Campus Cutie: Kyle Bell-Colfer
School: U Maine
Age: 19
Hometown:Farmingdale, Maine
Major: International Affairs
Relationship Status: Single
Boxers or Briefs: Boxers
Favorite Food:Steak and a salad
Girl trend you hate/don’t understand: Nice girls who date jerks
Favorite way to spend a Saturday: Spending time outside and then going out at night to dance/meet people
Fun Fact: I love traveling all the time and lived in Paraguay for a month
Name: Pat Zailckas
School: Bucknell
Hometown: Waterbury, CT “Brass City”
Major: Chemical Engr. & Management
Class Year: 2014 (5-year)
The Basics:
- Favorite book: On the Road by Jack Kerouac
- Favorite Movie: Anything with Denzel Washington
- Favorite Store:
- Most Played Song on your ipod: “Capitol” – Curren$y
- Favorite Class at Bucknell: PHIL 100
- Campus Activities: Past IFC President
- Campus Posse: Taj and pals
- General Interests: Travel, snowboarding, music, fine cheese platters
- Little Known Fact: Skilled in the culinary arts
Girls, Girls, Girls:
- Relationship: Single
- What do you look for in a girl: Intelligence, style, drive, eccentricity
- Female turnoff: Rude behavior, pessimism
- Celebrity Crush: Mila Kunis
Best of the Rest:
- Proudest Accomplishment: Tie between working for ExxonMobil and earning a scholarship to go here
- Where do you see yourself in 10 years: Traveling the world, hopefully.
- 3 words to describe yourself: Ambitious, Seeker, Amiable
Name: Carlos Amestoy
School: U Maine
Hometown: Toronto, Ontario
Major: Business Management
Relationship Status: Single
Memberships: Men's Ice Hockey
Interests: Sports, Music, Women, Traveling
Boxers or Briefs: Boxer-Briefs
What girl trend do you hate/not understand: Why do girls have to follow trends? Why can't they be unique?
Favorite way to spend a Saturday: Go out with my friends.
Favorite Food: My mom's cooking.
Fun Fact: I like to cook.
Name:Ryan Wahle
School: U Maine
Hometown: Round Pond, ME
Relationship Status: Single
Sign: Pisces
Major/year in school: New Media/ Freshman
Favorite thing about UMaine: Seeing new faces every day.
Favorite place to eat in Orono/on campus: OHOP
Hobbies: Traveling, Skiing, Drawing, scuba diving
Favorite place you have traveled to: Honduras and Mallorca in the Mediterranean Sea.
Favorite thing to do on the Weekend: Lay low and play slow after causing a ruckus.
Boxers or briefs: Boxers
Boobs or Butt: Butt
Blonde or Brunette: No preference
Confession: I have a shy side to me.
Dream Job: Traveling to do what I love.
Fun Fact: I'm quite the bro when it comes to lacrosse.
What's the first thing you notice about a girl: Her eyes and smile
How do you let a girl know your into her: I compliment her often and look into her eyes trying to solve her mystery.
What do you want all the ladies to know about you: I'm easy going and it's hard to make me not smile.
Celebrity Crush: Scarlett Johansson
Favorite song/band: What's Golden/ Jurassic 5
Anything Else you want the girls to know? If you can't find me in the winter then I am probably out skiing somewhere.
Name: Kai Fiske
School: Bucknell
Hometown: Palos Verdes, California
Major: Undecided
Class Year: 2016

The Basics:
- Favorite book: Harry Potter
- Favorite Movie: Step Brothers
- Favorite Store: J Crew
- Most Played Song on your ipod: Otherside by Macklemore
- Favorite Class at Bucknell: Economics
- Campus Activities: Concert Committee
- General Interests: Music, Baseball, Football
- Little Known Fact: I was born in Pennsylvania but moved to California when I was three
Girls, Girls, Girls:
- Relationship: Single
- What do you look for in a girl: A sense of humor
- Female turnoff: Too serious
- Celebrity Crush: Kate Upton
Best of the Rest:
- Proudest Accomplishment: Getting into Bucknell
- Where do you see yourself in 10 years: Having a good job or traveling the world
- 3 words to describe yourself: Funny, Enthusiastic, Happy
Name: Chase Koontz
Year: 2014
School: William & Mary
Major: Government and Economics
Relationship Status: Takens (Sorry, ladies!)
