We all need a little guidance now and then, so whether you're stressed about a fling gone wrong, a wrecked relationship or how to handle a stage-five clinger, Real Live College Guy Mark is here to help you navigate the college dating scene!
I have been "dating" this guy from home for about three and a half months. This isn't the first time we have been talking but it is the first time we are serious about it. We say "I love you" and saw each other just about every night all summer. Next week we both go back to college and are five hours apart. We both have cars and if we both make the effort I think it could work. He says he is going to visit and we will still talk, but even at home he isn't great with his phone. I am worried that once we’re at school, communication will lack and he will forget about the amazing summer we had. I am a romantic and totally think that this could work but I'm worried that even if he says he wants to be with me he may not mean it. Do you think a long distance relationship is possible? – Going the Distance
Going the Distance,
Yes, I do believe long distance relationships are capable of working—ONLY if it's a team effort. It wouldn't be fair if you are the only one investing your time in this relationship and he isn't. If he's already bad with his phone now, then it could become worse once he's back at school.
People say a lot of things like they’ll be there for you when they leave or they love you. These can just be temporary for that summer break and when summer’s over, it’s back to reality for them. Clearly you two have tried this "relationship" thing before but only you were giving it 110 percent and being serious about being in it for the long haul. Usually during the summer, people tend to look for a summer fling—someone to have around and get attention from. You should also keep in mind that this can be a lot for him as well. There’s a lot probably going on in his head about how he’s going to make this work long distance and it’s something new for the both of you. I say don’t give up so easily, but don’t stick around if nothing’s changing either.