We can’t even pretend that we girls are easy to figure out.
But what is it about us that has guys so perplexed?
Maybe it’s the fact that we spend so long on our makeup,
especially since most guys think we’d be better off without it.
But that’s just because they rarely see us without it.
Or maybe it’s the uncomfortable clothes we insist on wearing out…
…especially when we just end up complaining about how much our feet hurt in our heels.
Why is it, they wonder, that we insist on wearing leggings as pants?
Or waxing? Why would we ever subject ourselves to that kind of pain?
They wonder why it is that we love flowers so much,
and what our deal is with being so indecisive all the time.
Why is it that we can never be without our girls - even when we go to the bathroom?
Why do we love drama so much?
And what's up with PMS?
Ugh. They just can't understand.
They’ll never make sense of our fad diets...
...especially since they know how much we love food.
Guys will never understand how it is that we can get so emotionally attached so quickly.
Our emotions in general are kind of a mystery to them.
Guys may never understand our womanly ways…
…but at least we know we’ll always keep them intrigued.