Tinder – it can be super fun and a great way to meet people — but it can also be a source of disaster. These 9 college women told us the most horrifying things that have happened on the dating app—read on!
“One time, I accidentally matched with this boy, we talked and he seemed really nice, he asked me for coffee and we went and it was fine. But, after that, he sent me really weird messages, like pictures of cats and wanted me to hang out with his friends. Ultimately, we went on a second date to go see Ant Man and he was asking me if I had ever read the comics, and I said no and he flat out said I was stupid! He called me stupid for not reading comic books! And then, later during the movie, he made us leave before the extra scene because he said, ‘I wouldn't understand it.’ Because I didn't read the comics!”
-Shelby, University of Kansas Class of 2017
“I started talking to this guy and within 30 minutes we had already made tentative plans to meet up the next day. Now, seeing as how my decision to talk to him was out of a late night pity-party for myself, I had quickly changed my mind after a good night's sleep. But he didn't get that message; that next night he showed up at my dorm room unannounced. The creepy part? I hadn't told him where I lived. Come to find out, he had mutual friends with my roommate but that still didn't help how creeped out I was when I came home from practice to find this guy sitting in my room.”
-Beth, Oregon State University Class of 2017
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“I matched with this guy on Tinder on accident and just didn't bother un-matching him. One night at 1 a.m. he messages me five times in a row, asking me questions like ‘when's your birthday, Pam?’ ‘do you like to drink, Pam?’ Every time he asked me questions he would say my name. This went on for two hours until I finally unmatched with him.”
-Pam, University of Cincinnati Class of 2019
“So I was talking to this guy on Tinder, and we're both looking for something casual. So long story short, he picks me up at a bus stop of all places, and drives me over to his place. We get there and he has two dogs so we're playing with them and whatever and we go upstairs. We're getting into it and I go to take off his shirt, but he leaves his white T-shirt on, which was a little weird. Then his dogs start barking and scratching at his door so he yells and they shut up briefly. And these dogs just keep barking and barking so he lets them into the room! Like now I'm having sex with this dude with his dogs in the room and I am not a dog person to begin with. So he finishes and the dog gets up on the bed! So at this point, I've had sex to the sound of barking dogs, and been licked by some giant furry retriever. Can't say it was my best Tinder experience...”
-Andie, Bishop’s University Class of 2019
“I met this guy on Tinder and he seemed super sweet! We decided to go out for coffee. We really hit it off in person and ended up going back to his place. While we were making out on the couch, the door opens and a girl walks in! I pause but he doesn't. She looks at us, shrugs, and continues walking around the living room, looking at us the whole time! I stop him and he looks at me like I'm an idiot then says, ‘Oh her? She's my girlfriend. It's an open thing.’ I couldn't believe it! I left right away. I'm still on the app but now I do a bit more Facebook stalking before I go to hook up!”
-Allie, University of Evansville Class of 2019
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“When I first moved away to college, Tinder was just becoming popular and I joined it to see what was out there. I ended up agreeing to do a double date with a guy who wasn't so cute, but seemed nice. My roommate and I met the guys at the restaurant and it just went down from there. I'm pretty sure they were still in high school and my guy kept intensely staring at me the entire time. During dinner, he pretended to ‘read my palm’ just to hold my hand on the table. As if it wasn't uncomfortable enough, he paid with gift cards. Yes, gift cards. To top it off, we still had tickets to a movie after dinner. As soon as we sat down in the theater, he literally jumped on top of me and started trying to make out with me. The entire movie was spent trying to get him off of me. He would lie all over me and kiss me everywhere and kept trying to ask if I wanted to go in the back row. Every time I told him no he would ask, ‘Come on, you seriously want to watch the movie?’ Um yes, yes I did. It was so disgusting and mortifying. I would've left earlier but my other roommates showed up to spy on us and I didn't want them to waste their tickets. As soon as the movie was over, we bolted and I blocked his number. It's safe to say that I deleted Tinder after this and haven't downloaded it since.”
-Taylor, The Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising Class of 2016
“I have been on a few Tinder dates but my last one was a nightmare. So we meet up at Olive Garden for this date. Everything was going well till this very agitated lady walks in and picks up a knife from my table and threatens to stab me if I don't leave. My date turned and it was his crazy ex-girlfriend. Having some experience with self-defense I was able to disarm her. But then she started to throw fists. Next thing you know we were in a fight inside this wonderful Olive Garden and after that there are police officers pulling me off of her. After a few minutes I found out my date was on parole and had an ankle tracker and he was outside his restricted area. All three of us were led out of the restaurant in handcuffs. After about two hours in the back of a cruiser they let me go thankfully, as some of the customers at the restaurant let them know I was just defending myself. The officers told me that the other two were headed downtown. Apparently the ex was high on multiple drugs. So that was the very last Tinder date that I will ever go on. So for all those who do still use Tinder here is a word of caution.”
-Sadie, Colorado State University Class of 2017
“I'd been talking to this 26-year-old financial advisor for a few weeks on Tinder. He seemed smart, interesting, and pretty funny. He offered to make me a really good meal. I made a cake, put on a dress, and went over. As soon as I walked in, I noticed that his really expensive apartment was a mess. Then, he handed me a stuffed animal. I didn't know how to respond so I just took it. We started watching a movie, and out of nowhere, he grabbed a garbage bag and dumped the contents on top of me — Beanie Babies. He had 30-or-so Beanie Babies in a garbage bag under his coffee table, and then went on to explain each one's name and monetary value. I lied and said I forgot I had school to do, and I ran.”
-Katherine, Utah Valley Class of 2018
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“One time, a guy told me he wore women's underwear and clothes after we matched.”
-Kyley, University of Kansas Class of 2017