Name: Taylor Alvaro
School: Northwestern
Year: Sophomore
Hometown: Cincinnati, Ohio
Birthday: May 22, 1993
Major: Mathematics
Relationship Status: Single
What is Cirque du NU?
Cirque du NU is a circus and service club that uses light hearted circus entertainment to provide service to organizations like the Ronald McDonald House in a similar altruistic fashion that these organizations provide services to the community. Cirque volunteers primarily at the world's largest Ronald McDonald House to help alleviate the families' stress of having other family members hospitalized.
What inspired you to create this club at NU?
I wanted to continue volunteering with the Ronald McDonald House in college because of a personal connection- I stayed at the house for a month as a five year old while my brother was having life threatening open heart surgeries.
How long have you been a professional circus entertainer?
Tres años.
What else are you involved with on campus?
I am a Delt (DTD) and a political scientist research assistant.
What is your favorite place on campus?
Not plex.
What are your guilty pleasures?
Owning a giant beanbag that unfolds into two king sized mattresses.
What qualities do you look for in a girl?
I look for someone that makes me laugh, is fun to be around, and is genuine.
What’s on your Bucket List?
Get married and have kids.
What words do you live by?
- “Family first.”
- “The problem with doing nothing is that you never know when you’re done.”
What is your ideal date?
Rooftop dinner overlooking the city with some fine drinks, a dance club, ending with a night on the beach under a perfectly clear sky with no other surroundings.
What’s one thing most people may not know about you?
I was almost in a boat crash and a plane crash.
Why HC loves Taylor: He’s sweet and super talented!
Name: Eric Bolduc
School: U Maine
Hometown: Dixfield, Maine
Relationship Status: In a relationship
Sign: Taurus
Campus Life
Major: Microbiology Minor: Chemistry & Pre-Med
Favorite thing about UMaine: The small town vibe
How are you involved on campus: Sigma Phi Epsilon, Class of 2014 Council, Operation H.E.A.R.T.S.,
Favorite place to eat in Orono: Pat’s Pizza
Best place to meet girls at UMaine: Community Service Events
Why did you choose UMaine: Got recruited to be a Kicker on the Football team and the wide range of majors it has to offer.
Best Professor: Anne Hanson
Best Class: Organic Chemistry
Worst Class: English 101
What is on your ipod's top rated: Taylor Swift
Boxers or Briefs: Briefs
An embarrassing confession: I twirl my hair
Ski or Snowboard: Ski
Salty or Sweet: Sweet
Cats or Dogs: Dogs
Dream job: Researching Orcas
Biggest Pet Peeve: Laziness
Three words to describe yourself: Hard working, Motivated, Athletic
Favorite song to dance to at a party: I can’t dance
Favorite food: Homemade Mac N’ Cheese
Favorite Beer: Molson Export
Favorite App (game or otherwise): Pulse
Name: Dave Revens
School: JMU
Year: 2014
Hometown: Warwick, Rhode Island
Major: Business
Relationship Status: Single
Campus Involvement: Kappa Alpha Order, community service
Interests: Football, running/track, & hanging out with friends
Name: Dan Schergen
School: Marquette
Year: Junior
Studying: Broadcast and Electonric Communication
Dream Job: Set designer on films and TV shows.
What is the first thing you notice about a girl?
Her hair, girls who have fun and different hairstyles are very intriguing.
Guilty Music Pleasure: Metro Station.
If he could marry one celebrity, you'd choose... Emma Watson, because she’s perfect in every way.
Favorite Color: Purple, the color of royalty
Coke or Pepsi? Regular Coke, Diet Pepsi
Favorite sport: Frizbee, if that counts as a sport… if not, Hockey.
Favorite place to take a girl on a date in Milwaukee: The Rave, a good concert is the best first date.
Favorite Late-Night Snack: Tortilla chips and Salsa con queso.
Favorite Fast Food Restaurant: Wendy’s. The fries.
What is your favorite 90's television program? Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Dream vacation destination: I would love to go back to Ireland someday soon.
Dogs or Cats?
Cats. They’re so much easier to hang out with, and don’t require as much attention as dogs, but dogs are very fun.
Athletic Team He'd Like to Join: I am not good enough at anything to play a sport, but I would love to hang out with the Blackhawks for a few days.
What would you name your yacht: Mary Kay
His superpower of choice: Flight
Favorite Disney Character: The Muses from Hercules
Favorite TV Show: Parks and Recreation. The character development is wonderful, and it makes the show very believable.
Something you’ve always wanted to do: Play with my band in a club on Bourbon Street.
If you had a bathtub filled with one type of food, what would it be? Biscuits and gravy.
Name: Forrester Pierce
School: Villanova
Class: 2014
Major: Finance
Hometown: Roslyn, New York
Relationship status: Single
Do you have any pets?
