Who says you need a man to make you happy? We’re not claiming that being single doesn’t get boring or lonesome at times—just that we often forget the amazing perks that the single life has to offer. It’s natural to desire what we don’t/can’t have and ignore the things we do have. So why not put everything into perspective and appreciate these 25 perks of being single? Trust us, you’ll never again think of your SO-less existence as such a negative thing!
1. You have a lot more YOU time.
2. No drama!
3. You can be incredibly selfish.
4. You aren't financially tied to someone else.
5. You can pull out the “Single Ladies” dance while your BFFs just sit around and watch.
6. You never have to worry about looking nice.
7. You can be as lazy as you want…whenever you want.
8. You don't have to share your bed with anyone.
9. You don't have to worry about getting into arguments about stupid sh*t.
10. You're not the annoying friend with an SO.
11. You can watch whatever you want.
12. You can fart without shame.
13. You get to flirt.
14. You don't have to clean up after anyone.
15. You can spend more money on yourself.
16. You can listen to your BFF's relationship problems without making it all about you and your SO.
17. There's no having to worry about why he hasn't texted you back.
18. Your web browsing history is under no scrutiny.
19. The leftover pizza is always yours.
20. You'll never be asked who you're texting and why.
21. There are no important dates to remember.
22. You can truly be yourself.
23. You never have to wait on anyone.
24. You have so many wingwomen.
25. You'll learn from their mistakes.