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10 Campus Cuties with a Serious Sweet Tooth


Name: Drew Klingner
From (Hometown): The northwest side of Chicago and have lived there my whole life.
Major: Double majoring in Theater Studies and Public Policy
Year: Sophomore.

Tell me a bit about Me Too Monologues- how was it working with the cast? What did you learn about yourself/what did you learn?
Working with the cast was phenomenal, because each cast member felt such an urgency to do his or her monologue justice. The energy during rehearsals was great, and everyone was super excited to help out. If I learned one thing from the Me Too Monologues it was that you are not alone in your problems. There is inevitably someone on Duke's campus that shares your emotions and experiences. I guess the thing I learned about myself is that I have a lot of fun putting myself out there and not holding back in performances. 

What’s your favorite memory so far from your years at Duke?
My favorite Duke memory was performing with Rhythm and Blue at the Freshman Orientation A Cappella Concert this year. The crowd was enormous and extremely energetic! Singing in that concert was such a rush! 

Are you studying abroad? If so, where and why?
Im doing the Duke in London Drama Program this summer, because we will see over 30 plays and musicals while we are there, and learn from some of the best actors in London. In the fall, I'll be attending the Duke in New York: Arts and Media program in order to get a head start in NYC and experience all that the city has to offer. I'm looking into getting an internship on Broadway.  

What’s your favorite dessert?
Anything with chocolate :) 

Name: Tadeu Velloso
Hometown: Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerias, Brasil
Major: Org Comm with a minor in History (Pre-Law).

What is it like to be a foreign hottie? 
**slight giggle** Well, it’s fun.

What is your favorite thing about Brazil? 
Tropical rain and my minha familia.

Do you know the Girl from Ipanema? 
We used to play barefoot volleyball in the streets of Belo Horizonte.

What do you like to do in your free time? 
Play futbol, drink Guarana and dance to “Ai Se Eu Te Pego” by Michel Telo, watch telanovelas and read “The Alchemist” by Paolo Coelho in original Portuguese.

What is your favorite snack from Brazil? 
Brigadero which is like fudge balls with chocolate sprinkles and chicken Coxinhas.

What languages do you speak? 
English, Portuguese and Spanish.

What food reminds you of home? 
Rice and black beans.

Who is your favorite famous Brazilian? 
Pele. Obviously.

When was the last time you were in Brazil? 
Over spring break.

How excited are you that your home country is hosting the Olympics and the World Cup? 
I’m really excited especially since my uncle is the architect that designed one of the stadiums that one of the World Cup games will be played in.

How do American girls and Brazilian girls stack up? 
Brazilian girls are more carefree and curvy. American girls are self-aware.

What is your favorite rainforest creature and why? 
Jaguar because I love jungle cats.

What are the top Brazilian destinations that you would recommend for our readers? 
The statue of Christ the Redeemer, Ipanema, and a soccer game wherever you can find one!

Name: Shawn Bodtmann
Hometown: Scranton, Pennsylvania
Relationship Status:  Wouldn’t you like to know.
Sign: Sagittarius

Campus Life
Major: Mass Communication
Favorite thing about UMaine: Her Campus
How are you involved on campus:  Football
Favorite place to eat in Orono: Woodmans
Campus posse (name some friends):  Troy “The Beast” Eastman, Justin “Big Daddy” Perillo, John “Eblong” Ebeling

Best place to meet girls at UMaine: Rec Center Jacuzzi
Why did you choose UMaine: I love the weather
Best Professor: Julie Hopwood
Best Class: CMJ 375
Worst Class:  Any math class
How do you like to spend your weekends here:  Doing homework and talking to my mommy

What is on your ipod's top rated: Selena Gomez, DMX, Explosions in the Sky
Boxers or Briefs:  Commando
An embarrassing confession:  I sometimes kiss boys cheeks
Guilty Pleasure: Drinking chocolate syrup out the bottle
Ski or Snowboard:  Tube
Salty or Sweet:  Sweet
Cats or Dogs:  Dogs
Dream job:  Chip and Dales Dance Artist
Biggest Pet Peeve:  Gross chewing
Three words to describe yourself: Loving, Huggy, Cheek-Grabby