Hometown: Muncie, Indiana
What is he involved in on Campus?
Senator, Tour guide, Tribe Ambassador, Orientation Aide, works at Office of Community Engagement and Scholarship, Beta
What is he interested in?
Triathlons, Social Entrepreneurship Corps, reading, nature, travel, spending time with family and friends, and playing with his pup, Grife
Why was he nominated as a Campus Cutie?
" Chase Koontz is the complete package. He is intelligent, genuine, hot beyond belief, and athletic. Basically, he's the epitome of the American Dream." -Anonymous
Check him out on Facebook here!
Name: Daniel Stack
School: Clemson
Graduation Year: 2014
Major: PRTM (Travel and Tourism)
Hometown: Orangeburg, SC
Why did you choose to come to Clemson?
The relationship the students have with the town. From game day to just enjoying the community itself.
What are you involved in on campus? Cheerleading
Favorite thing about Clemson? There’s something new every day. It’s one of a kind from the people, to the culture, to the traditions. What’s there not to like about it?
What was you most embarrassing moment at Clemson?
One time I ran the flag out at an away game in the middle of the wrong team.
What do you plan to do after graduation?
To get an awesome job where I can travel.
If someone needed to find you on campus where would you be?
The Union getting food
What is the current song you play on repeat?
Whatever’s on the radio.
Favorite place to eat in Clemson:
I like food so to make it easy: What’s my LEAST favorite place to eat in Clemson? China Buffet.
What is your go to drink downtown?
Clemson Goodnight and Jaeger Bombs
What is your biggest peeve?
People who smack food and gum or rude people. That’s the worst.
Describe yourself in 3 words?
Outgoing, People Person, A good time …. that’s 6 words
Any advice for Clemson girls?
Keep it classy.
Name: Steve Grune
School: Bucknell
Hometown: Darien, CT
Major: Environmental Science and Geology
Class Year: 2016
The Basics
- Favorite book: On the Road by Jack Kerouac
- Favorite Movie: The Sandlot
- Favorite Store: Bed Bath and Beyond
- Most Played Song on your ipod: We are Never Ever Getting Back Together by Taylor Swift
- Favorite Class at Bucknell: NAP101 with Professor Snoozeberry
- Campus Activities: Varsity Swim Team, Bird Watching, Tree Climbing
- Campus Posse: Chortiz, You Already Know, Wesley Schneider, Babar, TrevCakes, DJ Billy K, and the Best of the Rest
- General Interests: Anything with water, Travelling, Lifting big heavy man weights, Doodling, Vacuuming, Cooking, Slothing, breaking a mental sweat, coordinating outfits with my family
- Little Known Fact: I sleep with a stuffed animal named MoMo
Girls, Girls, Girls
- Relationship: Single and Ready to Mingle
- What do you look for in a girl: Athletic, Attractive, Chill, Knowledgable
- Female turnoff: Nose Picking
- Celebrity Crush: Blake Lively
Best of the Rest
- Proudest Accomplishment: Participated in the worlds largest custard pie fight
- Where do you see yourself in 10 years: A trophy husband
- 3 words to describe yourself: God Bless America
Name: Pembroke Nash
School: UNC
Hometown: Wilmington, NC
Year: Freshman
Major: Biology
Relationship Status: Single
Favorite food: Fried fish
Favorite spot on campus: Craige volleyball court
Favorite TV series: How I met Your Mother
Favorite band: O.A.R
Favorite movie: Top Gun
Fun Fact: I’m an avid kitesurfer. And I own a pair of Uggs.
Motto: Girls love guys with tan thighs.
Celebrity Crush: Daniel Craig - I have a huge man crush on Daniel Craig.
What is your favorite UNC memory? There are so many. Probably hanging out at the Carolina football game with some of my friends and watching Gio just tear State apart. It was the most exciting sporting event I’d ever been to.
One bucket list item: I really want to drive across Australia and surf for about 3 months - travel, surf, be the creepy hippie guy in Australia.
Post graduation plans: It’s still pretty up in the air. Maybe run a Fortune 500 company. Or actually just take a bunch of years off and travel around and not really do anything. Or maybe med school. That was the original plan.
