Name: Nathan Rodriguez
Year: 2014
School: Columbia Engineering
Major/Concentration: Mechanical Engineering
Hometown: Freeport, New York
On-campus activities: InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, Academic Success Programs, Tutor, Research at The Energy & Tribology Laboratory
Off-campus activities: Church involvement, basketball games, video games
Pet-peeves: flaky people
Dream job: Astronaut
If you were stuck on a deserted island, you would need: food, videogames, and a bed. maybe a friend.
Every guy needs these three things in his closet: backup boxers, Chuck Norris t-shirt, toolbox
Your perfect date in 7 words or less: Food, concert, ice cream, walk on beach
Favorite off-campus location: home
Favorite thing about NYC: Roof top views
Favorite class and professor at Columbia: Mechanics of Fluids, Professor Terrell
Spirit animal: tiger shark because it is two of the best animals in one.
Dream wife: my best friend
One thing you want to do before graduating: learn to play piano
If you could have a super power, what would it be and why: eleportation, so that I can get to class on time but more importantly I don't have to walk to the bathroom.
If you could invite anyone to dinner, you would ask: Adam and Eve
HamDel decides to name a sandwich after you (what's it called and what's in it): Manwich. Half a piece of lettuce three buns every kind of meat twice, and then bacon, and then throw the lettuce in the garbage because it doesn't belong on this Manwich. Free Drink.
Name: Scott Dallen
School: U Toronto
Year: 2nd
Program: Joint Specialist: International Relations and Peace & Conflict Studies
College: UC!!
A place you call home: WEST COAST BRITISH COLUMBIA
Relationship status: Single
Where are you most likely to be found on campus?
UC Junior Common Room/ On a campus rooftop somewhere
If you could trade places with anyone for a day, who would it be and what would you do?
David Bowie. I would do David Bowie things & live in a Space Oddity all day.
What turns you off about a girl?
Bangs. Bangs and girls who don't have an interesting story to tell. Crazy > Boring
Toronto’s best kept secret: Miss Cora's Kitchen in Kensington - the greatest cupcake you will ever eat (this is not product placement, they're just delicious)
One thing every girl needs to understand about guys: Play sports with a guy & you're a cool girl. Play videogames with a guy and you are a goddess of unparalleled class!!
The most fun you’ve had in the last week?
Making cake-waffles (it's exactly what it sounds like), drinking with friends, and dancing to white boy reggae bands on Queen St.
The first thing you’ll do after your last final this term is: Crack a beer before leaving the exam centre & jump on a plane to Victoria.
Where would we find you on a Thursday night?
UC Pub Night / Winterfest Meeting / Shows at a variety of dirty Kensington bars / Staring at the Toronto skyline from my Balcony / Trapped in Gerstein (come on, it's UofT)
How do you feel about being a campus cutie? Simultaneously flattered and ashamed
Name: Dennis Sherry
Age: 20
Hometown: Thousand Oaks
School: San Francisco
Major: Cinema
Graduation Year: 2015
Relationship Status: Taken...Sorry ladies.
How long have you and your girlfriend been together?
5 1/2 months.
Describe your perfect day.
Gloomy or rainy, playing some videogames or watching a movie or Mad Men on my laptop.
If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do and where would you go?
I would totally walk into a theatre and just see every single movie that's playing, fo free.
What's one thing a girl could do to completely turn you off?
If a girl goes into qualities about her ex-boyfriend that she misses.
Where can you be found when not in class?
Not in class. Honestly probably in my room, hanging out and watching shows, or having a fantastic time with my lovely girlfriend.
If you suddenly found yourself turned into a woman, how would you spend your day?
Okay I'm trying extremely hard not to sound creepy, but i think it's going to be difficult...I would probably spend the day exploring the female body because its magnificently beautiful...really trying not to sound creepy..(Haha!!)
Would you kiss a girl on the first date or wait?