Favorite song to dance to at a party:  cannot dance
Favorite food:  tacos
Favorite Beer:  dos equis 
Favorite App (game or otherwise): ZOMBIES

The Nitty Gritty
Craziest place you've ever had sex: hehehe
How do you let someone know you're interested in them: FB poke
What do you look for in a girl: a heart
Deal-breaker: gross teeth/bad breath
Celebrity Girl Crush: Dakota Fanning
Celebrity Man Crush: Michael Cole

Name:Nicholas Stratigopoulous
Hometown: Montreal, Quebec
Birthday: December 20th, 1989
Year: U3
Major: Physical and Health Education
Relationship Status: In a relationship

Personal Interests: Social networking (Twitter & Facebook), blogging via WordPress, most sports (hockey, soccer, volleyball, badminton, etc.), physical fitness, video games every once in a while, and graphic novels
Favorite Spot on Campus: Currie Gymnasium Cafeteria–TSN on TV!
Favorite Spot in Montreal: Old Montreal–I enjoy the European ambiance
Guilty Pleasure: To be honest, I don’t have that many. The only junk food that I have difficulty resisting is an Aero chocolate bar and there are a couple of TV shows that I currently follow that I’ve kept secret…until now (Vampire Diaries & Ringer)
Celebrity Crush: Olivia Wilde or Eliza Dushku
Dream Job: First and foremost, I hope to establish myself as a physical and health education specialist. Ultimately, I would pounce on the opportunity to work for a higher governing organization in being an advocate for living an active and health lifestyle
What word would use to describe yourself? Humble
What’s on your iPod right now? Linkin Park–Pushing Me Away (Piano Version)
Favorite quote: “We humans fear the beast within the wolf because we do not understand the beast within ourselves”

Name: Ryan Le
Year: 2015
Hometown: San Jose, CA
Major: Economics

What organizations or teams are you a part of here on campus?
I'm on the lax team, the TOBC (tufts asian brother coalition) and an aspiring seeker for the prestigious tufflepuffs.

Alright, alright, lax bro - so what number are you?
47, but obviously you already knew.

What's your dream job?
Owner of Golds Gym.

What is your favorite thing about Tufts?
Ugh, too many things. Sunsets on the library roof, painting the cannon with my boys, the raging party scene, and of course...MOES!!!!!!!!!!

Fave drink?
Grande raspberry white chocolate iced mocha with extra whipped cream from starbuckys.

Single? In a relationship? It's complicated? Which one?
Single and ready to mingle.

Most important quality for a potential girlfriend to have?
Someone who can appreciate me for the person I really am.

Would you rather...

...Wax your legs or not shave your face for a year?
Asians don't get facial hair. so the latter.

...30 lbs of cheese in one sitting or a jar of peanut butter without water?
Peanut butter.

...X-ray vision or read minds?
Read minds, so I can know what the "DONE" ( Landon Davis) is thinking about all day.

...Kiss the girl of your dreams only once or marry your first crush?
Kiss the girl of my dreams, Adele.

This Campus Cutie is a member of Pi Kappa Phi—he’s cute (obviously), incredibly smart and ambitious, involved on campus AND has a sense of humor (as you’ll see below)… what else could you want in a guy right? Well, you’re in luck ladies, this 6’1” green-eyed born and bred Tar Heel is unattached and available… Keep reading to see what he’s all about.

Name: Ciaran Bermingham
Year: Sophomore
Hometown: Chapel Hill
Major: Business
Relationship status: Single (what’s good ladies?)

Involvements on campus: Undergraduate Honor Court, Intramurals, Social Chair of Pi Kappa Phi

Favorite food: Chocolate chip pancakes smothered with whipped cream

Favorite spot on campus: Front row risers in the Dean Dome

Fun fact: I dated Manti Teo's girlfriend before he did. 

Favorite motto: "You have four years to be irresponsible here. Relax. Work is for people with jobs. You'll never remember class time, but you'll remember time you wasted hanging out with your friends. So, stay out late. Go out on a Tuesday with your friends when you have a paper due Wednesday. Spend money you don't have. Drink 'til sunrise. The work never ends, but college does..." -Tom Petty

What is your ideal girl like?
A dime piece. No, but really confident, not to the point where she is pretentious though. She should have a good sense of humor and be able to laugh at/with me. 

