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12 Bilingual Campus Cuties


Name:Stefan Cvrkalj
College/University: Lehigh
Year of graduation: 2015
Single or Taken: Single

Interests and Hobbies: Basketball, Red Hot Chili Peppers

Involved in on campus: Men's Varsity Basketball Team

Greek Life: Not in a house, I just go to their parties : )

Ideal First Date: One that appeals to her personality and interests

What do you look for in a girl: Eyes, Smile, Wittiness

What are some turn offs: Rudeness

Who is your celebrity crush: Candice Swanepoel

What is one item you cannot live without: iPod

Funny/embarassing moment: Got locked out of my room in a towel 20 minutes before class in the first week of school

What is your favorite memory at Lehigh: The first weekend parties before the start of first semester

What are you looking forward to at Lehigh: Spring Break

Anything extra: Bilingual

Name: Nick Bader
College/University: West Virginia Wesleyan College
Year: Freshman
Major: Communication
Expected graduation date: May 2016
Relationship Status: Single
Hometown: Bronx, New York

Campus activities: Baseball, Dj for C-92 Radio, Writer for The Pharos campus newspaper

Favorite Food: Rice & beans
Favorite Movie: Anchorman
Favorite Animal: Dog
Favorite Pick-up Line: "Excuse me, but you're beautiful."

Dream Date: To take a girl to my favorite restaurant, Big Nicks, then walk through Riverside Park in New York.

Turn-ons: Tattoos
Turn-offs: Girls who can't keep a conversation going

Celeb Crush: Either Shakira or Blake Lively

Hidden Talents:
Bilingual, love to dance, and can cook Spanish food.

Name:Shaun Thomas Hamilton Abreu
College/University: Barnard
Hometown: New York City
Class Year: 2014
Major: Political Science, Art History
Relationships Status: Single, Bilingual, and Ready To Mingle

On-campus activities: Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity
Off-campus activities: Writing fiction

Favorite spring break moment: Sprinting away after shoplifting 

Greatest fear: Losing all my teeth

The thing that’s defined your Columbia experience: Jane Austen's courtship plot

Hottest outfit for a girl: Jackie O Dress

Fun fact: I can make flute sounds with my hands 

Quality you most admire in others: Charm

Words you live by: Duck! 

Upcoming event you’re most excited for this spring: Delta Sig's Semesterly Crush Party

One thing you wish you knew or understood about girls: What dictionary they're all using

Musical artist you’d most like at Bacchanal: Avicii 

The food that best describes your personality and why? Hot pockets

This campus cutie is a southern boy with a city twist. He's down to earth enough to love mac n' cheese, yet sophisticated enough to be bilingual (c'est magnifique!). He finds nothing more attractive in a love interest than good old confidence. He is a swimmer and most importantly, a hopeless romantic. And he's all Penn's!
Name:Jibreel Jordan Powell
College/University: U Penn
School: College
Year: 2016
Hometown: Philadelphia, PA
Major: Biological Basis of Behavior
Languages: English, French, learning American Sign Language
Extracurriculars: QSA, Check One
Relationship status: Taken

Hobbies: Swimming, Listening to/Trying to write Spoken Word,
Astrological Sign: Libra
Celebrity crush: Adam Levine
Favorite food: Mac n' cheese
Favorite pick up line: Apparently Ryan Lochte does this thing where he just looks at someone, winks, and then walks away. It’s not really a line, but that’s my favorite.
Penn bucket list: Start/lead a club, have a barista in Starbucks learn my name/order, learn another language (I’m thinking Arabic), and travel abroad.
Perfect date: A nice dinner somewhere overlooking the ocean and ending the night on the beach at sunset.
Favorite quote:"I promised my loneliness, one day I will write myself a glass essay, and then, I will love like it can't break." -Alysia Harris
Spring Break idea: A house on the beach seems pretty fun
Song on repeat right now: “Thinking About You” by Frank Ocean
What do you find most appealing: Confidence and a sense of humor
What do you find least appealing: Rudeness
If you could go anywhere now, where would it be and why: I would take my boyfriend to Paris, because I went this summer, and I really want to take him. 

Meet Ed Grattan. This sophomore loves getting involved on campus and using his sense of humor and good looks to charm the ladies. You might have spotted him at the RSVP Center, where he’s a Greek Advocate, or at the Delta Tau Delta house or around campus with his camera.
Name: Ed Grattan
College/University: Mizzou
Hometown: Chesterfield, Mo.
Major: Biology and Religious Studies
Relationship status: Single

Campus involvement: Greek Advocates, GAMMA and Global Medical Brigades

Favorite pick-up line: "No tengo algo bueno para decir en Inglés, entonces le diré un cuento de un gatito y un árbol en Español.” (I do not have anything good to say in English, so I will tell you a tale of a kitten and tree in Spanish.)

