.
Celebrity crush: Molly Sims.
Biggest turn on: When a girl runs her hands through my hair.
Biggest turn off: Fake girls. Girls with fake nails, fake hair, etc.
Favorite pickup line: Do you know how much a polar bear weighs? Just enough to break the ice.
Qualities you look for in a girl: I love a girl that looks just as good in sweatpants and a t-shirt as when she gets all done up. Also, a girl who has a sense of humor and is smart.
Boxers or briefs: Boxers.
Ideal first date: A nice dinner followed by a romantic walk on the beach.
Name:Jack Parker
Year: 2016
School: GWU
Major: International Business
Hometown: Brighton UK
Campus Activities: Sigma Phi Epsilon
Relationship Status: Single
Describe yourself in three words: Adventurous, Funny, Athletic
Hidden Talent: I can touch my tongue to my nose
Life motto: Talk dirty early
Celebrity Crush: Mila Kunis
Boxers or Briefs: Boxers
Favorite Season: Summer
Biggest turn off: When girls are fake
Biggest turn on: When girls take initiative
If you were a drink what would you be: Jagerbomb
Favorite Holiday: Christmas
Something most people don’t know about you: I am a big fan of scuba diving
Craziest thing you have done for a girl/to get a girl’s attention: To ask a girl to prom, I did an entire dance routine in the cafeteria. Unfortunately, I’m not much of a dancer.
Favorite pick-up line: I’m not drunk, I’m just intoxicated by you.
Blondes or brunettes: I don’t really have a preference but probably brunettes.
Something on your bucket list: I want to go to space, or scuba dive in every ocean.
Smart, involved, and all about service work, this campus cutie is a nice guy still on the market!
Name:Andrew Herrman
School: DePauw
Year: 2014
Hometown: Wheaton, IL
Major: Biology
Year: Sophomore
Greek Affiliation: Sigma Chi Fraternity
CampusActivities: Civic Fellows Community Service Group, IFC Representative, CSA
Relationship status: Single
What would your dream girl be like?
Cute, Tall-ish, Down to earth, Focused, Sporty, Honest, Genuine
What are some major turnoffs in a girl?
A girl that is fake
If you were to plan a date in Greencastle, what would you do?
I would take her to Almost Home (or place of her choosing) for dinner, then go home, make homemade popcorn, watch a movie.
Best moment at DePauw? Being elected Treasurer of Sigma Chi
Most embarrassing moment at DePauw?
Being seen by Public Safety while doing a Boulder run
What are you most looking forward to this year?
Getting closer to my Fraternity brothers (awww, bro-mance!)
Any hidden talents? Well, I was the top tennis player at my high school and… I can sing.
Favorite music to listen to? A little bit of everything.