What are your biggest turn-offs in a girl?
Acting stupid and being incredibly ditzy. When I talk to her, I don't want to feel as if I'm talking to a rock.

What is the most romantic thing you've ever done for a girl?
I took her out on a rowboat as the sun was rising over the lake. 

What three things could you not live without?
My family, my friends and a blanket

What do you want to do after college?
Probably investment banking for a few years and then return to school to get an MBA so I can get involved in private equity. 

Do you have any special skills or talents?
I can weave baskets underwater. 

Why do you love UNC?
The beautiful women, the beautiful campus and our excellent athletics. Oh, and the Carolina blue sky.

All pictures taken from Ciaran’s Facebook with permission.

Meet campus cutie, Blake Michael Reilly. Not only is he incredibly adorable, but his enthusiastic nature truly matches his warm personality and the big smile always spread across his face. Want to meet Blake for yourself? Head on over to Branford dorm and you'll be sure to find him there. Better catch him quick though because we hear he's quite the fast runner!

Name: Blake Michael Reilly
Hometown: Tewksbury, New Jersey
Year: Class of 2014
Major: ACS Biochemistry
Extracurricular/Sports: Branford Housefellow, President of 1 in 4, Class of 2014 SAC rep, Tour Guide, Cross Country/Track & Field

What is your favorite Harris dessert? 
I love chocolate chip cookies sooooo much! Cookies are the best! (I will accept any cookie donations that people would like to offer; just bring them on over to the Branford Housefellow Suite.)

What is your favorite place on campus? 
Branford of course! Branford is AWESOME this year. I also really like being down by the water. I'm a water loving guy!

If your life was a movie, which celebrity would play you and why? 
Brad Pitt, of course, because of his ridiculously solid abdominal muscles. I'll also throw in Robin Williams because he could imitate my goofiness incredibly well.

What qualities do you value most in a girl? 
I like girls who are individuals and intelligent.

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? 
If I could go anywhere in the world I would probably enjoy a backpacking trip to out west! Also, the Cayman Islands too!

What are you most looking forward to this fall? 
I am really looking forward to the leaves changing on the trees! Also, I love hanging with my boys on the XC team during the fall!

If you were a superhero, which one would you be? 
I would have to pick Flash because running XC would be super easy. Also, I could run on water then!

How do you feel about being voted a campus cutie? 
I was actually quite bashful at first heh. It's fun and thanks to everyone who voted for me!

Name: Benjamin Sher
Hometown: Ottawa, Ontario—the capital city, no big deal or anything
Birthday: September 8th, and I’m definitely a true Virgo
Program: History, with a minor in African Studies
Year: Second year, so I’ll still be around for a bit!

Benjamin Sher speaks for himself. That isn’t to say he isn’t one of the most congenial, kind-hearted people in the Greater McGill Bubble and Area, but rather to say that there is no mistaking his character for anything besides the bona fide. On top of that, he cooks.

Whether he’s whipping up a trademark grill cheese in his plateau kitchen (and this is no Kraft Singles sandwich; think brie, pear, and mango chutney) or spinning his latest creation into literary gold as a food writer for Leacock’s Online Magazine, Ben is not only a skilled epicure, but certainly the most eligible bachelor this side of the green line, though he’d throw a (home baked) pie in my face for saying so.

Five words that describe you: Dependable, friendly, easy-going, excitable, and lucky (after that list, I may have to add cocky in there as well…)
Many people may not know that I: Can chug ridiculously fast
What is the best class you’ve ever taken? History of South Africa
What is your McGill pet peeve? When someone is writing the same research paper as I am and took out all the books before I could get to them
Top three best non-academic things about McGill? Midnight Kitchen, Birks Reading Room, and Sinfully Asian’s Vegetable Thai Basil
And the best part of Montreal? Little Burgundy/Griffintown

What age, time, or moment in history would you most like to time travel back to? 
The history major in me would like not to have to pick just one, but I’ll say the Harlem Renaissance in the 1920s. So many sweet cultural and intellectual currents came out of that time

Where do you most want to travel now and why? 
South Africa, because my parents are from Johannesburg and the last time I went I was two years old!