I definitely wouldn't kiss a girl on the first date, I feel that would be a bit too intrusive and quick.
Lightning Round
Batman or Spiderman?
Batman definitely, only Christian Bale though, no George Clooney or Val Kilmer.
Completely hairy or completely bald?
Completely bald.
Be caught naked or be caught in a dress?
Probably a dress because it'd be silly!
Only be able to eat pizza for the rest of your life or only be able to eat burgers?
Pizza. Without a doubt pizza. Probably the Village Market.
Cats or dogs?
I would say dogs since I have a Golden Retriever named "Summer" back home but, my girlfriend has the cutest cat so I think I'm kind of on the cat side.
Hometown: Raleigh, NC
School: Wake Forest
Potential Major: Economics
Relationship status: Single
Birthday: December 5, 1991
How long have you been playing football?
Since the third grade.
How did you know you wanted to play football at Wake?
I guess from the recruiting process – I wanted to go to an ACC school that was close to home, and Wake was the best fit.
Were you eyeing Wake before then?
It was completely random. I didn’t think I would ever go to Wake Forest. Growing up, I wanted to play basketball somewhere in college.
So you played basketball in high school?
Yeah, I played AAU basketball with John Wall, CJ Leslie and other big names like that.
Did you play any other sports?
I ran track and cross country.
What activities, besides football, do you do on campus?
I play videogames and watch Netflix. And hang out with friends
Do you have any secret talents?
I used to be really good at skateboarding. I stopped ‘cause I got too old. I actually sing pretty well too.
Did you ever do choir when you were little?
Absolutely not! I sang in the shower, that’s about it.
What were you like in high school? Did you fit into a stereotype?
I was kind of a nerd in high school.
Yeah. (Laughs) I hung out with the kids who loved video games and would sword fight at lunch.
Do you have any nicknames?
Depending on who you’re talking to … my mom calls me “Matty.” My friends call me “Matty Ice.”
What is your worst habit?
Forgetting people’s names.
When was your first kiss?
First kiss was, um, in sixth grade.
Want to spill any details about that?
It was a full-blown makeout playing spin the bottle. Everyone played that!
What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done to get a girl’s attention?
Probably like changing my course of going to class. I may have a class right next door, and I’ll walk around the whole school just to see her or get her attention.
Have you ever seen any chick flicks to impress a girl?
Of course!
Which ones?
The Notebook, Bridesmaids, Dear John …
I love Dear John. Did you like any of them?
Bridesmaidswas funny. I kind of suffered through the rest of them though.
What do you look for in a woman?
Someone who can put up with me and someone who’s not stuck up. And they have to have pretty eyes.
Who is your dream girl?
Julie Henderson … or Mila Kunis.
What is your biggest pet peeve?
It’s hard to explain. It’s like when, if someone was eating a bagel and there’s crumbs left and they pick it up with their thumb and eat it; and when people drink the last bit out of their cereal bowl; and when people cough … I’m sort of a germaphobe.
The person whose opinion matters the most to me is?
Probably my mom.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
“The sky’s the limit.”
What is your dream job?
I would love to play in the NFL, but if that doesn’t work I want to be an investment banker.
What’s your favorite NFL team?
That’s a good question. I’m gonna go with the Packers.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
In 10 years I’ll be 30, so I’ll be married with a little boy and then one on the way. I’m gonna be that dad that like goes on field trips and can beat his kid in all of the videogames but still be making good money.
Name: Dyllon Young
Hometown: Chicago, IL
School: Hamilton
Year: Sophomore
Major: Chinese
Minor: Spanish/World Politics
Relationship Status: Single
I’m more into masculine guys. I like them funny, sweet, intelligent and able to hold my attention and keep up with my super extraverted personality. They should be fashionable and able to shop with me, but also chill around and play videogames! Not to be blunt, but they must be SO HOT!
What are some of your turn offs?