Favorite trip: My favorite was to Nicaragua for a surf trip- it was beautiful and wild and awesome and the surf was awesome every single day. We went with 10 of my family members and every single one of us surf. We all just had so much fun.
Describe your ideal girl: I’m scared of taller women (He’s 6’4!) so shorter than that. Beautiful, fairly athletic and adventurous, and slightly classy. But not like particularly sophisticated, just the ability to class up when required.
Describe your perfect date: It’s warm outside. I’m wearing shorts. She’s not wearing anything. Just kidding. There’s a really cool restaurant in Wilmington with a boat dock and you can drive right up there, tie the boat up, eat dinner, and it’s just a real cool time.
Biggest turn offs: Tall, boring or unadventurous girls, people who won’t dance (I dance a lot.)
Favorite thing about UNC: Gotta be the people. That, or going to class every morning at 8am.
Name: Chris Helton
School: UNC
Hometown: Charlotte, NC
Year: 2015
Major: Journalism and Mass Communication – Public Relations
Favorite Coldstone/Yopo Flavor: Oreo Cookie or Milk & Cookies (you have to go to Ben & Jerry’s for this one)
Where do you study? Davis, UL, other? 3rd Floor of the Union, Davis or my apartment
Fun Fact: I sing in the shower.
Motto: “Rather than looking forward in fear, look upward in faith.”
Campus Involvement: Carolina Association of Black Journalists Social Media Chair, Carolina Performing Arts Intern, Theater Delta, Roosevelt Institute – Arts and Cultural Policy Center (UNC ARTery)
What’s your favorite thing about Carolina? Besides the super-talented, nice people, it’s definitely the endless opportunities!
What do you like to do in your free time? Acting, goof around with my friends, run/workout, try new restaurants
What qualities do you find attractive in a girl? Generally, someone who’s down-to-earth, positive, intelligent and confident
What are your biggest turn-offs? Negativity is the worst!
Who is your celebrity crush? Beyoncé, Zoe Saldana, Penelope Cruz
What are you most proud of? I have a little sister and watching her grow up and mature has definitely made me a proud brother. Also, the friends/network I have built here at Carolina, and the habit of success that has come along with it.
So what do you plan to do after college? I plan to work either in corporate communications/branding for a top Fortune company or in some similar capacity for the government. Then I’m going to get an MBA and continue to work up the corporate/government ladder.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Settled into my career, hopefully in some management position, and settled into a committed relationship. Oh yeah, and traveling the world!
Name: Nick O'Neil
School: Stetson
Class: Sophomore
Hometown: Boston, MA
Major: International Business
Pets: 6 puppies
What do you do on campus? "Ride around with P-Safe and keep students safe from deland people."
What is your favorite bar in downtown Deland? "Brick House. It's always a fun time and it's really the only bar where people go to in this town."
Favorite Stetson Memory? "Meeting Richie Twaits, get to know him ladies ;) "
Favorite Professor? Rosey Carpenter!
What do you look for in a women? "Someone who is classy but can still have a fun time. I guess someone who likes having fun and is confident about themselves. Also one who I can have an actual conversation with."
Ideal Woman? I'd have to say my girlfriend.
Any Celebrity Crushes? Katy Perry
Describe your perfect date:
Limo to Fenway, Green Monster seats, then after dinner at the top of the hub.
3 Pet peeves when it comes to girls?
Girls who act dumb when they're not, girls who need to be the center of attention, and I guess girls who spit
Sport I love to play the most: Pond Hockey
What is your dream job? "I don't really know yet but I'd like to do something that involves traveling over the world but really any job that will let me give my family a great life."
Favorite song to work out to? Climax - Usher
Favorite place in the world? Martha's Vineyard
Favorite Restaurant? Papa Razzi
Name: Brandon Gurney
School: Bucknell
Hometown: Whitehouse Station, New Jersey
Major: Civil Engineering
Class Year: 2015
The Basics:
Favorite book: Flatland
Favorite Movie: American Beauty
Favorite Store:
Most Played Song on your ipod: What You Know - Two Door Cinema Club
Favorite Class at Bucknell: Anything but physics...