Last song played on your iPod: “Shake Me Down” by Cage the Elephant

Unique fact: I am from El Salvador and am bilingual.

Dream job: I’d like to travel around the world and have the ability to give medical care to those who need it. It would also be nice to become a religious studies professor.

Favorite vacation spot: Anywhere with a lake or a beach. A week at the Lake of the Ozarks with friends is always great.

If I were an animal: Unfortunately, there is an ongoing joke that I look like Timon from The Lion King. So I guess a defenseless meerkat.

Something no one knows: I like photography and would like to some day get good enough to display my photos. I am also from the future.

Perfect date: It would probably involve a Blues game, dinner and a movie, and a good concert to top it off. I don't know how that would fit into one day, but as long as they like the idea of hockey, a funny movie and great music, I’m fine.

Name:Theo Varenne
College/University: St. Andrews
Studying: International Relations, Arabic and Persian
Year: 2
Hometown: Tokyo, or wherever his parents are (currently outside of Paris)

When I mention the high workload Theo must have studying international relations and two languages, he laughs and explains that he’s always had a love of learning languages. I’m assuming this is partially out of habit— coming from a bilingual household that alternates between French and English, and partially out of necessity—having moved frequently with his family, living in Tokyo, London, and France, and on his gap year traveling through Malaysia, Mongolia, Syria and Lebanon. “It was something new to do, I already speak Spanish, so South America would have been cheating.”

Theo describes his personal style as ‘slightly eccentric’ and strongly influenced by his parents, though doesn’t really follow fashion. He prefers to buy what appeals to him, “If I see something I like, I get it." Usually something simple paired with something standout— like bright socks or bright green jeans "which I think are only socially acceptable in St Andrews,” he adds light heartedly. “I’m definitely colorful, but not to the point of looking like a rainbow.” While he takes his studies seriously, he doesn’t take himself too seriously- a rare and welcome treat in a town that can sometimes feel obsessed with image.

In his first year, Theo was the Traditions Representative in John Burnett Hall, where he met his girlfriend of almost a year, Catherine. “There’s a funny gif someone put up about guys in St Andrews and their reactions when they hear the word ‘relationship’. They just disappear: hiding in plants, blending into the wall; but I’m very happy where I am right now. We have a great time, always.”

St Andrews activities: Polo, all food and wine societies*, Model UN, cooking and having dinners, and helping to organize big events like the Bongo and Masquerade Balls.

Perfect Girl: I like someone who is funny, easy going, not someone who is very stuck up and set in their ways it to the point of being dogmatic. It can be very off-putting.

Weirdest Uni Experience: I’m not sure if I want that to be published…but this one time we went trolley tobogganing across the fairway of the Old Course…

*Fine Dining, Wine and Cheese, Chocolate, Quaich, Sushi

Name:Piotr Warchol
College/University: UIC
Major: Psychology and Biology
Year: Freshman
Hometown: Roselle, IL

Favorite Class: Chemistry

Perfect Woman: Funny, smart, laid black, beautiful, and awesome

Little Known Fact: English is my second language, I learned it in third grade.

Country or City: City

Spot on Campus: The Quad

Song Currently Stuck in Head: Titanium

Perfect Date: Movie, dinner, snuggling/cuddling

Name & Year: Jeff Rohde, 2014
College/University: William & Mary
Major: International Relations
Hometown: Baltimore, MD
What is he involved in on campus?
FASA, SOMOS, International Relations Club

What are his interests?
Learning tons of languages (French, Spanish, Arabic, Tagalog, nbd), going to conferences all over the world to discuss international issues, visiting the Dominican Republic to improve health care

Why was he nominate as a Campus Cutie?
"Jeff is literally the nicest guy anyone has ever met. Always has a smile on his face, and will always be ready to drop everything for a chat. He'll charm the socks off of anyone! Talk to him once and in less than 5 minutes you'll be convinced he deserves to be Campus Cutie for life!" -Anonymous

Check him out on Facebook here: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=719525316

Name: Gil Erlich
College/University: Bucknell
Hometown: Cresskill, NJ
Major: Civil Engineering and Management
Class Year: 2014 (5-year program)