Super feminine guys, quiet, socially awkward, boring, bad smell, bad hair, bad style… ehhh maybe my standards are high?
Which television shows do you never miss?
Well, now that I’m in college, I don’t watch much television, but when I did, I would never ever miss an episode of Gossip Girl or One Tree Hill.
What activities are you involved in on campus?
I am the Special Events Coordinator of the Campus Activities Board and Admission Overnight Hosting Coordinator and Tour Guide. I participate in HEAT Hip-Hop Dance Crew, Choir, and sometimes I go to the Rainbow Alliance meetings.
What are some adjectives your friends would use to describe you?
Outgoing,vivacious, bold, spontaneous, nice, smart, friendly, “crazy mofo”, sexy, and funny.
What is your ideal date?
I really like to explore big cities and find random things, have a nice lunch, go shopping, have dinner, and then go out to a crazy, fun club!
What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done?
Well, I’m pretty crazy, but this one time at 12 AM on April Fools’ Day, two of my best friends and I jumped in a car, and drove to Niagara Falls. All the while, I skipped a communications midterm the next day. YOLO, or YODO (You Only Die Once). This list of “adventurous things” can go on forever.
What is the cheesiest pick up line you have heard?
Boy, your feet must hurt because you’ve been running through my mind all day! Please never use this…
If your friends compared you to an animal, which animal would it be and why?
“A Cheetah because they're cute and fast, and obviously because cheetah print is so in now.” – Maggie Haag
If you were given the day off from all of your everyday responsibilities, how would you spend it?
I would probably make all my friends take their day off and come with me exploring and doing random things. Typically, this would include:shopping, dancing, harassing innocent people on the street, and much more.
School: WM
Year: 2014
Major: Government, Public Policy
Relationship Status: In a relationship
Hometown: Springfield, VA
What are you involved in on campus? On campus I am part of the W&M Young Democrats and Mock Trial Team, as well as the up-and-coming Short Story Club.
What are your personal hobbies and interests? In my free time I enjoy wasting time. I specifically like sleeping, playing outdated video games, whistling, listening to music, and watching Seinfeld for the nth time.
How did you get started DJing and producing music?
I started getting really into electronic music the end of my senior year of high school, and by that point I had already learned to play a bunch of different instruments (guitar, bass, clarinet, what have you), so at the time it just seemed like the natural progression of things. Plus I’m a huge computer nerd, and I always have been, so it just felt right to use it to make music.
What are your favorite types of music?
I tend to be all over the place, but I particularly like house music, indie/instrumental, and I also shamelessly love pop music.
Are there any songs you’ve had in heavy rotation recently?
Sunshine by Avicii and David Guetta is a favorite of mine right now, but Coheed & Cambria just released a song called “Sentry the Defiant” that I am now obsessed with.
Describe your personal style: Halfway to being hipster, but not pretentious enough to follow through on it.
Check out his Facebook here
School: Providence
Year: Class of 2014
Major: Undeclared. Leaning towards Italian or love…making?
Hometown: Gaithersburg, Maryland
Relationship Status: Currently single and ready to mingle.

What is your favorite thing about PC?
Define favorite…what is favorite?
You’re digging too deep.
I guess the social aspect of it.
How do you feel about the new changes they’re making this year at PC?
They changed the basement in Slavin. I enjoy that.
What do you look for in a girl?
Eyes. She has to have eyes. No wait a personality, she has to make me laugh/laugh at everything I say. And more than anything she has to be approved by Billy Ricci. And also if she’s attractive it doesn’t hurt.
What’s your favorite thing to do on the weekends?
Hang out with friends…play soccer… dance on the quad.
I…am a great dancer. And I can teach you how to dougie.
Currently I would say Workaholics, ever…Recess. As in the animated show.
McDermott because the rooms were bigger. There’s really no other reason behind it. Although I really like my floor on Aquinas.