Campus Activities: Intramurals, Orientation Assistant, Res College, ASCE
Campus Posse: Kilman, Neale, Bandarenko
General Interests: Hiking, drawing, tennis, soccer, whistling (see below) and road trips.
Little Known Fact: I'm a frighteningly good whistler.
Girls, Girls, Girls:
Relationship: Single
What do you look for in a girl: Confident and easy going -- with beautiful eyes.
Female turnoff: Rudeness and bad grammar, especially when combined.
Celebrity Crush: Sofia Vergara, obviously.
Best of the Rest:
Proudest Accomplishment: On my last day of high school, I was leaving my favorite class when my teacher pulled me aside and thanked me for the difference I made in his 'Comparative World Religions' class by telling me that he hadn't had another student as patient and open-minded as me in a long time. Those are probably the traits I am most proud of in myself, and though it's not really an accomplishment, my teacher's words really stuck with me.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years: According to my plan, I will have finished traveling to some of the most exciting places in the world, and will be building my dream house in California, Switzerland, or Australia, hopefully with someone I love by my side.
3 words to describe yourself: Neurotic, insomniac, optimistic.
Name: Jon Noyes
School: U Maine
Nickname: No-Yes
Hometown: Caribou, Maine
Relationship Status: Single
Sign: Virgo
Campus Life
Major: International Affairs/History
Favorite thing about UMaine: Spring
How are you involved on campus: Intramural Sports
Favorite place to eat in Orono: Verve
Best Class: A skipped class
Worst Class: Anything before 10am
How do you like to spend your weekends here: Hanging out with my boys
What’s on your ipod’s top rated: Blind Melon, Sublime, and Dispatch
Boxers or Briefs: boxer briefs
An embarrassing confession: The Notebook is a great movie.
Ski or Snowboard: Ski
What are you plans for Spring Break: Went to Puerto Rico
Salty or Sweet: Sweet
Dream job: Getting paid to travel
Biggest Pet Peeve: Commercials
Three words to describe yourself: awesome, awesome, and awesome
Favorite Barstool Segment: Smoke show
Favorite Quote: Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.
Favorite song to dance to at a party: No Diggity- Blackstreet
Favorite food: Ice Cream
Favorite sports team(s): Red Sox
Favorite Beer: Alexander Keith
Favorite App (game or otherwise): NESN app
The Nitty Gritty
How do you let someone know you're interested in them: I talk to them
What do you want girls to know about you:
What do you look for in a girl: a sense of humor
Deal-breaker: grey hair
Celebrity Crush: Mila Kunis
Boobs or Butt: Butt
Name: Max Hommeyer
School: Bucknell
Hometown: St. Paul, Minnesota
Major: International Relations with an East Asian focus
Class Year: 2015
The Basics:
- Favorite book: Open, Andre Agassi’s Autobiography
- Favorite Movie: The Girl Next Door
- Favorite Store: H&M
- Most Played Song on your iPod: Jumper, by Third Eye Blind
- Favorite Class at Bucknell: East Asian International Relations with the legendary Zhiqun Zhu
- Campus Activities: Orientation Leader, Social Chair of Phi Kappa Psi, Tour Guide, Head Coach of Women’s Club Soccer, Club Tennis VP of Recruitment
- Campus Posse: OLs and my Phi Psi pledge class
- General Interests: Conquering B-league IM championships, trying to learn languages, slayin & cuddling
- Little Known Fact: When I was three and lived in Seattle, I tried to pet a bison at the zoo and he stomped on my foot.
Girls, Girls, Girls:
- Relationship: Ridin solo
- What do you look for in a girl: An energetic girl who isn’t afraid to be herself and has a sassy/hard-to-get side. Someone who thrives off spontaneity and seeks all types of adventure, and provides abundant yin to my yang.
- Female turnoff: A negative girl who bashes other people to make up for her inadequacies. Chain-smoking sucks.
- Celebrity Crush: Jessica Cirio & Ryan Gosling
Best of the Rest:
- Proudest Accomplishment: Winning “nutter of the year” at my high school awards ceremony.
- Where do you see yourself in 10 years: Wrapping up work and travels in China and Europe, and returning to the Twin Cities to snag a wife. Hopefully I’ll be as good as a role model to my kids as my parents were to me.
- 3 words to describe yourself: audacious, loving, and eccentric