Describe your perfect first date:
Late Saturday afternoon, sunny, 21ºC. I’m wearing shorts and a sweater. We go for a nice long walk somewhere naturally beautiful. They have a dog, of course, and we bring her with us. We settle down for a sunset picnic with wine, homemade bread, fancy cheese, and great conversation

What are your top three favourite chick flicks? 
Depends on what age category we’re talking about here. Top three teen chick flicks are Mean Girls, Bring It On, and 10 Things I Hate About You. Top three romantic comedies are When Harry Met Sally, Sex and the City (the first one obviously) and The Proposal—Sandra Bullock is a comedy goddess!

Which Sex and the City character are you? Two parts Charlotte, one part Carrie, and one part Samantha

And which Mean Girls character are you? 
Kevin Gnapoor; I’m good at math and I like to think I can rap…

What would someone find if they opened your pantry/fridge? 
Four items I always keep around are fresh vegetables, aged cheddar cheese, Special K Vanilla Almond, and Mrs. Ball’s Original Recipe Chutney

What did you have for breakfast this morning? 
Chocolate chip pancakes from scratch smothered with golden syrup...YUM

If you could rename yourself, what would your name be? 
I always wished that my last name was my mom’s maiden name—Emanuel. Benjamin Emanuel is a way better name than Benjamin Sher (sorry dad!)

What is your spirit animal? 
Is it weird if I say a baby elephant? Like the one from the Jungle Book?

How would you spend a million dollars?
1) Buy a few designer sweaters and a really excellent pair of sunglasses
2) Take a trip around the world and eat at all the best restaurants
3) Save the rest for future use

What is “The Big Dream” in your life? To wake up excited every day
What was the best thing before sliced bread? I always found the very fact that life exists at all pretty mind-blowing. Does that count?

Name: Ryan Marchbank
Class: 2015
Hometown: Ascot, England
Relationship Status: Single

Activities: Kappa Delta Rho fraternity, Tribe Rugby
Hobbies: Tap Dance, Clarinet, Watching “Game of Thrones” and “Boardwalk Empire”
What Do you Like Most about Homecoming: Meeting lots of new people and getting to see my parents.
Superpower: Super intelligence because then I could figure out how to get all of the other superpowers.
Perfect Date: Going for a walk down DoG street for cider, then ending up at the Blue Talon to get to know her better. And then we’d stop by mad about chocolate for dessert.

Name: Christopher Casoli
Major: Chemical Engineering
Nationality: 100% Italian and proud!
Born: Montreal
Hometown: Montreal (West Island)

Describe your program in one word: Complex

Best way to unwind: Going to my cottage after a long week always does the trick. Just chilling by the lake in the sun surrounded by the peace and quiet of nature really helps me unwind from the stresses of school, work, etc.

Study snack of choice: Definitely tarallis (Italian cookies) if I’m at home, but candy as well; I have a huge sweet tooth.

Liquid courage: Vodka always does the trick.

Most embarrassing moment: I was on a family vacation and I somehow managed to knock over a waiter carrying a tray full of drinks. It was a very crowded restaurant and it made quite the commotion... I’m a pretty clumsy person.

Favorite place in the world: Santorini, Greece - hands down. The food, the people, the scenery... everything is amazing; I can’t wait to go back. It is one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever visited (swallowing my Italian pride a bit here).

Top three pet peeves:
1 - People who have full conversations on the bus or train. You’re not in your house; you should respect the people around you and shut up.
2 - Slow walkers! I don’t mind if you’re taking a leisurely stroll, just don’t walk in the middle of the sidewalk and block the path for the rest of us.
3 - Walking into a messy house, room, or whatever it may be. It doesn’t take long to clean up and make your space presentable.

Biggest turn-off: Really bad teeth; the second I notice that in a girl, it’s over.
Biggest turn-on: Long dark hair and nice legs - gets me every time.

If you could date anyone in the world who and why: Adrianna Lima... pretty self-explanatory I think.

Describe the girls at McGill: Smart, sophisticated, and quite a few cuties (for the most part…)

Secret love affair (doesn't have to be a person): I love pasta; it is impossible for me to go an entire week without having a nice bowl of pasta.

Go-to movie and why: Zoolander! Funniest movie ever made, always makes me cry of laughter every time I watch it.

Your mantra: “It is what it is.” You can’t change the past, just need to learn from your mistakes and look forward to the future.

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