I enjoy girls who know how to take care of themselves but don’t care about how they come off on the surface and who can actually hold a conversation with you instead of trying to get by solely on their looks.
Keynon Hawkins is a modern campus cutie who’s funny, outgoing and intelligent. But don’t let the silliness fool you, when’s it’s time to get down to business Keynon makes sure he puts his game face on. What else would you expect from a future corporate lawyer?
When talking about a difficult event he was trying to organize, he said that he was down for the challenge. See how he reacted to taking the challenge of our campus cutie survey.
Name: Keynon Hawkins
Hometown: Philadelphia Pa
School: IUP
Year: Sophomore
Major: Economics Pre-Law
Relationship status: Happily Single
Zodiac Sign: Team Gemini All day Baby!
On-Campus Activities:
Proud member of Kappa Sigma fraternity, Vice-president of the residence hall counsel for Wallwork Hall, Public Relations Chair for the Inter-Fraternity Council
What would be your ideal first date:
I am a firm believer in the notion that people can have a fun and romantic time without spending too much money. Some of the best dates I had were simply just walking around L.O.V.E Park and around downtown Philadelphia, talking and getting to know the person I’m with.
What would be a dealmaker in a relationship:
If you’re a bit quirky, nerdy, and intelligent then you would definitely have my full attention. I think people are most beautiful if they are themselves and do not try too hard to make themselves seem attractive or appealing.
And a deal breaker:
Being too self-centered or overconfident! If a majority of your time is spent looking in the mirror, taking pictures of yourself, or constantly talking about yourself then you can just strut right on by me.
Celebrity Crushes:
Zoe Saldana, Rihanna, and Helena Bonham Carter (I have a strong admiration for acting abilities)
If you were on a deserted island, which three things would you have to have with you:
Assuming that that the island is tropical, food and water should already be in abundance in which case I’ll need a machete (For scavenging food and wood and also for defensive reasons) a first aid kit in case of an emergency and a satellite radio so I can make calls for help and broadcast distress signals.
If you won the lottery, what would you do:
I would first use a portion of the money to make sure I put my mom and my immediate family up somewhere nice and comfortable. Then I’ll use the rest of the money to continue my education.
Any Hobbies:
Well I’m a huge game nerd! I’ve been playing video games since about the age of 3! I am also somewhat of a movie freak I can watch almost any movie as long as I don’t find it asinine.
Facebook: Keynon Alphonse Sidorra
Instagram: Color_My_Heart_Black
Name:Sam Harmon
Nickname: Harmonious
School: U Maine
Hometown: South Portland, Maine
Relationship status: single
Sign: Cancer
Campus Life
Major: International Business and Management
Favorite thing about UMaine: My crew
How are you involved on campus: American Marketing Association, Intramural Sports (HEADSTASH!), University Flight Club, and laughing at humans vs. zombies
Favorite place to eat in Orono: Orono-The Roost, Old Town-Jonny’s Pizza
Best Class: Leadership w/ Scott Anchors
Worst Class: Strategic Management (Capstone) with Jason Harkins
How do you like to spend your weekends here: Drinking soda pop and staying up until 4 in the morning. Hot tub and Sauna to recover.
What’s on your iPod’s top rated: top 3 Pandora stations: J Cole radio, atmosphere radio, and shaggy radio if the time’s right
Boxers or Briefs: boxer briefs
An embarrassing confession: I love singing in the shower
Ski or Snowboard: Snowboard
What are you plans for Spring Break: Working and flying…In Maine though :(
Salty or Sweet: Sweet
Dream job: Air ambulance/rescue pilot
Biggest Pet Peeve: people saying ‘like’ all the time and people who hate dogs…you both suck but there is still hope for you.
Three words that describe you: Sharp, sturdy, and sincere
Favorite Barstool Segment: Smoke Shows!!!