The Basics

Favorite book: The Game by Neil Strauss
Favorite Movie: Fight Club
Favorite Store: J. Crew
Most Played Song on your ipod: Sweet Disposition by the Temper Trap
Favorite Class at Bucknell: MGMT 375 – Can We Start This Company
Campus Activities: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Phi Kappa Psi, Engineering Tour Guide, Intramural Referee
Campus Posse: Phi Psi Brothers and Freshman Hall Friends
General Interests: Snowboarding, Basketball, Music, NY Knicks, NY Giants, Bucknell, Working Out, FIFA
Little Known Fact: Hebrew was me and my twin sister’s first language

Girls, Girls, Girls

Relationship: Single
What do you look for in a girl: Fun, Funny, Smart, Athletic, and Easy-Going
Female turnoff: Stressing out too much
Celebrity Crush: Bar Rafaeli

Best of the Rest

Proudest Accomplishment: Beating my dad in 1-on-1 basketball
Where do you see yourself in 10 years: Living in a big city, working as a project manager for a civil engineering construction management firm, and having the time of my life.
3 words to describe yourself: Outgoing, Happy, and Assertive 

Name:Lucas Urrego
College/University: Providence College
Hometown: Medellin, Columbia
Graduation Year: 2014
Major: Marketing, Studio Art Minor

What do you like to do for fun?
Hanging out, partying, Capoeira.
What’s Capoeira?
It’s a Brazilian martial art; I’ve been doing it for 5 years. It consists of a lot of acrobatics and kicks and stuff. It keeps you fit, and it has a lot of history behind it. It was started by the slaves who were brought over by the Portuguese.
So far, what has been your favorite class?
Sociology. I’ve always liked it. It’s interesting to study different groups of people and why a group of individuals do certain things.
Any hobbies?
I do graphic design. I designed something for an art competition recently with the theme of “Spirit of PC” and I actually won. I won $200 and it’ll be displayed in Slavin.
What will you do with the money?
Probably buy clothes for the summer,
Any interesting plans for the summer?

I might get an internship doing marketing for an agency. I’m gonna train a lot for capoeira too and hopefully get my next rank.
What’s your current rank?
It’s basically the equivalent of a black belt.
What languages do you speak?
I speak English, obviously, Spanish, and some Portuguese. I was born in Columbia so Spanish is my first language and I learned English when I was nine. And then I learned Portuguese mainly through capoeira.
What do you look for in a girl?
Someone who’s themselves and doesn’t let other people influence who they are. Basically, a girl who’s authentic.
What’s your idea of a perfect date?
Doing something different, definitely not a conventional date. But overall, just being comfortable and able to laugh with them.
If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
My superpower would be mind reading. It would be interesting to get into peoples’ thoughts without them knowing.
Whose mind would you read?
At the moment, probably my professors, so I would know how to respond on exams.
Any plans to study abroad?
Yeah, I want to go to Paris eventually, but I don’t know much French. I’ve always wanted to go to experience, the people, the culture, the food.
Any interesting quirks?
I’ve gotten into lucid dreaming. You’re basically in a dream and you realize you’re asleep, and you can control everything you dream. It’s intense, you’re basically controlling your subconscious. 

Name: Tadeu Velloso
College/University: Portland
Hometown: Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerias, Brasil
Major: Org Comm with a minor in History (Pre-Law).

What is it like to be a foreign hottie? **slight giggle** Well, it’s fun.

What is your favorite thing about Brazil? Tropical rain and my minha familia.

Do you know the Girl from Ipanema? We used to play barefoot volleyball in the streets of Belo Horizonte.

What do you like to do in your free time? Play futbol, drink Guarana and dance to “Ai Se Eu Te Pego” by Michel Telo, watch telanovelas and read “The Alchemist” by Paolo Coelho in original Portuguese.

What is your favorite snack from Brazil? Brigadero which is like fudge balls with chocolate sprinkles and chicken Coxinhas.

What languages do you speak? English, Portuguese and Spanish.

What food reminds you of home? Rice and black beans.

Who is your favorite famous Brazilian? Pele. Obviously.

When was the last time you were in Brazil? Over spring break.

How excited are you that your home country is hosting the Olympics and the World Cup? 
I’m really excited especially since my uncle is the architect that designed one of the stadiums that one of the World Cup games will be played in.

How do American girls and Brazilian girls stack up? 
Brazilian girls are more carefree and curvy. American girls are self-aware.

What is your favorite rainforest creature and why? Jaguar because I love jungle cats.

What are the top Brazilian destinations that you would recommend for our readers? The statue of Christ the Redeemer, Ipanema, and a soccer game wherever you can find one!

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