Yes, I have two Portuguese Water dogs, and my parents flew to Calgary, Canada to get them. Their names are Shadow and Midnight and they are eleven and ten years old. I also have a rabbit and two goldfish in my house. In my backyard, I have two goats (names are Maggie and Chiquita). I also have two ponies during the summer time named Pete and Clover.
That's a lot of animals.
Well, I have always wanted a snake ever since my fourth grade teacher kept a pet snake in the classroom.
What's your most memorable Villanova experience?
My most memorable experience has to be the break trip that I went on last spring. I went to Beaumont, Texas and it was just so humbling to spend a week building a house. I have never just spent a week performing service and it just felt so good afterwards. I also met some awesome people on my break trip. I could not have asked for a better group of people to go with to Beaumont.
What do you look for in a girl?
I know it is a cliché, but I look for a girl with a good personality. By this I mean this girl has to have a good sense of humor because I can be a very sarcastic person. I'd like it if she's adventurous and tries to do new things and would convince to me to do those things with her. I also look for a girl who is chill like me and won't let little stuff bother her. Basically I like girls who are outgoing, nice, and just know how to have a good time.
How about physically?
I honestly do not think about what I look for physically in a girl. If she has the personality that I am looking for, then I do not care what she looks like physically.
What would be your idea of a perfect date?
I don’t care what I do on a date as long as I am able to spend time with her. If I have to say something though, it would really depend on who the girl is that I am dating. I would want to see what she is most interested in and just have an amazing time with her.
What would be the worst turn off?
When a girl seems very distracted when we are on a date together. I also don't like girls who feel like they have to be the center of attention.
How about turn on?
When a girl is able to be spontaneous and just go with it.
What sort of things are you involved in at Nova?
My big involvement at Villanova is the curling club (for those who do not know it's the sport with brooms on ice). I will admit that I am not very good at it but I still enjoy playing it. I am also involved with a couple of business societies.
Do you have any special plans for Thanksgiving?
Yes I plan on going to my aunt and uncle’s house for Thanksgiving. We have had a recent tradition of frying the turkey for Thanksgiving and plan on having Thanksgiving dinner early enough so my dad, my brother, my cousin and I can go to the Jets vs. Patriots game at MetLife Stadium later that night.
Would your family have to approve of a girl you bring home?
Yes my family would definitely have to approve of a girl that I bring home. I am very close with my family, and if they do not like a girl I'm with then there is a problem. They would give her the benefit of the doubt, though, and trust my judgment for the most part.
What about your friends?
I feel like my friends would also have to approve of the girl. My friends at Villanova are a very important part of my life and I trust their judgment as well and take into account how they feel about the girl I'm with. I would still make the decision, but I would take their opinion into consideration.
Three words to describe yourself - Go.
Caring, chill, genuine
What's your favorite...
Class taken at Nova: Intro to Sociology, I had such a great professor
Disney princess movie: Just saw the movie Tangled so I have to say that
Baked good: Brownies or anything Sam Galasso bakes.
Suck up. What about favorite sports team? J-E-T-S JETS JETS JETS
And finally, outdoor activity: Golf
Name: Justin Reid, that one took time to think of!
School: UNC Chapel Hill
Hometown: Fayetteville, NC
Year: Junior
Major: Chemistry, minor in Biology
Relationship Status: Single
Favorite Yopo flavor: Thin mints - yeah they have it, best cookie ever
Favorite Study Spot: 2nd floor Davis, my apartment, and I can't give up any secret spots
Fun Fact: I saw the Queen of England from 10 feet away while walking around in London
What do you look for in a girl: Somebody who can carry on an intellectual conversation for longer than five minutes. The least attractive thing is somebody who feigns ignorance
Motto: Something can only affect you as much as you let it. Change and adapt...
If you don’t know Justin Reid, you should. Justin is the kind of guy you can’t help but love. He is smart, funny, handsome (and single, ladies!) and an all-around good guy. For instance, two days after I asked him these interview questions, he apologized for taking so long to respond, but he was studying for a physics test (did I mention he’s smart?). Justin is the kind of person who is willing to help you no matter what, and that doesn’t just apply to his friends. The majority of Justin’s extracurriculars are based around volunteer work. Justin volunteers weekly in the Oncology Patient and Family Resource Center at the hospital as a way to give back some of the positive assistance his family received (two of Justin’s grandparents and his mother have all suffered from cancer). Justin also works with in the Pediatric Playroom as a member of Project Sunshine; a club devoted to keeping kids’ minds off their illness. Of his volunteering, Justin says, “It’s hard to quantify, but just trying to give back, especially in something I empathize with, is why it’s not work for me.”
When Justin isn’t helping others, he likes to cheer on UNC at basketball games (spirited, check!), run the trails around Carolina (healthy, check!), and play piano (musical, check!). After college Justin plans on attending pharmacy school, working in a hospital, and eventually opening his own community pharmacy. When he’s not busy doing all that, Justin plans on traveling the world. Since he has already been to Germany, France and England (a three week long trip after high school on his own), he is looking forward to visiting Eastern Europe.
So ladies, need I say more?