Favorite Quote: “The world is yours”
Favorite song to dance to at a party: Kool & the Gang- Get Down on it
Favorite food: Wings, Wings, Wings
Favorite sports team(s): Boston Celtics are my #1 but I love all Boston sports teams
Favorite Beer: Samuel Adams Summer Ale
Favorite Video Games of all time: Super Smash Bros. & NFL Blitz-Nintendo 64
The Nitty Gritty
How do you let someone know you're interested in them:
be straight up, but give her room to breathe…Might let her take my pup for a walk too!
What do you want girls to know about you:
I’ve been in a couple of long-term relationships and, to be honest, I’m not looking to jump back into one anytime soon. Having said that…I‘m a kind hearted guy who will take you out, treat you right, make you laugh, and always be real and upfront with you whether I’m feeling it or not.
What do you look for in a girl:
I’m a sucker for a girl with a warm heart. Everything else comes after that.
Deal-breaker: If she’s jealous or fake, then HEY.......c-YAH!
Celebrity Crush: It’s always been you J-Lo
Boobs or Butt: Nothing wrong with having both, but the booty’s a must
Dylan Tyler Schafer
School: MSU
Portland, MI
Relationship Status: Single
Major: Economics B.S
Favorite place in Lansing/East Lansing? Blue Midnight, just because it’s so chill.
Favorite place on MSU campus?
Honestly, I spend most of my time at the library and not in cafeterias or other halls. But I love going to the MSU Dairy Store and getting a sesquicentennial shake. It just takes the stress of classes away for a short time.
Dream job?
To be a consultant for a firm or company. I’ve always seen myself in a business environment and have always enjoyed the idea of taking hold of something and making it my own and watching it grow into something great. I think I can do that by going into consulting as I help companies grow.
My hobbies include hunting, shooting, riding my bike, paintball on the weekends, video games and just hanging out with friends. I don’t go hunting too often because of work, but when I do it's just so relaxing.
What do you find attractive in a person?
It’s a mixture of qualities. They would have to be able to have a meaningful conversation, and make me laugh at the same time. Communication is key for me and it’s what I appreciate most in a person that makes me like them.
Perfect date?
Honestly, just something simple. Go out to dinner at a nice restaurant, then maybe go bowling or on a walk (depending on the significant other), and just end the night alone, maybe watching a movie together on the couch and talk. Like I said, I like to keep it simple. I don’t feel the need to impress someone with an extravagant date that doesn’t show who I am.
Favorite pickup line?
I don’t ever use pickup lines, but I’ve got to go with “My friends over there bet me that I couldn’t talk to the prettiest girl in the room. Want to use their money to buy some drinks?”
Favorite saying?
"Today I will do what others won’t, so tomorrow I can do what others can’t."
Where you see yourself in 5 years?
I see myself doing well in my career of consulting. I will have my own small starter house, my own car that’s paid off and someone I can hope to spend the rest of my life with. I will either be in Michigan, or in Oregon (my favorite state), working my job and working towards making my life and my significant other’s life better. I won’t have kids at this time since that will be a few years down the road.
Coolest thing you’ve done this year?
Not necessarily this year, but I would have to say going skydiving over summer. I plan on doing more of it this summer too. It was honestly one of the best/most exciting times of my life because it was something different that removed me from the boring norms of school and work for less than 10 minutes.
Name: Prin Oungpasuk
School: CMU
Year: 2015
Hometown: Bangkok, Thailand
Major: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Relationship Status: Single
Hobbies: Ballroom Dancing, salvaging my social life, video games.
Favorite Place to Chill around Campus: Hammock outside Donner
Name: Ben Weidenenaar
Hometown: Norwood, MA
School: Providence
Class: 2014
Relationship Status: Free agent
Major: Double major in Math and Computer Science
October, 2009 - Hair Status: Short
November, 2011 - Hair Status: Sheepdog
Any idea what you want to do with those degrees?
Probably be either an actuary or a high school teacher.