Name & Year: Jake Douglas, 2014
School: William & Mary
Major: Government
Hometown: Boston, MA
Relationship Status: TAKEN!
What is he involved in on campus?
He's active in the Botetourt Squat, Students for Peace in Israel and Palestine, and volunteering throughout Williamsburg!
What is he interested in?
He's passionate about Israeli-Palestinian peace, US-China relations, making people smile, and art.
Why was he nominated as a Campus Cutie?
"Jake is hot, hot, hot, as recognized by pretty much everyone, and also the nicest person ever. Give him a shot. He's great." -Anonymous
Stalk him on Facebook HERE!
Name & Year: Zach Quaratella, 2014
School: William & Mary
Major: History & Education
Relationship Status: Taken!!!!
Hometown: Providence, Rhode Island
What is he involved in on campus?
Zack works on the Flat Hat, Botetourt Squat, maintains a steady job as the happiest person at the Pita Pit, and volunteers at the local animal shelter in his spare time!
What is he interested in?
Zack is interested in photography, both for publications and as an art form. He loves helping people, baking, and staying super fit.
Why should he be a campus cutie?
"Zack is the sweetest, most caring guy you'll ever meet. Plus, he's a snappy dresser, and also, cute! PS. How does "four minute mile" sound to you?" -Anonymous
Check him out on Facebook HERE!
School: Depaul

Name: Ben
Hometown: Western Springs, IL
School: DePaul
Graduation Year: 2015
Activities on Campus: Sigma Phi Epsilon, Volunteering, Intermural Sports, Personal Training, Modeling
Major: Pre-Med and Finance
Single or Taken: Single
What is your signature move to break the ice? Take off my shirt…
If you were an ice cream flavor, which would it be and why?
Cookie Dough because on the outside it looks delicious and on the inside it IS delicious.
Favorite Sports Team? New Zealand All Blacks.
What is your favorite themed party of the year? Gym Bros and Spandex… Gals ;)
If you could have a bro-mance with one person on campus (student or teacher) who would it be and why?
Dibs because he’s a true homie.
What is your biggest turn off?
Excessive swearing
Favorite Disney Movie? Hercules!
What do you look for in a girl? I like spontaneity, good personality and humility.
Name: David Samuels
Age: 20
School: Emerson College
Major: Writing for Film and TV
Hometown: Baltimore, MD
Coolest Life Experience: I studied abroad last year in Israel. I interned at a newspaper in Tel Aviv and did a lot of awesome volunteer work.
Celebrity Crush: Emma Watson
What do you look for in a girl?
I like when girls laugh at my jokes. I’m trying to make them laugh, so it’s awesome when it pays off. Also, liking Indian food and dogs is a major plus for me.
Turn-ons: Leggings and girls who can hold a conversation. I love when girls ask me questions. It makes them seem like they are genuinely curious about me.
Turn-offs: Bad hygiene.
Longest relationship: One year
Top 5 favorite bands: M83, Cut Copy, Real Estate, Frank Ocean, and The Strokes
Dream Job: Writer for Saturday Night Live.
Hobbies: I love hockey. I currently play for the team here at Emerson. Also, I love sleeping. I mean who doesn’t love to nap?
What made you choose your major?
When I first read the script for Boogie Nights, I was fascinated. It was so complex; I wanted to write something just like it.
Coolest Place in Boston: Harvard Square. There is just so much to do there. There are so many cool stores and places to eat; I love walking through there.
What is your Dream Job? Adventure tour guide or a guide for an adventurous activity like sky diving
What is the first thing you notice about a girl? Eyes and smile
Extracurriculars: Works in data entry in the admissions office and as a personal trainer at the rec center. Participates in Habitat for Humanity, is a blogger for Active Across America, a member of the triathlon club and soccer club team, and a volunteer at Aurora Sinai Hospital.
Favorite Movie: Any Quentin Tarantino film
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Sport: Raquetball
Favorite place to take a girl on a date in Milwaukee?
In the winter- Red Arrow Park- to go ice skating.
In the summer- Lake front and Bradford Beach.
Favorite Late-Night Snack: cereal
Favorite 90's television program: That’s So 70’s Show
Favorite Disney Character: Wall-E
Favorite TV Show: Currently is Archer
Guilty Music Pleasure: Johnny Cash
If he could marry one celebrity, he'd chose: Anne Hathaway
Coke or Pepsi: Coke
Dream vacation destination: The Mediterranean area
Who are you rooting for in the upcoming superbowl? I don’t care for either teams very much, but if I had to choose, I’d say I dislike the 49er’s more because they beat my two teams, the Packers and the Patriots.
Dogs or Cats: Dog person
Fast Food Restaurant: Jimmy Johns
Athletic Team He'd Like to Join: Olympic Ping Pong Team
What he would name his yacht: La Perla
His superpower of choice: Telekinesis
Something you’ve always wanted to do: Rock climb outdoors
If you had a bathtub filled with one food, what would it be? Jello