Why those careers? I’d be an actuary for the money, and I’d be a teacher because I love to teach. I tutor already and it’s just something that I really enjoy doing. Plus I’d be able to coach soccer part time or something. We’ll see how the actuary thing goes first.
Where did you go to high school? Xavarian Brothers High School
Any big differences now going to school with girls?
It’s different, but there’s no major change. My attention span is down, but there’s nothing too major about it.
I noticed that you have a bit of scruff going on. Are you an advocate of No Shave November?
I’m an advocate of Mo-Vember, which is for the mustaches. But I can’t grow a mustache, so I’m growing a little scruff just cause I want to do something at least. I do “no-shave” to a certain extent, as you can see I’m not so homeless.
What do you look for in a girl?
Smart, that’s probably where I’d start off. If you can have a good conversation with someone, that’s a good stepping-stone. I also like people who are very athletic; I like playing sports and doing stuff outside, and I think a personality match is pretty important.
What are your hobbies?
Numero uno: Soccer. I do lots of soccer stuff: play, watch it on TV, etc. Also I love hiking, I went on multiple hikes last summer. There’s also the etcetera stuff: I like the occasional reading, and video games. Lots of video games.
How do you procrastinate on your homework?
Video games. Yeah…it’s a problem.
What is your favorite music? Artists, etc?
I listen to a hodgepodge, though my favorite type is alternative rock. Ann Berlin, New Politics, Death Cab. My favorite song is “Mad World” by Gary Jules. It’s totally not alternative rock though…
Any music you’re kind of embarrassed to admit is on your iPod?
I will admit that I have Kelly Clarkson on my iPod. I also listen to songs not in English: I have one song in German, a couple in Icelandic, some in Japanese.
How did you stumble upon these songs?
FIFA video game soundtrack. I actually get a lot of music from video game soundtracks. If I hear something good on a video game I will get it.
What is your favorite thing about PC?
Probably the size of it. It’s pretty small, so you get to see people every day. I have friends at larger colleges and they tell me about people they met freshman year who they never see anymore. Here you get to see your friends every day no matter what.
Any Thanksgiving traditions?
The newest one is that I get the turkey leg; I always get dibs on that one. Turkey is my favorite food, besides pecan pie.
Ultimate question: whipped cream or ice cream with your pie? I’d have to go with whipped cream. Doesn’t melt on you.
What would you do if you had a million dollars?
Pay off the rest of school, buy a car, maybe a take a trip to Europe, and save the rest for whatever I need in the future. You know these economic times.
What kind of car would you get?
Probably a Mazda RX7, or a Mitsubishi Lancer. Or an electric car, just for laughs.
If you could battle anybody, who would it be and why?
Cristiano Ronaldo. He needs to get knocked down a few pegs.
Who would win? I’d win, he’s too much of a pretty boy. He’s a good athlete but I just don’t like the guy.
One of your most embarrassing moments?
I was at my friends house one day and his little sister was really bored, and she wanted to draw make-up on me so I let her have it. But then my friend took a picture of it on his phone and is using it as blackmail against me.
What is something very few people know about you?
I’m a brunette…just kidding.
Talk to me about your hair: When was the last time you cut it? June, 2010.
Any particular reason why you haven’t cut it?
I’m too lazy to get it cut, and I don’t mind it long, it hasn’t been too much of a problem yet. I’m just waiting for it to bother me, or I may get it cut at some random time, but I’m not revealing that just yet.
When was the last time you had a good cry?
Last time I actually teared up was at the end of Harry Potter 7: Part 2. The whole Snape thing was a tear-jerker. Everyone in the theater was tearing up…and I was one of them…
Cats or dogs: Dogs. I’ve had more pleasant experiences with dogs.
Cake or ice cream: Cake.
Comedies or horrors: Comedies. I recently saw Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure, which was amazing.
Britney Spears or Ke$ha: Britney Spears, obvi. Particularly her oldies.